The state of BIZ

Calling all old bizbros.

I feel left behind. Did you all make it? Am I stuck here with the normies?

I see noob traps upon noob traps and tons of noobs who fall into them on daily basis.

Im tired of telling off the pajeets - I feel so fucking alone in this.

I had to go on haitus last 6 months so my earnings kinda stagnated so Im stuck here on with this massive normie-base and I'm fucking wondering if Veeky Forums is even the best place to stay?

ITT: We talk about the old days. No normies allowed

Other urls found in this thread:

just leave for some time. biz just wants to fuck you over

Actually. Considering the state of biz ((( I ))) want to fuck biz over

i wish i could fuck them over too. but you need alot of money for that. i miss old biz

I think its time to throw out some meme TAs

At least I know how to do that properly

Im tired man, so tired.

Been here since June. Idk if I'm still a newfag, but I've turned $80 to $12000 since. It's good but I keep craving for more. I'm just worried about how much time is left before the bubble eventually pops. In the meantime, I'll be riding the altcoin waves with everyone else.

Veeky Forums is the most Machiavellian board right now and it goes several layers deep. What I think you're not understanding OP is that the older people here are to an extent orchestrating it. Veeky Forums just wants to fuck you over, yes, but not just by shilling scams and garbage to you. The shilling for terrible crypto exchanges, pushing people to buy 1 sat coins and very small market cap coins knowing what will happen to them, etc., is all intentional on a very macro scale, not just so that each individual coin can be pumped up.

The general direction of Veeky Forums which you have identified as shit is completely intentional. It's a tool for those who know how to use it and you might be able to figure that out if you've been here a while like you claimed.

Join my discord and recievet the big cash with us

still here OP, fucking pajeets

Fucking look at this shit

Clogging up Veeky Forums.

I'd prefer cheese pizza to these dumb shits.

You think im inexperienced enough to think I wanna be in a rank b PnD group? Of all the threads you could spam - you chose this one? How fucking dumb are you?

retard did not even post a link.

what coins are you holding if any?

This was the most useless post I've ever read. You're exactly what op is talking about. Go to Facebook to post this type of teenage girl diary garbage.


Havent even heard about this but now I know its a scam.

Thanks I guess.


I'm absolutely aware of this. However, as you indeed say, I have not figured out how to work it to my advantage on a large scale. Im thinking perhaps I simply do not have enough means to use it - or enough TA knowledge to plan it.

If you mean that "old biz" invited reddit to biz while I was afk then you simply verified that I did get left behind - but also verified that biz is still here.

I'm not failing to succeed. Im just doing so closer to the normies than Id like.


old Veeky Forums will return...eventually
but for now, invest in some good ICOs like Magnalis.


old biz shilled for good coins like neo,omg,eth etc

but because most of the old coins mooned, the only thing that's profitable right now is stupid coins like tron and vtc

This exactly

OP you need to learn to read between the lines

the worst part about it all is that none of these newfags even bothered to brush up on the board culture. its just like another board on Veeky Forums now that is overran by /pol/ refugees (which can be funny at times i gotta admit) feat. shitcoins and pajeets

the normies are the worst though. they dont even know what sharpie in the pooper is. when was the last time someone told you to buy kneepads, or talk about credit card fraud? its been a long time since ive seen those shitposts anywhere

I can read between the lines just fine. I immediately spot the good coins and easily avoid all the shit.

is saying is that i need to start join in writing the book. Which I dont know how to get at.

i was looking for some pre-ICOs.

check out coinmetro it looks good

I remember seeing some tonydumper shit last month for a little bit

Yeah that makes it much worse actually. I didnt actually think I could "feel" anything on this board - but when suddenly the majority of the culture on here is astranged to you. Then it feels pretty bad.

biz has changed very fast in 1 month


we still have a friday asx thread user, it doesnt get many posts though

yeah we made it ur def left behind

being this new. gtfo

Not like biz was ever that great of a board but it was definitely much more humourous a year ago.

