Pink Wojak thread

>Collector's Edition
Now that the dust has settled, share your rarest AAAAAAAAAs



can someone put some faces on this


memes are cancer

t. at a loss




ol' reliable


>just Veeky Forums things







I would unironically buy this piece. Do you have an Etsy page OP?



these melancholic ones are my favorite, anyone got any more?

You fags are all in red while this discord group is killing it with great calls.

Here is the code wPbxDXE
And 10% of your gains to me pls


Bogs have earned their place on Veeky Forums.

Could someone post the unaltered original so I can make some more? This one , but without the arrows and blur. Something to do between trades.



kek, not bad. The extra white charts flying around are a little much though.
Also check'd.





We're missing the Einstein one








I uploaded that one last week.








