How easy is this, faggots? Just stop "muh day trading" and trying to flip coins

How easy is this, faggots? Just stop "muh day trading" and trying to flip coins.

News flash, you aren't fucking smart enough, you don't have the bots, you don't have the tools, and you're a fucking idiot in general. JUST HOLD.

Even if you think you're making money flipping, it just takes one bad (as in missing a giant moon) move to wipe your ass out. Condense wealth into a few coins for moon, re-diversify, repeat. Don't be stupid, don't waste this ONE chance for you not be a giant fucking loser in life.

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When do I know when a moon ended? ETH was $8 at the start of the year. By Veeky Forums definition of moon most would've sold at $80.

with a shitty 12k since last july how many coins u advice me to diversify into and HODL? and which coins ? thanks rich user

>no NAV
>no ENG

step up your game bro!

jumping from moon mission to moon mission is better when you're sub 10k though

the hold meme takes too long

Nice LARP with your faggot memecoins.

I don't buy shit coins, sorry.

TRX and DBC are both going to a dollar. Look up the youtube chinks who prove they've invest 300-700k into these coins a week ago (when DBC first came out)

DBC and Tron are the best pair to own right now. I'm going to make 2MM combined off them within weeks. watch and learn faggots.

buy what I buy, it's that easy.

Larper detected. Thanks.


Nigga you dumb as hell

>missing moons cost money
You're too dumb to be here

No ICX, cya

The only reason that works is because everything is going up, when it isn't that way, say tomorrow or tonight, your shit coins will get wrecked 60-80%


Buy good coins and hold. Fuck off with ur poe and fun faggot coins

Cause we in it to win it!

wow its almost like youre supposed to sell when it peaks

Show your blockfolio usd graph for all time.

lol at new faggots thinking ENG is anything but a shit coin

Nice FUD you literal nigger

actually my apologies. i got it confused with ENJ.

>i sold my bitcoin at the $80 peak
>i sold my bitcoin at the $150 peak
>I sold my bitcoin at the $800 peak
>I sold my bitcoin at the $3000 peak

kill yourself you mathematically illiterate faggot.

How do u know something is the peak fammalandingdon

>I don't buy shit coins, sorry


youre retarded if you think alt coins arent going to drop soon

nice folio dude! Glad to see others making it (we are all going to make it)

600k+ club reporting in

Enjoy getting tricked out of millions.

here it is faggot.

I got a new phone so it starts at around 200k.

I started with 10k. Maybe I know somethings you don't you mega nigger.

Nice bro, we're going to be millionaires in a month. See you on saturn.

hell yeah man, Im ready.

Whats your end goal before you cash out?

user what website are you using to track your coins

Very nice work user. I just began my cryptocurrency journey today. How did you make that 200k, when did you first invest and how much?

I didn't say or think that alt coins won't drop I'm asking how you know something is at its "peak" :)

Damn dude. Well done. I just touched 50k after starting in august with 300. I'll catch up soon.

DESU I was already pretty well off before crypto. I treated it more like a game in the beginning, seeing if I could turn 15k into more money.

So it's not like I'm in dire need of the money, therefore I'm going big. I've cashed out about 150k already, and will probably cash out another 100k at 1MM. When I hit 2.5MM I'll cash out 1MM, and so forth.

I do not fucking get all you people, how the fuck are you making so much money? I've mad a few fucking hundred dollars the past few weeks. When you're starting with 2K, how the fuck do you multiply it so quickly? Some of you are saying HOLD but you can't do that with 2K and multiply it. So wtf

Never, EVER call it a "cryptocurrency journey" again. Sounds like something a norman Instagrammer would say.

BEcause they're LARPers

This thread brings out the worst in me.

Put $300 into Eth early 2016.

Sell $150 worth, forget about the other $150 worth..

Come back to almost 50k in Dec 2017.

>>Wtf, jesus christ maybe il'l try trading shitcoins.

k now from buying and holding literally 17 different shitcoins.

>>This is more money than I've ever had in my life.

>>Open up biz.

>>I turned $1k into 500k in 1 year.

>>... ? What the fuck?

If you can analyze crowd psychology, are educated about the general world, and have balls, you will make 100x easily

What's your price target for DBC?

Are you for real? I started with sub £1k and I’ve hit £5k by just holding lol. Get wrecked faggot.

same here my friend.

I have no reason to sell early so Ill probably cash out around 10m

its harder to start from 300
OP started at like 25K which makes it easier

Great and I started 3 weeks ago with 150 and now I'm at 6.7k just by trading

Get wrecked subhuman

Why the fuck were you not on the XLM train? It was shilled here 24/7 and any retard who did the research knew it was criminally undervalued. You can only blame yourself. Everyone here makes it by just holding good coins.

