Check this mindblowing stat out

Nebulas NAS

It's silently mooning
Have been shilling this coin for the past week and most of the times I get ignored in here
Some facts:
> NEO Founders and developers
> Ex Google and Alibaba employees
> Considered the Google of Blockchains
> Sitting only at around 500m MC
> 35M Circulating Supply
> Mainnet released Q1
> Ian Balina called this a 100x coin. Obviously 100x is extreme but you get the idea of how huge this coin is going to be

The most interesting part though?

There's ONLY currently 10429 holders

That's fucking nothing. That's how under the table this coin is. You guys are missing out on a HUGE potential here.

Other urls found in this thread:


>500m market cap is considered "only" for a decentralized google
Wew, I'd rather put more money into LINK than this overhyped shitcoin

Overhyped... you're retarded. Show me the hype faggot. It's basically off the radar.

Lol retard, just read the whitepaper before commenting

No, some of us are way long on NAS and don't give a fuck how much of /biz knows about it. This is going to be the juiciest gainer his month. That 3 inch China dick is going to fuck us in the face. This will 5x this month.

Bump this. This will be the same price as neo end of q2. Screencap this.

nigga see here. I am already up 7x. this is 6 bill mcap on the card. lan balina shilling it as 6 bill out of the gate

If I read every shitcoin whitepaper that's shilled here I wouldn't even have time to stroke my pencil dick once a day. If you want me to buy your shitcoin you have to shill pretty hard and provide a reason for why should I buy this instead of more LINK.

This coin was an insane find. Thank you to whoever shilled it to me 3 days ago. Been nothing but solid gains since, and we're only just getting started

Dude, just look at the team. That should be enough to tell you where to invest.

Out of curiosity, is how many people are working in Links team? Is it still only 2 guys? (Not being sarcastic)

The discord pump group that is unstoppable...

discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

Seconding this.

Seriously, this coin will be pasted all over Veeky Forums by this time next week. You will be sick of seeing NAS threads every time you refresh. Get in as soon as you can.


> I am posting my portfolio since nov, it had NAS. try to recollect now.

NAS, TAU take me over 1 mill.

I rather put money into something stable with real product and use cases like Digibyte.

As soon as us starts to get this on their radar it's going to lift off. That's how it starts though. No exposure, lots of fud, then boom

lol, did u look at what NAS does? they already testnet live, mainnet in march. this is real deal. unique usecase. ppl calling it as google for blockchains, u know what it means right ? if not stay away from crypto

Bitter bagholder detected

whats the best exchange is this on? Fuck Etherdelta

fucking binance doesn't have it
i'm a poorfag & can't afford to exchange-hop

I bought my on ED.

I've made so much fucking money off ed that I don't care how shitty it is.

tfw when chinance doesn't support china's most promising coins

It's on Huobi. No bullshit verification required. Just sign up and you're good to go. If you're in the US you need to put Canadian as for some reason they don't allow registrations from the US. The website is decent. Better than EtherDelta at least

I used to be like you. Then I realized its all scams and blockchain is retarded. So I started investing based on charts and hype. I haven't read a whitepaper in months, and I'm up 300k.

I heard binance was the next exchange