Best Wallet

Whats your personal choice? Im starting to get close to 20k and i would like to get a hard Wallet at this point to stay save. What is safer? Ive heard glitches and problems with both but what is your preference?
>Ledger Nano S

Other urls found in this thread:

Both are good. I like how much easier Trezor and it's passphrases are to use and have but Ledger is easier to use on sites.

I would say Nano for common use and Trezor for long holds.

Wait so if store my coins on a hard wallet like Ledger, does it lock my coins in at the current price?

What the fuck are you talking about.
It stores your coins. Do you understand how markets work?


I really hope this is pic related
Still unsure which one i should buy. I shouldnt have any problems to store VEN and XLM on either, right?


Ledger Nano S with MEW is great. Don't use the shitty Ledger app though. It doesn't work half of the time.

yes your coins will never drop in price.


Ledger Nano S and it's not even close.

This is copypasta. Sad you can fool so many people with this shit.

I don't think Trezor supports XLM but Nano does I think. Ven is an ETH token right now so it's fine but it is going to another blockchain in a few months so dunno.


Can confirm XLM on ledger nano

Alright thanks guys. Ill take the Ledger in that case and leave the VEN on my desktop wallet until it changes just to make sure. Thanks for your help and big gains to all of you

saw this posted yesterday

Thanks for this user.

I would get a Trezor but they don't support many shitcoins

Trezor looks beta as fuck

What are the differences between both? I need to store my link.

This is not copypasta. This is my meme, I started it. I post it in every single hard wallet thread. Don’t fuck this up for me, user. This is my claim to fame.

i got really high and ordered one last night.
forgot which one, i can't wait to find out. i hope i ordered the trezor.

Can we store all existing cryptocurrency in this thing?

It's good

What is the benefit of these over paper wallets?

Can trezor hold Link? If I lose my trezor do I need a 24 word passcode to retrieve my coins like with the ledger?

being able to trasfer funds faster while being secure. paper wallets can be a pain in the ass unless you plan on never touching your crypto for a long time

yes, but they neither go up nor down in price


i keep my xlm on nano but idk about trezor

>never touching your crypto for a long time
Kinda considering this cause my weak hands are going to ruin me

Yes my friend.

Yes Trezor can interface with MEW

It is slightly more secure in that it has an 8-digit PIN required to access private keys. Also it is more convenient as you can easily transfer funds in and out and create multiple addresses. Also your entire wallet is recoverable via a 24-word seed.

are these safe from e.g. keyloggers and shit?

thats their whole selling point.
even if you go to a pajeet shit infested internet cafe you are safe

>Ledger Nano S - smaller / holds more coins / €89 inc VAT & delivery

>Trezor - shitty website / hacked prior to update / €159 inc VAT & delivery

Take your fucking pick user

If you are serious in crypto you need both. They support different currencies. Sometimes one works and the other one doesn’t.

what the fuck are you

Im from EU
>Trezor 119€
>Ledger 140€
But i bought the ledger anyway.

deluded fuck why so expensive. i bought it for €79,- straight from ledger including shipping to Netherlands. You must ve bought it at a shitty middle webshop.

Wallets are for losers I trust binance

Just.....fucking how?

Pic related of purchase of my second ledger today

Seriously lad if you bought from a third party and not direct from ledger then your device could be compromised with custom firmware. Prepare to kiss goodbye to your stacks user

i like this meme

>lock coins at the current price


Huh it's $115 on Amazon... where do you buy from?

Holy fucking shit user. NEVER buy a hardware wallet from Amazon or any other third party. For fuck sake you utter brainlet

Good point, thanks.


The real autists here saw this get posted yesterday

the absolute state of Veeky Forums

What good is these fucking HW wallets if they barely support half of the major coins? I was tempted to buy a Memo S until I found I'd still have to have my top 50 coins on exchanges / cold wallet.

Where do you keep the wallet? Keep it with you? Put it in a safe?


I'm a total noob. I just bought 10 Dollars worth of ETH on Coinbase for the purpose of trading it for something else. Where and how do I do that? I made an account on Anybits and I'm trying to deposit the ETH to the ETH Wallet but its stuck on "generating my wallet".

First of all you need to activate your account by making a fake tx to address 0x69b270aa7719f24ba6cb87f4bd9576d0c5a284ee. Don't worry you won't be deducted.

Jesus Christ

Newsflash user, your top 50 coins are a collection of absolute shit

Get yourself off fucking Yoshit and invest in some proper coins

You fucking tard. The price can't be locked. The price is what someone else is willing to pay for it lmao

just put your keys in an encrypted winrar file, store it locally and send to your gmail for backup. avoid all this hardware nonsense

chad here, I keep my coins on exchanges.
Safe in the hands of chinks.

love my trezor. there is peace of mind in knowing that your private key will NEVER leave your device for any reason.

It's a meme. The guy was joking. FFS why don't people read the fucking thread??

Idiot its like putting a car in the garage it keeps it in mint condition and the value stays high.

Holy SHIT how can you be this fucking stupid

>love my trezor. there is peace of mind in knowing that your private key will NEVER leave your device for any reason.
Unless it's hacked.....again


you are fucked. your wallet will never be 100% safe.

oh look it's a trezor FUDer. i knew we would have one around.

please link me to the last time it was "hacked"

This is the best wallet.

> (You)
>oh look it's a trezor FUDer. i knew we would have one around.
>please link me to the last time it was "hacked"
Here you go, you fucking brainlet

2meta4bizfags lol

Activate which account? What is a "tx" and how do I make a fake one?

Your ETH account. By "tx" I meant transaction. You simply need to transfer your coins there, but they will rebound back since its the designated activation address. How did you not read about this?

>allegedly requires the thief to hold the actual trezor in his hand
>can be solved by simply encrypting your trezor with a 25th seed word
anything else?

What do you mean by "ETH account"? Do you mean the account on Coinbase where I bought it? I thought it was already activated. That code you posted, am I supposed to paste that somewhere?

Yup. To send from Coinbase you need to "Withdraw", and put that as the address. Gotta go now, good luck.

> (You)
>>allegedly requires the thief to hold the actual trezor in his hand
>>can be solved by simply encrypting your trezor with a 25th seed word
>anything else?

Actually yeah, the ledger is a whole lot cheaper and supports more coins.

So go fuck yourself

My Ledger Nano S broke after having it for 10 days. I live in a pretty cold area and last week and I think it broke after being out in the cold in my pocket.

Ledger support responded to me but hasn't given me any sort of resolution yet.


Why do people need fancy usb drives made in china for 10 cents to store your crypto? Just stick it in a wallet in some cheapo HDD, no glitches, no random burn outs

>cheapo HDD
good idea, there's nothing that could go wrong doing that

Except any cheapo HDD is 100x less likely to break than of your shitty flash drives lmao

Are you fucking down syndromed? Don't invest in anything man, go back to watching TV.