Shill me a shitcoin that will x5

Shill me a shitcoin that will x5


- High quality whitepaper
- Unique concept & execution
- Responsive development team
- Solid roadmap
- Not a fork of any other blockchain
- Alpha release Q1 2018
- Rumoured listing on a major exchange in the next 9 days

UFR has shown consistent growth. If you want 5x, 10x, or even 20x gains, jump into UFR. It has a low market cap still.




UFR, easy 5x gain. Low market cap and great whitepaper / idea.


One word


Research, invest.You're welcome.

NIMFA on EtherDelta, already popping the fuck off, and still only $2mil marketcap

buy dbc and ufr
buy dbc and ufr
>buy dbc and ufr

do this and youll visit lamboland sooner , then later


Bitcoin-Private (BTCP)

Not out yet. It's a ZCL + BTC fork. You can get one ZCL for 200 usd, which gives you 1 BTCP. 1 BTCP will easily be above 1000$ when the fork hits.


I am holding BBT, but I have a feeling that UFR and XCXT might outdo this in January. What do

UFR is more like an x50 opportunity with how things are developing for it right now. X5 is almost guaranteed

UFR rising up as we speak and big things coming up in the next weeks!

the marketcap alone was enough for me to invest, not even 40m and has been climbing in price consistenlty.

If the rumours are true and it is listed at another exchange UFR can hit $4 usd easily.

How2buy UFR?

Only Cryptopia or Etherdelta at the moment

Will explode when it hits a major exchange

Rumors say another exchange coming soon.


This only BBT. Real working product. Small mcap. About to e listed on a new exchange. With a little volume this will moon.

Realistically, don't shill me on this since I've already got a lot since ICO, how high can UFR go?
How big is the torrenting market?

Definitely UFR, it's going to explode real soon


ICO is going to close any minute now. Goal is 50 mil, it's 47.5 now, was 43 six hours ago. Releases on exchanges on February 1.

I'm not even fucking shilling except sharing my referral code. You buy in at the exact same price that I did, I gain nothing from this shit except in case you use my referral which even then provides me almost nothing. But I'm fucking tired of every coin on here being shilled the minute they're out of ICO and the PnD groups wants to dump their cheap ICO coins on you after it's already 10x'd.

Get in on the ground floor for once.

Referral code for 5% off


honestly trx dude... its accumulating for something big

Still ufr

yessur ufr 20 eoy 2018 , buy and hodl

UFR, one of the best coins you can get atm with a low market cap

Genaro network GNX. Easy 10x



Sumokoin. sub 20 mil market cap. About to Moon look at the charts. easy money





UFR for 5x safer and XCXT for 100x

UFR for easy 5x with upcoming news.



LUX. Ez money.

UFR because shills

thank me later fag


choose any for easy 5x

Any reasons for investing?

XSH. When it dethrones Monero, remember that some autist on Veeky Forums pointed it out to you when it was worth a few cents

Terrible UFR shill thread.

'm glad you asked, user. It's simple: Upfiring.
Well-known torrent sites like TPB, KaT or Torrentz have a major flaw. Their centralized servers make it so easy to pin them down and then shut them down. This won't even ever stop, either. We'll keep losing them. What's more is that untrustworthy, sketchy, shady sites pop up in their place (oftentimes even as their clones, or posing as their "continuation") order to scam people. What this means is that getting torrents is going to be a very risky affair, not to mention a hassle.

What's EVEN more is that most torrents in most places aren't even seeded to begin with. Just a few torrents get a few short moments of glory before they too die down. So say goodbye to any non-popular game, video, document, program or movie. GG no re, my friend. But with UFR, people will actually have a reason (and be rewarded) for seeding.

Another thing UFR is special about is the fact that torrents are laden with malware. But UFR will use a seed-rating system, which will urge people to upload clean, uncucked files. So if the seeder hosts shit files, their rating will disappear along with their gains.

And for the last bit, torrents will be very cheap, I'm sure you can tell why. Most of them will likely only cost a cent or two. And who can't afford a cent or two? Other than Jews due to their greed, of course.

So get lit and stay lit, because this coin is firing UUUUP.