Does it worth my $$$? short-term investment.


if you have to ask then no


Looks great regardless of TMZ-esque fud regarding felony record from a team member

gonna crash hard once this man is on the perp walk for this fraud, literally everything about it is fake.

How is anything about it fake? Come on faggot, TRY if you're going to fud.

what's not fake about it?
>photoshopped screenshots
>fake ui video
>"private beta"

the entire idea is nonsense to anyone slightly IT literate.

The fact they have to shill their own product so hard rather than letting the product speak for itself is a red flag, XVG/TRX do the same thing.

They just finished setting up inside an entire office building and the team has real credentials. I could spoon feed you more about the project but it would be far easier to just call you a cuck and that you should literally kill yourself.

so, do u have any idea for short/long term investment?

Its about as real as TRX, lmao decentralized internet

Beta is coming soon, as well as bittrex.

This will easily go to $5+ once those 2 events happen, then quickly to $10

so? i can rent an office with my scam coin too. real credentials being their burglaries/assault&battery or their probation violations?

The only problem with this project is it has no memes. Subbies we need to get on that with some good content!

He was 20 at the time in that arrest. People do dumb things, that doesn't mean you can't change and become a better person...

Gonna have to try harder if you want to shill your scamcoin

TRX was and still is a "what the fuck even is this" coin. Mass delusion and bandwagonning is the only logical explanation for that things current value. The fact they just randomly hot dropped 500 TRX to people on a new chink exchange makes it look about as legit as fucking Battlecoin, or whatever the fuck that useless turd is in my wallet.

60mil token burn when it gets listed on bittrex so yes probably good short-term

The person scamming that fucking mugshot legit sits at his CPU waiting to post it Everytime someone posts about sub.

Go laid user.

I've had some pretty good gains with it. Don't give a fuck about what it does.

It's pathetic. They sound like fucking feminists on a manhunt. WHAT U WANNA SUPPORT A VIOLENT EVIL MAN THAT GOT ARRESTED HUUUUUUUUUUH?

Any chance Sub could be listed on Coinbase? Seems like a solid project.

kek, he's probably accumulating

wat he do?