0x (ZRX)

When do I get rid of this?
I bought it at 5000 sats and it's up to almost 17000 sats
Already rank 42

Could this shit go to 20? (another 3x)

I sold at 1.5 for 50% gains and now I regret it. you should probably just hold.


Top 20? Its top 5 easy. 50 bil mcap incoming.

Should I dump my 768 req and go all in?

just look at what this does. top 10 for sure

Bought this a few days ago solely because it was mentioned on Veeky Forums and I've doubled up.

ALWAYS listen to Veeky Forums shilling.

Im invested in Req and 0x but personally I believe that 0x has far more potential in the long run


Whats a good entry im a no zrx.

>tfw when only have 600 zrx from ico prices.

I should of accumulated.

Yeah maybe but req is just as good a coin so also maybe not worth the bother.

No, lol, do you want you lose your money when you inevitably panic sell when this shit corrects?

Just HODL onto REQ, it's fucking REQ for Christ's sake, plus, the little money you have wont be worth it at this point to make gains on a $2.50 token.

I have Req too, but I'm just waiting for a bullrun on it. I'm already like 50-100% up on it, so no reason to cash out.

>ALWAYS listen to Veeky Forums shilling.
sadly, this has some legiteamate accuracy. I bought LINK as a joke so I could say I'm a stinky linky. I only put like 500$ into it, and it's already up over 100% from my purchase a few days ago

tfw only have 140...from $.22

keep thinking faggot. top 10 easy. maybe even top 5. You're talking about a coin backed by coin base founders and polychain capital son. If dApps catch on (I think they will in the coming year or 2) this is the next big one.

I wouldn't buy at this point, it has to go to like top 10 to make significant gains,

Well, we're at a point where almost everything is going to moon, and if Veeky Forums is shilling it means there's some money moving in.

Veeky Forums shilled me on ZRX, DBC, BNTY, PRL and DRGN this week, and I'm up at least 50% in all of them. DENT and SNOV were shilled last night and I ignored it, and missed out on 20%+ gains.

Twenty cents several months ago.

You still gotta outpace the market though, especially if you wanna make it before this whole market dies for good

why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more why didnt i buy more

I set a buy order at 7750 sats. What do?

Well, yeah. You still have to check the charts and make sure the pump hasn't been really massive already. I got in on shit like ADA and XRB late and made nothing.

But Veeky Forums shilling + coin that hasn't been pumped ridiculously = easy gains... while this market lasts.

Just to expand for the sake of anyone that might be reading this... this is the type of chart you want to see.

>could have bought at 8000
>instead bought XLM at 5500 thinking I'd sell some at 6500 and buy more ZRX
>still holding XLM

Fuck XLM

TA says going to 3 bucks.

I bought sub 1 dollar and sold the other day to chase a bigger moon mission that will pay off more than the potential gains I could get on this coin

Just sold my stack

Hold XLM until FairX launches

I'm so glad I didn't fall for the XLM or XRP or TRON shitcoins. I bought this instead. I think I'm really good at spotting shitcoins.

Only got 10k left of my ICO stack. The lesson is never sell anything.

looking forward to many pink wojacks from you

XLM isn't a shitcoin.