Are whales ACTUALLY holding the price down?

That's the excuse everyone gives, but is it even true?

Other urls found in this thread:

yes, its true - but it often occurs during bull runs the most, price will dramatically rise until a multimilliion dollar wall blocks its path

Whales aren't real since the ocean isn't real.

How can anything be real when our eyes aren't?

Cant believe i bought this shitcoin , barely any volume and no WALLS PROOF^

can you guys just wait for the fucking rebrand? People want 100% every single day.


No. There aren't even any walls there anymore. It is just a high market cap coin which is moving sideways because it has no space or reason to grow, and everyone who wanted to got in is already holding, so there is no demand to propel its price anymore. Look at the order books. There is no sell wall. Nothing is keeping it down.

literally see above. people have been scared off it the past day because of these shit fud campaigns

Idk it moved alot in the last few weeks, I just think it slowed down because none is FOMOing on it yet.


Actually a great coin to day trade with entirely because of the walls.

VeChain lost its fuel so get out now before massive dump on the rebranding.Get in ICX or some shit

Why would you get into the 15th largest coin? I thought people are looking for moon missions not a couple percentage increases.

Get into SNOV, PBL or BNTY (alternatively, if you are willing to go to ED or other shitty exchanges BBT, PFR, UFR, COLX or CRED) if you had enough of your shitty, ridiculous gains and poorfag life.

So what's about to happen is the opposite of what happened in the past couple weeks. Those buy walls will slowly move back as the remaining bags these guys are sold off. It's called a slow bleed, where whales slowly guide the price down to where they want to accumulate or drop it all together.

They need to do something because the volume on VEN is fucking awful right now.

This coin is being manipulated and fudded that's for sure, I have a good feeling about it personally but take your pick man. Something will happen in the next few weeks that's for sure, no clue if it will be good or bad

How so?

It’s near the all time high right now, right?

They do not need to do shit faggot just look at the fucking subreddit, their twitter, upcoming plans, partnerships, presentations, this coin is a solid as a rock. If you sell now you will literally regret it forever lmfao

Not at all.

I will hang myself if this is in the end just a shilled scam coin, mostly becouse i switched half my icx into this piece of shit.

nobody cares about the eth pair nignog

that chart looks amazing you donkeys it keeps bottoming out here

>Looking at ethereum charts

It's withing 2k sats from ATH on Binance. Don't rely on pajeet exchanges.

Are you shitting me dude? a fuck ton of people are staying clear of this shit because of the insane sell walls on it. That causes the volume to decrease over time THUS leading to the demand of a coin dropping.

The whales killed themselves on this one, If the whales dont fuck off with these retarded as fuck sell walls and a major announcement comes through THEN ill reconsider this coin. Till then its just gonna bleed the fuck out at this pace.

Don't like the truth? oh well fuck off dude not my problem

sell your stake then

you wont

no balls pussyass soyboy

>nobody cares
>meanwhile ETH is the only stable coin that's only going up

Regardless of the sell walls it continuously gains.

>heheheh just sell bag I buy =) XD =)
kid you couldn't afford all these bags.

you right i couldnt

i dont have any spare btc or eth lying around

Honestly, what really is your angle here wasting yours and everyone else’s time fudding this coin? Just let everyone else make money and shut up.

>neart ath
>shitcoin, I sold my bags

I really, really want to believe that this is coordinated FUD and not people shitting on coins after a -5% correction after ATH. If this is the current state of Veeky Forums, I have loss what it used to be a funny and rarely useful board.

I don't see growth faggot
Growth is ICX even with sell walls
Go compare, i'm invested 40% in VEN but it is reminding me of bitch ass XLM

Lot's of shilling on it, lots of partnerships, lots of this and that

But fuck all where it matters, money....

look at the 1 week or 1 month chart

chimp ass faggot

Ive just put up a 7 eth wall

this shit aint going nowhere until ive accomulated

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@

Proven PnD group here. Just pumped STU to 300% profit. Next pump in 44 hours.


ven was like 1.40 last week

>1 month chart

Bitch when something is posted repeatedly saying get in here

Moon inc, then we expect a moon that fucking day or next

Not 1 month later, EVERY coin has had insane growth from 1 month.... 1 week ago dumb fuck. This is nothing special

>we expect a moon that fucking day
kys niggie

Say I have 62k of these. Is that enough to retire on?

most likely

no cuz this coin won't' move
Best bet is ICX... buy it all

I say this with honesty

i already have icx and threw my xlm gain into getting more ven since it was cheaper. Should i reverse it user?

Eh icx is pretty pricey right now, but i imagine it being 20+ by end of month

VEN? I have no idea where the fuck this is going, even with big news

VEN has gone up 800% in the past two months, but you think it's frozen shit because it's down 75 cents for two days? Jesus Christ, it's every single day or nothing for you people.

What did you think when ICX dropped from $7 to $5? That drop was even worse.

Right now i'm holding mainly VEN over ICX for a simple reason. VEN is cheaper so it has more potential profit.

Don’t measure in USD

In that case VEN is doing far better than ICX...

icx mcap is already quite high

id say ven probably has a larger potential upside

nah user. i got in to ven at 2 bucks. im not a moon chaser but its getting pretty hard when icx has hella movement right now. i was hoping for ven to move before icx with their branding and then dump some into icx before the end of Jan.

Right on

Guys shut the fuck up. Volume is increasing and we're moving up.

buy and hold VEN until rebrand

sell with the FOMO

buy ICX before they hit the exchanges



I feel that heat but I feel like the rebranding is next week and an announcement of the date will lead to a run-up in addition to the regular news.

Are you not watching this??

i'm watching user
Lots of buy orders
Shit sell walls

It ain't mooning hard enough

Let's see-

it's okay user, did your mom drop you when you where young, you'll see the folly of your ways of chasing pumps in this market. I am giving you a warning now, this coin is x5 or x10 long term and will continue to perform well. It is a very safe bet fro growing your fortune

I’m with it

Eh looks like my Shit talking and Fud Is giving it a little pump....

My plan all along

exactly my thinking but the run ICX is having is making it tough.

im jus prtendun to b retarted iswer

This is why I can't sell. If I do and then it goes 5X on the rebrand.

LOL look at the ETH chart, all red numbers

It's like ppl hate this coin and don't want it to lift off

Damn, if this doesn't take off within the next couple of hours its officially a dead coin. Absolutely no resistance to mooning.


Not worth the stress and frustration too