WTF Binance ate my BTC

>sell XRP
>XRP gone
>didn't get any BTC for the sale

Probably still processing

>using the original shitcoin BTC

Why do people do this?

do you have an open order

Easiest to cash out with desu

nothing in my order history, open or closed. I market sold it

I usually trade ether pairs, but I wanted to sell for btc since it was breaking $15k again

give it some time, XLM & XRP are backed up like crazy on Binance right now. I withdrew XLM last nite and thought i was fucked for a few hours then suddenly it all showed up fine

ethercuck desu

>kucoin fud

Did you add the exchange tag to the transfer? if not then it's gone forever OP...


refresh the page, this has been happening to me all day too

haven't you read agreement? when you sell xrp all it's value goes back to jews

he said it was a market trade not a wallet transfer brainlets

binance is completely backed up because of capacity issues right now. I'm still waiting for my eth as well.

Refresh page, itll be there. This has been an issue all morning
Unfortunately it makes day trading impossible
>buys 1000 rabbi coin at 8
>has to refresh page to to confirm its added
>has to refresh page to confirm its bought
>enter sell price, refresh page to confirm it was added
>refresh to confirm it was sold

Good luck day trading with 5 coins anymore

well this is unsettling


Rabbi coin?
Where do I get some, sounds like a winner

>a flood of normies into crypto is unsettling

It crashed one of the most popular exchanges, so yeah

it didn't really crash it tho, they just went down in order to upgrade their system, but i guess its still needs to be patched up

Well you can than cnbc and fbn and btc blowing up to the retarded price it is for that