Save for the do a million blowjobs joke that was repeated every time someone asked how to be a millionaire

yeah that kind of retarded bullshit is just irritating.

does anyone know any good day trading crypto forums with high volume and actual discussion and conversation?

>If, hypothetically, this entire board were being manipulated, why would they move it in that direction? Who benefits from having Veeky Forums become like this? Why would they do that? Oh that's why.

>biz has changed very fast in 1 month
newfags came in and saw all the shills and the dumb newfags started talking and acting like shills to fit in

same shit happens on /pol/ everytime some political event creates new traffic and new fags

its a shame really, the small business threads were fuckin great, like the guy that made furniture for a living, ect. it was a very slow board but fuck it was comfy as shit

I've been here ages and I'm only at $500k

I bet the rest of my generation of bizers are living on a private island by now.

Remember all the drop shipping threads? How can I make money off alibaba...

It’s changed a lot since then brother but there’s still money to be made, the difference between you and them is you actually have experience.

>reddit spacing
Go back

you're like one of those hot girls that thinks shes fat but is also fishing for attention

do you have a massive cock or anything else awesome in your life you might care to casually mention for applause?

I'm not wondering about any of those things. But obviously I cant confirm any of that on an anonymous board unless I was a part of it.

The issue is I'm too far from ((( Them ))) on the ladder while ((( They ))) have loaded up this board with normies that I have to deal with because I also care about the Veeky Forums culture.

As if I'm not also a member of SOME reddit community - and the typing smears off on Veeky Forums simply because Veeky Forums is more forgiving in the format that reddit it.

im too old to keep the format in check for a board full of normies who cant tell the difference anyway

best post on my Veeky Forums feed since 2010

You get baited this easily u don't deserve to be old fag

read WP. Another Xchange - promises a lot incl, EUR SEPA license from Estonia.
Max price post sale EUR 0.11
Currently 0.09 in presale (no restrictions).
Smallish MCap

So where can it go?

What happened to the "why arent you investing into this man" poster? He was renlentless, posted that shit every fucking day without fail

>being this blind.
I'm keeping activity in my own thread

I think it can go far I am still reading up on it. Also Magnalis is a huge scam


i've made 13k in the past 24hrs. i don't know if i will ever leave Veeky Forums.


This was the most useless post I've ever read. You're exactly what op is talking about. Go to Facebook to post this type of teenage girl diary garbage.

I think there are only a handful of true OGs from the /g/ doge days left, like under a 100, maybe even less.
Anyone who was deep in crypto back then and stayed in has no reason to browse Veeky Forums anymore.

im an old Veeky Forums fag but only went on Veeky Forums last year

Thank god you for confirming this. When I joined some months ago there was a lot of shills. Lately I've been wondering if I'm actually the only fucking guy on here not shilling. Everything is fucking shilling. Not just the obvious ones but especially all the threads going "DAE RICH?" "Wat would you do if you got RICH?" "Rate my fake millionaire blockfolio screen" "DAE SAD BUT RICH AND NONSTOP WHORES?"

It's just continuously perpetuating the dream of the get-rich-quick scheme in between the regular "COIN 2 MOON" shilling. I figure the only thing this board is good for is getting a feel for what is being hyped, and the rarely sighted meme thread. This board is the only board on Veeky Forums where anonymitet simply doesn't work.

on the other hand, this entire 'muh manipulation' theory relies on the fact that there is actually anything to be gained from shilling Veeky Forums, which honestly I don't think there is.

The critical mass of nonstop shilling has been reached. There is no fucking debate anymore, anywhere on here. It's the fucking equivalent of the ads playing on a 3rd rate porn-site. There's literally no value in it for any user or normie.

