This shit’s gearing up to smash $1.50 tonight. It’s going 100x before the end of the year. What will you faggots do when your scamcoins blow up in your face while noble Link marines are building castles on the moon?

It’s not too late user...

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I don't even know man. I only have 1.1k bought at 90c and I feel like shit for not having 10k+

you do not know da way

what exchange do I get this on?

I wish it would but 100x is not realistically possible. Maybe in shillsville land but not here on planet earth.

captain reporting in, we know de way


those vechain shills thinks their coin will get to $100 per coin, giving it a marketcap of 20billion.

>supply chain stickers for $20billion.

40bil for LINK doesn't seem so impossible anymore considering its utility

What’s jewbance charging to withdraw now?

here's to being slightly less poor

8.30000000 flat fee on LINK

That's right, they leave you with .7 dust.

good thing us linkys aren't staying on earth

Ven-link master race here.

20-30bil market cap $55-$85 link is going to be the reality we are living in by the end of the year.

If chainlink goes 100x I don’t know how I will cope.

Just bought 2k. I'm officially a stinkylink.

You might want to avert your eyes from crypto in 2019

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@

welcome to the club senpai see u on the moon

what the fuck why does this board correct f.a.m to "senpai"

welcome, now polish the toilets

>this board
newfag detected

because senpai


*spit* *spit* *spit* *spit* *spit* *spit* *spit*

you shouldn't have sold, glass hands.

You're an idiot if you think LINK isn't due for a correction after doing x3 already without news or any reason to moon. Have fun learning the hard way though, never buy at the ATH. I'll be buying more under $1.

hurts to read a post by someone this new

what are you talking about senpai ?

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@