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>Necron Preview

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first for chaos

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Only 9 months left

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Does anyone know if the rules that come with bits of terrain are still relevant and usable? or haven't they been updated for 15 years?
t. newfag

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Forgebane book scans when?

Beakie > all other helmets

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nTh for GW lied and promotes anti-synergy in today's Necron preview.

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Third for GW took this long because Sisters are literally just fetishbait for incel waifufags.

damn right

Why would that matter those fucks would actually buy them?

I want a pet Carnifex.

Reddit and feminist40k go and stay go

Place your bets now. Will GW keep the old iconic look with the up coming Sisters of Battle or will they make into just ultramarines with a vagina because "muh sexism"

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Why would GW willingly piss off their core audience?

fires of cyraxus WHEN?!

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>ywn be a cannoness that gets to dom new recruits

Nothing to bet on considering we got these models not 2 years ago.

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Reminder that WAAC tourney fags only make the game worse for everyone else, were the people GW got to "playtest" this edition, and their battlereport wank full of incorrect rules is always plastered all over the web.

Why take a regular dread instead of a venerable? Seems so much better for the 20pts.

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They'll make them like the new SoB with Celestine.

Boob plates and such so they're similar to the old designs, but fat and ugly to appease the others.

How are Death Guard as an army? Viable to play and possibly win with? New to the game, but I really like the sculpts and concepts, so I'm considering picking up the Know No Fear and First Strike boxes.

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Given the looks of Celestine and her guards, I think it's fairly safe to hope for just a slight streamlining of the original designs.

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You gotta give up, someone pissed on those embers long ago.

if you already have rerolls from a captain or chapter master, those 20 points add up if you take multiple dreads

potential and average >>>> accuracy

Yeah but now they know it was problematic to do design them like that. And they can atone for their sexism by bending the knee and removing the boobplate

i can't figure how to calculate the points of an army.
if i look at the cost for the "Ratlings" it is 5pts per model and a sniperrifle is 2pts. but the sniper is already on the sheet.
so how much do i have to pay for a 5 man Ratling team? 25pts or 31pts?

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>but fat and ugly to appease the others
That's a weird way to say THICC thighs right in my face.

>They'll make them like the new SoB with Celestine.
>Given the looks of Celestine and her guards

That's from before they swore off boobplate. Ever since they've not done it.

if your trying to build a list with a tight budget, that 20 points matters. but honestly why would you take a dread or venerable dread when you can take a relic contemptor.

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How about Sisters of Silence? Didn't they come out after Celestine?

Shit taste confirmed.
Born in early 80s confirmed. Please hurry up and die


They're not ELDAR, power armor is not going to be perfectly form-fitting. If I want extra-slinky I'll buy Howling Banshees.


>Yeah but now they know it was problematic to do design them like that.
They do? What changed last year that made GW give a shit about SJW's?

I want a field of rippers as well, I would let my Carnifex chase them all day and laugh at his antics then call him in for supper and he could sleep in front of the fire while I knit him some nice scything talon warmers. He would look so handsome.

Makes sense
They keep the 2+ BS/WS even with a single wound left. Also I have several old box dreads and zero contempors so for now, using what I have.

Deathguard a pretty viable.

out of the top 16 at adepticon, chaos had 4 armies

Imperium Armies – 6
Tyranids – 5
Chaos – 4
Aeldari – 1

>The Chaos lists feature Death Guard and Nurgle pretty heavily. There are couple variants of the “Pox Blossom” lists and Ahirman, Epidemius, and Tyhpus are popular HQs running around.

Ynnari spam was pretty much dead as everyone figured out how to counter them and eldar players were expecting a hard nerf like what happened to tau commander spam.

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Pretty much with the T'''''au codex, right???
Or soon after, at the least!

That would just fuck up the consistency.

Any terrain piece in particular? I know some got rules in CA.

Nah. Competitive spirit is fun, playtesting is good, and the lads at Frontline Gaming are alright.

Fairly new to the hobby as a whole. Deciding to start my second army of Khornate Heretic Astartes.

>Two 8-9 model berzerker units.
>Exalted Champion (Proxied by an Aspiring Champion)
>1 Rhino
>20 Cultist (part of the pack that the Aspiring Champion is part of)
>Maybe 1 or 2 Havoc Marines Units

I want to make it a primarily choppy army but I do realize that I'll need anti-armor if I want to not get my ass handed to me by dreadnoughts and shit. Does this list look good to start with? What should I remove or add?

The only relevant rules are 8th Edition Rulebook and 8th Edition Dex/Index.

>Ever since they've not done it
Well yeah they haven't released any sisters models since then.

Or 21

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How do you counter Ynnari?

You pay for their default weapons.

