Warhammer 40.000 General /40kg/

What did GW mean by this? Edition.

>Dark Eldar preview:

>WHTV Tip of the Day:



>Old Black Library Mega:

sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fspreadsheets%2Fd%2F10t6_FO9mTaG8FHY4B7v6hOQgwc3gXxUiIOrMYt16I6M%2Fedit

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Other urls found in this thread:


They meant that tourneyfags can suck it

If T*au aren't mammals is it gay to have sex with a male from the species?

The T°au have fine hips from having hooves and store water in their chest.

Attached: The pizza has pinnapple.jpg (849x590, 86K)

Is it gay to have sex with a male eldar?

Aren't Tau mono-gender like Orks?

Attached: Catachan captured by Orks.jpg (538x791, 92K)

What's your wishlist for the GSC codex?

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You speak the truth. But consider what this means
Fact: Tau are traps
Fact: Traps are gay
Ergo: Tau are gay

>running 6 archons

A bit early isn't it? The other thread is only at page 5.

Do you think Kommandos grow breast squigs to seduce humans and get them to drop their guard on missions?

Those guide lines are for tournament organizes only, they're not even strict rules, just suggestions

>Is it gay to have sex with a male eldar?


Attached: Elf (Male).jpg (862x1004, 99K)


>Traps are gay
Citation needed.

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DE won't be able to mix and match kabal wyche and covens and benefit from their rules like how you can mix chapter tactics. Which means DE players who have mixed and matched every other edition are forced to buy a troop and HQ for each.

I for one am disappointed. I ran an Archon, Succubi, Warriors, and pain engines since 5th edition. Not even competitive. Now I need to buy a haem, wracks, and wyches, divide them into detachments, and cut points for thems to field my army at 2k. Doesn't matter if it's matched play or not my army got more unit taxes.

I wish obnoxious teenage fags would go.

All they do is shit up the thread with unrelated nonsense.

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FAQ will kicks DE in the nuts by making it strict rules.

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Dunno is it gay to have sex with a male fish?

It's a fundamental law of the universe.
If you question it, that means that you like traps, and are therefore also gay.
And we all know that the queries of sodomites are unfounded no matter what

>Game Length: 2-3 Hours for 1001-2000pts
>Be playing a 2000pt matched play game. Winning.
>Opponent has been slow playing all game.
>2hours and 45 minutes in and still on Turn 2.
>Suddenly he enters turbo mode. And scores 1 more point. So he's in the lead.
>Suddenly airhorns begin blarring. The timer reads 3 hours.
>Games Workshop Matched Play Enforcers jump through the windows.
>"Games over" my opponent says smugly "we ran out of time"

if only eldar looked like this

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I think it takes more than a couple of breastsquigs to make an Ork appear seductive to all but the most desperate guardsman.

Easier to just paint yourself purple and sneak past.

Attached: Female Orcs.webm (800x600, 1.27M)

I don't think orks don't bother to go far with seduction arts, instead they go for more practical by tossing grots at their face and chop them to dead (and possibly along with the poor grots).

Or you could just not run 3 patrol detachments in tournies?

Why is everyone getting so fucking upset about DE? 3 or 6 patrols is not the only way to play. You get the same CP from a battalion and a FA detachment. It's just another option. Come on guys. And until we ser artifacts and WTs we don't know if our hqs will still be shit. I know the last 2 editions have made some of us bitter but I think we all need to settle down a little.

>play 1000pt game
>have a lot of fun with my friend
>look at the clock
>the game took 2 hours and 3 minutes
>look at friend
>see the terror in his eyes
>we are both immediately aware of our terrible sin
>suddenly the basement wall is blown apart and two dozen heavily armed black-clad soldiers pile in
>the games workstoppo have arrived
>seize my miniatures
>kill my family
>burn my neighbourhood to the ground and salt the ashes
>keep me alive in the dungeons beneath warhammer world so i can serve as a warning to others

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Why are scourges jump Devastators?

Why does he have a turd on his head?

you got a sauce for that cheese?

It bothers me that Blood Angels color their helmets in all these different colors.

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i want to use a knight

And miss out on DE army traits? That's worse

This is why we need Brexit.

>It bothers me that Blood Angels color their helmets in all these different colors.

That's how Blood Angels differentiates Devastators / Assault / Tactical Marines

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You're missing the point

Same CP yes buy you can't mix kabals and covens and benefit from their traits. You might as well use the index and skip the codex at that point.

Ok, well then you have to make a choice. You can't have your cake and eat it too

What are you hoping to see in the "March" FAQ?

I want to use tyranid monsters besides tyrants

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Yes but it's one of those things pretty much everyone goes by regardless.

>keep me alive in the dungeons beneath warhammer world so i can serve as a warning to others
Say hi to Duncan while you're there.