Everyone has a cash out point. When that happens, they sell, someone else buys. That doesn't mean the business is done growing. Most of these businesses are so immature, you basically get to play VC funding startups. If you funded Amazon with $10,000 you'd have made literally fucking billions of dollars. This is no different. Some people will sell at $80 and make a million, some people will buy then and sell at $160, etc. etc. ETH isn't done, neither is Amazon. If you buy an Amazon share right now for $1200, that shit will still be double in a few years. The profits will of course slow down on a curve, but buying and selling is how markets work. As long as the markets keep growing, people will continue to make money.

You're on the ground floor. You should be able to turn $1k into $1MM if you buy the right shit. These people you see with $500k portfolios have the chance to legitimately have 10-11 figure accounts if they hold, but many will cash out at $3-5M because you can retire relatively comfortably off of that. Nothing wrong with that.

Started 3 weeks ago (changed from blockfolio go delta)

4k start. Now im at 24k.

Ive just held my shitcoins desu

I started yesterday idiot.

>Just HODL
>Literally has a Blockfolio full of vaporware and centralized shit or stuff that barely works is not usefull
I'll be glad when these retarded coins mooning is over and normalfags get their money burned away by whales. Fucking normalfags

No you didn't. That's not "holding".

You got lucky. I started 1 month ago by holding, and have seen 5% gains.

what the fuck??

>started may 2017 with 18 grand
>now at 80 grand
>anons getting rich on hundred dollar investments

just kill me now

>crypto: where getting 4x in less than a year makes you want to kill yourself

Chill man, you took less risks than he did. You did fine.

>cryptocurrency mcap in may ~ 60 billion
>cryptos now ~ 770 billion

the market grew over 10x while you made 4x lad. where did it go so wrong?

Holy Christ are you literally me? Also started off with 18 grand, although in June. Bags of OMG ruined the entire experience.

$1, there is no way this coin isn't getting there within a few weeks.

Nice, in 5 years we'll be the new elite, only 30 years younger lol

All my coins are good picks. Stick with your fun coin and BNTY faggot, literally only children are drawn to those.

dude really? You would have made more just holding ETH

If you bought BTC, ETH or LTC and sat on it, you'd have more. C'mon.

I'm an idiot who doesn't like taking risks, and even I'm up 600% since June on HODLing, not including cashing out half my stack (told you I was an idiot) in August.

Get into this PnD backed by whales. Guaranteed profits$$$.

discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>thinks he will be able to cash out all those shitcoins without the tax man coming to rape his virgin butthole with a horse dildo

just hold for a year and its only 20%, thats less than wageslaves pay for making far less

I literally bought a bunch of BTC and sat on it
Also pissed away 30+ grand in shitcoin gains by selling before they all took off (XRP, BAY, NEM, OMG)
Im honestly about to give up on this shit and just hope that BTC will go to a million per coin.

ayy lmao.

>horse dildo



>I started with 10k.

Not all of us how have 10k to store away. It's easier to make a profit that actually matters with 10k than $100. By a large margin.


oh my fucking god it has been a long time since i saw a folio with some MNE in it.
I got JUSTED hard by converting mine into ARTE without realizing it wont be released till it has been self mined in 60 YEARS

Lol adhd faggot

You actually fucking bought Minereum lel

>Gtx 950m

>News flash, you aren't fucking smart enough, you don't have the bots, you don't have the tools, and you're a fucking idiot in general. JUST HOLD

Fuck outta here. I worked as a portfolio trader for a decade and am making a fucking killing swing trading and pairs trading with crypto. By swing trading a volatile coin, I can 5x how many I have over the course of a day while you sit there like a toddler/hoddler..

Oh, and if you want to sound like you have a clue what you're talking about, professionally they're called "algos" as in algorithms, not bots and I can routinely kick the shit out of them as they're not that sophisticated.

Also nice LARP faggot.

Any reason on not holding icx Mr mini whale?

>has nothing but shitcoin PnD coins

>I don't buy shit coins, sorry.
Your portfolio has nothing but shit coins. There is not a single non-shitcoin in your portfolio except maybe Cash which only makes sense as a hedge against BTC.

>tfw too much of a brainlet to swing trade

ICX is fucking gay. "muh korean ethereum" no one wants that shit.

US, or CHINNNEEYNAHHH coins only.

It's served me well

Holy shit, is that 2 billion dollars?

T-thats a bitcoin symbol



jesus christ the absolute state of biz