>I'll need anti-armor if I want to not get my ass handed to me by dreadnoughts
berzerkers will tear dreads to bits 2bh if theres enough of them

5 bucks says it's some completely irrelevant comment that nu-Veeky Forums /v/niggers that have huffed the IDpol jenkem are blowing out of proportion to justify ramming their obnoxious politics into every one of their former interests from the happier, simpler times when they weren't tribalistic shit-painting mongoloids

How much do all the Dread types cost, anyway? I usually see a couple Ironclads in Marine lists and D4 melee is amazingly good at squishing all my boops.

They've not given boobplate to any of the new female models though, even where it is logical to do so.

You know what the best part about beakie helmets is?

You can paint sharkteeth on them.

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Poor timing. Reposting:
Help me understand this line, specifically the Wargear option 2:
>An XV9 Hazard Battlesuit may take one of the abilities listed on the T'au Support Systems list - See Warhammer 40.000 - Index: Xenos 2.

I am kind of confused. I assumed it would require me to purchase a support system, but instead it tells me to "pick an ability from the support systems list". The wording is confusing me a great deal, considering this wording is used nowhere else for their Tau units. The FAQ for updating points and rules (Like the drone rules) is applied, but does not further specify this rather strange wording.

Right now I am just paying for a Shield Generator to help it survive long enough to do its damage, but that wording keeps bugging me. Am I supposed to pay for it, or is it intended to be free?

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Canoness Veridyan

was it that way in 7th too?

Yes but my Berzerkers are my main offense squad that will be charging the enemy. I don't want them to be caught up by one giant model when I could just have my anti-armor handle them, which would probably be my havocs.


What have they released in the last year that would have been logical to use a boobplate?

That op gave me a heart attack.

>appealing to sjws
Yeah im sure gdubs really wants to piss of another portion of their consumers. again.

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What is the newest lore out there, chronologically speaking. Just finished Devastation of Baal, and want to know if there is anything that has happened after it in universe.


true, box dreads keep their full profile, but also dont have invul saves and venerables only get a 6+++.

You could take them, and as long as you have enough armor to spread wounds around. Honestly dreads just arent costed very well, ven dreads at 8 wounds, assault cannon, ccw and storm bolter is 156. for roughly the same points, you could take a 5 man termy squad with an assault cannon, get a 5+ invul and have 10 wounds and a lascannon or two wont completely wipe out the terminator squad.

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I'll have a look in CA

Daughters of Khaine disagree.

>putting boobplate on a broad shouldered model

Rate my poem guys!

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Dark Imperium.
Ashes of Prospero.

When does day 2 of the 40k tournament start at adepticon?

sure taking anti tank is a good idea but berzerkers should kill the dread in 1 round of combat though anyway 2bh

Note that special characters are the one exception to this, their points listing usually says "cost including wargear".


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The males literally have better boobplate.

they dont have boobplate and morathi is in a burka

What is all this Jaghatai Khan talk I have seen recently? Is it shitposting or is Primarch of best legion actually mentioned to be alive?

Final image draws eye too much. Do a black background rectangle with the text.

Deep striking, flyers and getting into melee against the reapers.

dark reaper spam cant shoot it unless its on the table, and cant shoot if its in melee. You deepstrike, charge and boom. You can also bring so many hordes (like tyranids players did) that the reapers couldnt kill enough tyranids before they got overrun.

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Do you mean to tell me that morathi isn't feminine and sexy?

I'll be brutally honest here:

It doesn't matter. All of FWs shit is so terrible balanced and overpriced, that none of what you'll find for Tau will be worth picking up. Use your pretty XV9s (if you actually bought those) as a neat commander model.

Literally none of it is worth its price anymore, except the Y'vahra, and even that is priced so hideously expensive, that you'll likely struggle to make room for it in an ordinary game.

Yes a male chest looks much better with stormcast proportions, a female chest would just look stupid.

pics factually wrong

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In between the third and fourth

If I'm taking Havoc Marines, then I'm sure it'll be fine to just have them distract the Dread anyways.


Jesus Christ, how can you put up with such a game.

Her accent and mannerisms are infuriating, its like playing with a 2 year old.

We must have seen different models.

Are those the boney man elves with long hair?

Cause those things are fucked.

Isn't he doing the 'barbarian king fighting in the pits but living in captive opulence' routine in Commorragh?

maybe you are just retarded

Yes. Also she's not got boobplate which is the point.

How? They have a monoboob. That's always inferior to boob.

I dunno, that is why I'm asking desu

Tell me what is your definition of boobplate.

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Inb4 truth is racist

He is, unfortunately, completely right.

Take your support ability for free. If someone complains, start bringing Fire Warriors Mega Synergy lists and stomp his shit in until he stops being an autistic retard.

Ah. Well then I don't know. I think that's just old Veeky Forums headcanon but I'd like it.

Thanks man, appreciate it

huh, explain

Well fuck.

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Regular boobplate on stormcast females would look bad and not fit the rest of their armor, unlike sisters who's armor is designed around boobplate.