Is everybody primed and ready for the biggest ICO of 2018

Is everybody primed and ready for the biggest ICO of 2018

ICO almost reached the END,Already raised 46M. Get in quick before its over.Don't miss it user
Easy 10X on launch

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saw it shilled on Veeky Forums today and decided what the fuck let's do it , baby's first ico

me too bro only in reverse.
baby's first ICO, then shilled it

>30 hours left of ICO.
>3 million left to the ICO has been filled.
>was 4 million lower about 6 hours ago.

Get the fuck in user!

Also referral for 5% off because fml I bought without one:

The pajeets doing this ICO are not even Swedish.
Get scammed

I bought but it kinda sucks that we have to wait til February to get out shit
Oh well
Exchange predictions anyone?

They are also not Danish, Icelandic or Norwegian lol.

They're Swiss.

There are a billion tokens and they are valuing them at .10$ a peice. This ICO out of the gate with have a valuation of 100M. I think this ICO is stupid overvalued for not having a product, i'd avoid.

I'll just buy at -50% ico on ED when it comes out.

Tfw Amerifat and can't get in.

I hope they get KuCoin since its a pretty big ICO

Its easy 10x

That ass is not big enough

They are shilling it all over telegram, I hate it

Initial valuation is a bit high but the fact that they will go out of the ICO fully funded should justify it.

Here is a review from November 2017 (

>This project has attracted a surprising amount of money in its presale ($20 million) mainly from Swiss Private Banks, Family Offices and Angel Investors.
>A +$150 million market cap is a joke. There is simply no way the project can hope to raise this much money, especially when community engagement is sorely lacking.
>Conclusion: It may be worth relooking at the project post-ICO to see what kind of progress is being made.

Now 1 day before the ICO ends the funding goal is 6% from being reached, having increased by 9% throughout the last 6 hours.

This shit put extremely ambitious goals and delivered.
Also the team is fucking awesome, check their linkedins yourself if you don't believe me. It's a large bunch of investment bankers and quantitative analysts with long career tracks.

whoops forgot an important part of the review conclusion
>I think the team could pull it off, so I would have another look at this project in a few months’ time.

Nevermind ICOs, get in on the pump and dumps:



fucckkkk why can't US citizens invest in this

What does the Simple KYC entail?

thank the SEC and its archaic policy about le vetted qualified (((investors))) only

or alternatively stupid ass fuckign boomer retards invested in scams and cried to the gubmint

side note : is it legal to have friends in the EU invest for you

What makes it big in your opinion? Also, do you know when are they releasing the tokens? Early or late feb?

>is it legal to have friends

you know what i mean

everyone forgets that when you cash out you have to PROVE where you got the thing you are cashing out

having someone else invest for you won't have an explanation, so you could be stuck with crypto you can't cash out without going to jail for a crime

why invest in icos when there are so many hidden gems out there?

Same here. Post ICO discounts are the best

>get a hidden gem, get maybe 3-10x
>get in ICO, get 10-100x+

hmmmm i wonder

look at eth, presale was like 1$ a coin. that has done 1200x

If you put your money on bounty ico you would be selling right now at x50
If you bought the dbc ico, x35

coins rarely drop below Ico price when they hit the market

The discord pump group that is unstoppable.,.

discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

That doesn't happen anymore, normies are checking "recently added" and buying whatever comes out. I'm afraid the age of the "below ico price" is done. At least for cheapmtokens like this one. If the token is above 1$ Or higher it will tankmon release. See SRN.

top fucking yottakek

normies aren't even aware of ethereum


so fucking tired of the reading about a shilled coin only to discover the ICO ended 2 weeks ago and now you can have the pleasure of buying it at ath for 20x ICO price. It's so fucking low. If Veeky Forums wanted to help anons they'd shill ICOs.

why would you want to help anyone in crypto

the whole point is to fud, disinfo and stay radio silent on good ideas

back in 2011 SA and /g/ was full of fags talking about how bitcoin was a scam

those fags were why GPUs were sold out
those fags were mining it

from the VERY BEGINNING trying to hurt other people is what makes you rich in crypto

that will never, ever change.

is this shit really worth to invest in?

yeah I'm starting to realize that about Veeky Forums

But Veeky Forums is just a small minor forum. I don't think any shill thinks that shilling Veeky Forums will any larger effect on the market. Instead it's just become another shill dump like the twitter profiles and telegram/discord groups.

It could have been a place for debating and dissecting ICOs and coins or gauging public responses by taking advantage of the fact that the Veeky Forums neet audience probably have enough time and internet knowledge to scan social media and keep up-to-date on public trends. That would've been a way to profit together as a group identity.

Hey if somebody wants 5% more use this:

I would but I'm poor so I can't buy enough

Lol nope


Nah im all in on playkey waiting for the next moon mission.

>buy first
>verificate later

nah. gl with your scamcoin tho