Homosexualty is binary, either it's gay or it isn't.
If any part is gay, it's all gay

I'm with you in the way that you can still play with just ignoring that rule, but at the same time I'm just interested to see how it works out, because to me, it's fluffy and pretty cool, and makes sense in my mind for raiding parties actually being constructed like that

but i am not a tourney player, but I understand some lists can be cancer, so I get that some people are not wanting the limit to be removed on detachment numbers.

You can't say hi to the dead user.

>Ok, well then you have to make a choice. You can't have your cake and eat it too
>You can't play the same army you've played for several additions like every other codex got to in 8th

I just don't want to be handicapped by using the codex instead of the index

The could have just don't Raiding Party traits and it would have been fine instead of different kabals and covens and whatnot. They made DE strictly worse

>only 2 genders
uhh sweetie...

It bothers me that they're supposed to beatific in appearance but they're always drawn as fugly as shit. Goes for Sanguinius too.

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it has to be nice in your black and white world

Take a battalion of your favorite faction supported by a specialist detachment of your 2nd favorite faction. If you want 3 factions then run 3 patrols.

I seriously don't understand the problem here.

He's still posting videos from beyond the veil, he did a painting tute on the Armiger.

Well it ain't straight, and if it ain't straight it's gay.

This is correct, the others are only trying to bait you, continue onward with your correct facts

Consider the following: For purposes of Matched Play or Tournament play(assuming ITC/ETC, too), Patrol Detachments are counted as .5 of a detachment. This means that 2 patrol detachment count as 1 towards the limit of 3 detachments.

Hello. My name is Leon Johnson (no relation).

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What about bi?

Not actually an Ork or a Catachan unfortunately....


>Commanderspam is back on the menu boys

Well, war wrecks everyone hard.

>>You can't play the same army you've played for several additions like every other codex got to in 8th
What? You can play the army you always have, you just don't get all the bonuses for taking 3 patrol detachments. This isn't unique to your army, any one running a soup list has the same issues.

Hello commander spam.

>put all 3 factions in one formation like a moron instead of spreading them out
>a third of your army gets buffed
>"they made them worse!"
And this disingenious notion that every faction is running the exact same army as 7th is bullshit and you know it.

>Do you love me father?

Attached: Lion.png (455x433, 418K)

That Lion looks a lot more enthused than you'd think he would be.

Good point. Slap it on as an errata for Drukhari instead.


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At least it doesn't have the stupid fucking wrestler neckbeard. But otherwise it's faily meh

Holy fuck I had no idea the other players in my faction were so fucking dumb. Really poor showing guys.

No I don't care about CP. I care that I can't mix kabal covens and wyches in one detachment anymore because it disqualifies me from their chapter tactics. I'm forced to buy more models and split detachments.

>Veeky Forums as fuck
>Peak chivalry
>Can slaughter supposed 'super-soldiers' in droves without having to give up their social lives/dick

I love knights.

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No. Furries are gay and beyond my love

One of my favorite factions of the Imperium. There's a surprising amount of lore in the Knight Houses too.

I was thinking it was ok and then that fucking lion face on the back ruins it for me.

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Are feet Deldar viable?

>I care that I can't mix kabal covens and wyches in one detachment anymore because it disqualifies me from their chapter tactics
So you actually CAN mix them, you just don’t want to.

Half of those traits are from upbringing and the mech would be better served if a supersoldier piloted it.

Attached: Warhammer-40000-фэндомы-Imperial-Knight-Imperium-4052613.jpg (636x900, 221K)

Not even him but you're a stupid semantic juggling motherfucker.

Screw those shitty T'au drawings, I'd fertilise her womb if you know what I'm saying.

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>the mech would be better served if a supersoldier piloted it

We've all seen what happens when they try that....

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Everyone had to buy more hqs. Unless you're running a single patrol or spamming flyers ir super heavies you had to get more hqs. Don't look me in the eye and honestly tell me you were playing DE up until now with only two FA units.

No, please explain babby to me.

>mfw painting a Basilisk, the Emperor's Wrath incarnate.

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Knight Scions are not for lewd. Please limit your immoral lust to xenothots.

Maybe but I'm pretty sure there are more knight suits than there are marines or custards

>Not using a turn timer
should be mandatory imho

>I care that I can't mix kabal covens and wyches in one detachment anymore because it disqualifies me from their chapter tactics.
And even assuming that's true, so what? Once again, this is no different than any soup list. Either re-organize your army or accept the results. Like I said earlier, you just want to have your cake and eat it.

>Are feet Deldar viable?


No he's right and you're a faggot. If you want to mix and match units without paying taxes, you lose tactics. That's trading one advantage for another

GW can't into their own rules
WAAC tourney fags are scum
No one likes that guy
More at 11

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I hope Wyches will be at least average in the new Codex, it would be nice to see some pointy ears gladiators on the tabletop for a change.

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>new thread made way too early
>it’s shit
Color me surprised. Isn’t there somewhere else y’all can go to circlejerk besides 40kg?

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Jesus user, haven't ork players suffered enough?

thanking you muchly

I would marry her and have a family with her if you know what I'm saying.

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