We Are space bound. Any ico guys here?

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I can't breathe and space is cold

25k ico holder here

told everyone to ignore the fud and wait. They should have listened.

You guys deserve this. Enjoy those gains. Thanks for holding strong.

I held man. the fud hurt, but I knew to fucking hodl. feelsgoodman

This coin is unironically going to make me rich

Yes me to i went all in. I just wonder why it was always hated here on Veeky Forums. More retard coins without working products get more attention.
. .

It feels amazing

Pre-sale guy here. I'm the guy in pic. Hodl strong, new exchange soon. Either that or there might be a ODN marketplace/exchange in the works. Check the recent github updates. ObsidianExchange

nigga everyone here was on it when it went to 20k, then it died cos all the project members left

I wish my wallet would sync, it never does though.
Have you tried this?

yes, it starting "catching up" from the last time it had apparently synced before getting stuck at like 50-something percent

now it's catching up again but I think it'll probably get stuck, might have to ask on the slack

Bought the PnD and the low price and still buying at this’s gunna be $10 easy

managed to hold onto 2/3rds of my stack since ico
still 15k strong

I wonder if that polish guy with 80k is still around

Best ICOs were announced in the discord group the last days.
discord gg/Z8P8VJp


Last time he appeared, he had 20 masternodes.

god damn what a madman

This shit just moonshotted, I broke 2k in my portfolio for the first time off of this. I know it's going to correct hard now but I'm too afraid to sell and I need to go to bed anyway.

An absolute one!

still going

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@

Did the news about their own exchange actually prompt this? Because I've heard no news to suggest moon. Fuck me I KNOW something's up but I don't have the willpower to sell. Here's to another 3 months of hodling.

Goddamit i sold my 4 nodes way too early. Fml

Why would you do this?

Some people just hate money

I wrote a note to myself like a month ago but have been too lazy to sign up for cryptopia. Is it too late bros?

Not even on Binance or bittrex yet. I think what the other guy said may be right. I think some insiders found it it will be listed on a big exchange or something along those lines. Their is Zero reason for it have all this volume. But it's Ben climbing a lot this past week. Someone knows something.

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@

welp can't register now, should have done it weeks ago

Which coin has that much volume to shut off new users? Dam brother why didn't you buy in when you wanted to last month it was only 50 cents.

have a family and a job, at least I have been accumulating some other coins that have been doing well

Yes I understand bro. If it hits 5 bucks I'll send you 100 ODN. Just look for my thread I'm the same guy with the same picture. Just remind me who you are when the time comes Wich other coins did you invest in?

>I didn't go all in with $ 5.000 to get a masternode

My poorfag portfolio of 5k would've gone to 20k and I would earn money every day by staking, now I'm only up to $7.400~ :(

How do I grow balls?

thanks man. last month I picked up some WaBi and PBL, they have been doing pretty well. I try to only put my money in things that seem like good long term holds, so I don't do much trading

>I think some insiders found it it will be listed on a big exchange or something along those lines
More likely they are building an exchange over their platform

When it hits 5 bucks I'll make a thread and just tell me your that guy with a family and job who couldn't buy because cryptopia was down and I'll send em to your wallet. Bro screenshot this.

this is literally the pump n dump group from when ODN first came out and pumped to a dollar about to dump on all you newfags again

you're an idiot. the discord is full of a bunch of newfags and normies asking about obsidian

oh well then you should dump on them before sagescam wakes up I think one dev still has millions of coins he needs to dump to from getting fired

will do! see you when it hits 5 :)

What are the chances of this hitting 100$

Got 1300 since ico, need to withdraw it eoy