Hahahaha. 3 Masternodes since 0.22$. Can't tell you how comfy. Still only fucking 60m market cap...

hahahaha. 3 Masternodes since 0.22$. Can't tell you how comfy. Still only fucking 60m market cap. This will EXPLODE MORE. AHAHHAHAHAHA

Thank you /biz for shilling me this GEM.

user what the he'll do we do now? Sell or hodl? I've literally never had this much money even in my dreams.

dude, this will be another safe x5 to 10x in the coming weeks. it is under fucking 100m and you need 300m to even scratch top100 now.

dont give up this gem when it has so much momentum. imagine what happens on a useful exchange.

That's why man. I expected it to moon come spring or summer but this is just crazy. I am light headed because I went all in thanks to the sana poster. Is this real life?

I am not so sure myself desu. All the waiting has paid off however. It fucking did.

im sorry daddy

So you guys shilled an actual gem these past few months and I ignored it because Pajeets fudded the hell out of it and because I thought real gems don't get posted here anymore before they moon?

Is this the real life

>falling for Veeky Forums fud
Bad news bro. You'll never make it if you don't do your own research.

Sell when all are greedy, buy when they fear.
It is up more than 100%, so it is definitely time to sell.
I'm sitting on 4k, but i have some money left to buy the dip. It WILL go interstellar, but will drop before, no doubt about that. Don't FOMO on green candles, just wait.

hodl you brave bastard

Has the main shiller for this coin ben around latley?I'm using one of his images. Fuck I love biz so fucking much! Fuck man I can't even breath I need some oxygen or something. This can't be real.

This isn't just a privacy coin. It's a privacy PLATFORM. $40 is not out of the question. The market cap is still incredibly small.

moon incoming

I would say anything between $10-40 is pretty realistic.

>the real life
That is why I took it up on me to research for real. Not even memeing. Being in communication channels, actually talking to the people, looking them up, seeing how they constantly work, contribute to the project, handle the community nicely were big green flags that inspired so much confidence, that I eventually held until now. And boy, did it pay off to look out for those green flags and ignore pajeets on biz.

Nonetheless someone shilled me this on Veeky Forums and I am eternally grateful. What a time to be alive. Finally reaping big rewards with the last hidden gem coin in my portfolio.

Thank you /biz, this is the greatest place on earth.

I am here son. But I was not alone. But I am pretty confident I did most of the "BUY ODN" spam in the last days.

Yes, this is why i hold my 4k, no matter what. But there will be a dip. Why? Because it is a top gainer on cryptopia, this is why. This exchange is designated for whale games. tl;dr, do not sell, but make sure you have money left to buy the dip.

You are a GOD.i would still be poor without you.

Nicely done my man. Veeky Forums can learn a thing or two from you. I've been doing the same thing for the past 6 months. Started with $5K, portfolio hit ATH of $340K today. We'll all make.

Pretty upset that I sold at the first pump...

Im up $20k today, feels unreal

don't shill with tzuyu

Same. This is my first real moon shot. O went all in with a masternode. I woke up a few minutes ago and i have this light headed sensation. I think i realized we are unironically going to make it.
Ive been in since ico and NEVER sold

i-is it still mooning?

How new are you user? You can smell you are a no coiner a mile away

People kept telling me this was a pajeetcoin


All you had to do was 5 seconds of research to see that isn’t the case.

look at the pajeets who are shilling, just like they did all the coordinated FUD before. they fucking know that ODN is a gem and are accumulating as much as they can, before it hits a decent exchange. but for now they WILL dump the FOMO, and they WILL buy your bags for cheap, with red candles and FUD.
It is almost up 150% on cryptopia, an exchange which registration is closed right now. think about it.
hold ODN with diamond grip and do_not_fucking_sell! but make sure you have money left to buy the dip.

you're welcome.

obviously it will retrace somewhat like EVERY COIN at EVERY PUMP. but there will be a new floor and it will be at least 1.75-2$. this gained a lot of attention and momentum and will not stop at this point. that is the reason for the pump: hype, attention and solid fundamentals.

They can drop if they like, but dropping this gem before 500m market cap is sheer stupidity at this point. Try to flip if you feel lucky, but be careful.

Why is everyone fighting you guys are scaring me!!!!

day trading your ticket out of poverty

>this gained a lot of attention and momentum

no doubt about that, more and more people become aware about the potential of ODN.

>They can drop if they like, but dropping this gem before 500m market cap is sheer stupidity at this point.

it is not stupid when you can buy more, after you dropped it. and this is the case, as long it is on cryptopia. this guys are holding hundreds of thousand and play the price like a fiddle. and they fucking know what they're doing, these guys are not stupid, they know how to create weak hands, that's for sure.

just as i said before: do not fucking sell this gem! but make sure that you can buy the dip.

Just moved in with 2k and now forget about it for how long?

6 months

and after that my 2k are worth?

just a gamble...missed the ZCL when i was shilling at it at FCKING 2$ and after few weeks its already 200$ ;( that was a missed chance of 200k profit

do yourself a favor and don't look at the chart anymore, it will give you nightmares about FUD and FOMO.
just transfer it to a paperwallet, forget that you bought it and lay back. next year this time you will be very happy.
do not gamble.

thankyou my lord i will follow your words wisely