Everybody in here just wants you to lose all your money and give up
Its hard reading inbetween the lines if lines is all there is

>Hidden buy my bags threads
>Pump and dump whales shilling
>FUD threads to drop the price to accumulate
>Coinfanboys who treat it like its consolewars
>Actual scamcoins being shilled

Old fag here.
Late to the crypto party but I fucked up my chances and all the biz bros I came up with have already made it and I'm stuck here reading through normie threads who just put in $500 three weeks ago and have as much money as I do. About to an hero.

I agree with your sentiments completely.

I dont think ((( They ))) was completely prepared for the state of biz after the continued influx of normies.

In fact... those "Lines" are ((( Them ))) trying to steal from normies.

Cannot wait for all the Canada pot stock threads after the Bitcoin crash.

This. Why would anybody help anybody else on here?

With the mainstream adoption, growth will continue and money will slowly seep into crypto. Initially I thought hype would benefit both the shills and the shilled, but really if you think a coin is undervalued, you want to buy it as cheaply as possible, confident that it will soar immensely at some future point. Why'd anybody want to hype the coin and make the price go up now, unless they think it's already overvalued and want to dump their bags? Same just in reverse when spreading FUD.

Yeah that's where I'm at too. Of course some of my money are in long-term hodles, but I'm not sure on how to gamble on the short-term pump waves. I've moved to crypto twitter, at least the big crypto account face accountability so you'd think they wouldn't be popular if they constantly sold falseflagged. But given that many of them have VIP lists and closed community tier I'm honestly not sure it's not just a more elaborate version of the Veeky Forums manipulation. I thought maybe when I get some time off it might be fun to program and develop a social media keyword scanner and see if one can create a framework that capitalizes on short-term momentum but idk.

>mid 2017 biz
I miss you. This video was peak Veeky Forums

>With the mainstream adoption, growth will continue and money will slowly seep into crypto. Initially I thought hype would benefit both the shills and the shilled, but really if you think a coin is undervalued, you want to buy it as cheaply as possible, confident that it will soar immensely at some future point. Why'd anybody want to hype the coin and make the price go up now, unless they think it's already overvalued and want to dump their bags? Same just in reverse when spreading FUD.

I'm in a long hodl project, where the creators arent even releasing a roadmap - to avoid any hype buyins (and avoid speculative sell offs). It's extremely comfy. Been there since ICO.

I've shilled it a few times here hoping some good guys would pick it up.

But I get completely ignored everytime cause all the normies are all hyped up about something so they cant focus on new stuff or bother to DYOR.
(Seeing shilled stuff that gets ignored is usually a real good tell to DYOR and buy).

Even if your intentions are good, it will get drowned out in the nonstop shillfest, nobody will be able to spot the difference.

I made a couple of posts and threads asking about the Swissborg ICO ending today because I'm honestly curious what experience ICO investors think as this is my first ICO. No replies or people calling the CEO a scam albeit there is no information about that guy online prior to his ties with this thing. For some reason the 24/7 threads shilling recently ended ICOs are all that showing when I refresh.

For ICOs

I use Ian Balina from twitter to verify (he doesnt do all,but a fair share).

cheers I'll check him out, also not to shill but I do think the Swissborg ICO looks good, but like I said this is my first ICO so what do I know lol

I dont mind shills :) I can tell them apart (its more about having enough energy to research ALL of them).

The ICO/token I was refering to earlier is Ethos.
It's extremely stable due to what I already explained.

check out their reddit at ethos_io.

Cool, I will :)

Though it seems to already have gone from ICO to moon?

It has it has.

But its not done yet honestly. But the value of right now is its stability.

All the investors are not doing any sell-offs until there are news - and the creators dont release news, they just release the products. So we all wait.

It doesnt see pumps, it doesnt see dumps. Just organic growth.

If you can get in sub 8$ I think thats very good. This coin can still go x5 (Im holding 5000 currently).

This is allegedly the project that will "kill" coinbase.

Your OP is just as fucking useless. How is it different? Boohoo boohoo boohoo. Ugh how fucking insufferable.