Imagine still holding Litecoin when its own founder dumped his bags


Vitalik dumped his ETH bags at like $20.

You can't justify holding Litecoin with that. The coin is literally inferior to every other coin on the market today, especially Ethereum. It has virtually nothing special about it, other than its age.

I thought he sold them at $7

I don't like litecoin but trying to compare freezing your instamine ico tokens to selling litecoins that charlie has been mining for years is so fucking dumb.

OUUUUUUCH DAMN. Justin Sun is fucking cold-blooded as fuck.

Unironically opened a long on LTC with 50x leverage

The absolute madman...

Justin Sun is the Jordan Belfort of cryptocurrency. Absolute genius marketer. TRX is a complete shitcoin valued as much as the entire ecosystem two years back.

lol if you dont think this guy is going to fuck you over in the long run you're fucking stupid

The point is that you're a fucking idiot if you're still holding this pajeet coin. The founder dumped his bags, the coin appears to be going nowhere but back down to $5, and ultimately you can make far better gains in shorter time by dumping it into other alt coins.

Charlie is a long standing crypto veteran, Justin Sun is a clown who is trying to pump his piece of shit and brags about instamining coins.


LTC in the process of completing an inverse head and shoulders

Are you butthurt you missed out?

salty iotafag

Agreed. Charlie is /our guy/

Justin, you don't play with a lion.


2020 is literally next year


Imagine holding LTC during all of these moonings, kek.

This shit drives me insane. I post on reddit the same thing and get downvoted to oblivion by LTC bagholders who are delusional to the max. Charlie has convinced his bagholders that ultimately it's a good thing he sold.

I know right. The tools on /r/Litecoin and /r/LitecoinMarkets are absolutely DELUSIONAL. I cannot wait to see this shitcoin go sub $180.

It is though, crypto is meant to be decentralized.You know what's sad? Sad fucks like you that think it matters at all that he sold, inf fact the market did not even move in the slightest until after he told everybody so. This is all psychological. He gets paid a salary either way, the reason why it keeps dropping is because complete trash like Lumers, Ripple and Tron keep on mooning. Fucking normies. So sick of this shit


>devoted our lives to it
>past tense

He dumped them because he expected a massive correct. That's all.

MY understanding was he sold 25% for under $6 then sold a shitload more at $20.

What surprise is this faggot talking about? Selling his coins? Is this chink legitimately autistic? He expected people to be happy he the founder of the coin took profits at the top?

jesus fuck you must have balls of steel

Everytime BTC goes down LTC goes down. Everytime BTC goes up LTC goes up.
u guys this dumb? did charlie also sell all his bitcoin?

U soon gonna learn to hodl boy

He only sold 1/3

>He expected people to be happy he the founder of the coin took profits at the top?
No? He was just being transparent. He said it was likely to correct soon and it was a dumb investment at that point.

I'm autistic and bipolar. He definitely passes as one

Its not the dumbest move, look at this thread alone at all the salty shitters who just sold at a loss to watch its volume surge and start to pump. The only reason LTC dumped was super emotional traders FOMO'ing into ATH's.

what surprise?

IDK, that's the only reason to hang on LTC at the moment.

>No? He was just being retarded
Fixed that for you
>pls normies don't buy it because it's going to crash

Are you a time traveler???


It's gonna go up again r-right guys?


Pathetic. He literally got intimated by Justin an alpha. This is high school all over again.

>He pussied out
Fucking kek, I'm glad I sold my LTC stack

Virgin Charlie vs Chad Justin