The time has come

The time has come.


Are you ready?

thank mr skeltal

Exited and strapped to the bitcoin rocket. Thanks for the money.

Who is he

He loks like a pedo

he's got zuckerburg eyes. i don't trust him. he looks evil in every picture. maybe it's just mental illness

He's mr money skeltal, you should thank him

That is the limber agile neck of a high test alpha

Does eth still look bullish to you? i could see $2,000 within a day or two at this rate

Yep, my eth limit sells are already set
That's Mr. Pedo to you, sir

He's Mr. Money Skelly aka The Biblical Antichrist.

Ethereum is the World Currency the Bible warns about.

Vitalik is just young right now. When he is older, he will be seen much more seriously. He will eventually become Russia's President.

He will invade countries, make all wear the ETH QR Code for payments. Those who say no will be slaughtered.

I'm ready for the correction lmao
come back in 1 hour lads

poor Vitalik is being used to pump this shit

how pathetic


should we sell our alts that are traded in BTC?

So all in on eth?

>the new overlord
Thank you money skel

He looks nothing like Zuckerberg you moron.



i didnt say he looks like zuck. i said he has the same eyes. the eyes of a man posessed by demons. look at any picture of zuck and get back to me, there's no way you can't see it

This is the "big money" pumpndump like XRP last month. Dont get cucked buying this

not similar at all. zuck has blank, flat eyes, vitalik has piercing, menacing eyes.

Post your eyes, judge not lest ye be judged

Fuck that commie faggot. He has such a punchable face

>Be multimillionaire
>Wear old t-shirts that make you look like a peasant that just rolled out of bed

I like the way this guy thinks


slav genes > jew genes

It’s natural to be scared of a superior alpha male user. Don’t be afraid of money skeleton, he’s here to give you gains. Just don’t cross him by spreading weak FUD, then he’ll tank your shitcoins and ensure you’re stuck wageslaving away the rest of your life.


exactly my point. same eyes
different colour sure, and skelly maybe a bit more piercing. but it's the same non-human stare. maybe you can't tell if you're on the spectrum. but as a full normie i can read people by looking in the eyes, and i am creeped out by what i'm reading here.

thank you mr skeleton

>oh they're shaped totally different but they FEEL the same

are you seriously unable to feel people out by looking them in the eyes? how the fuck do you even get through life?

It’s the eyes of a man that has more money than anyone has ever achieved. All sense of excitement has numbed them, they’re literally dead inside.

>radical centrist
fucking based

He's honestly seems chill as fuck

and yes, it's a feeling. hard to describe. millions of years of pattern recognition instincts operating at a subconscious level to provide gut feelings beyond the limited computational ability of the conscious mind alone. part of being human

the feel of eyes is related to how they gaze. vitalik gives a cold, unflinching stare. zuckerberg squints and over-emotes when he's trying to be personable but always often forgets the facade, giving a wide daze that looks somewhere between fearful and robotic.

It's probably just a product of vitalik's and zuckerberg's autism. If they have a hard time recognizing social cues they have a hard time making them as well.

YES we COBs will join you.
Sell your shitty BNB and KCS now because COB is the new prince!

WHAT WILL IT CORRECT/DIP TO i want to buy in with my ltc gains

He looks like a methed out Tom Brady.

I'm very hype but this is feeling very mid 2017 to me. I'm taking my tether and sitting it out.

I'm all-in on ETH so I'm as ready as can be.

As a full normie you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I bet if Vitalik was a chad, more lively and buffed you wouldn't say that at all. He has a certain kind of "stare" because he might be on the spectrum himself. Avoids eye contact in interviews. Shy. This isnt unheard if in tech lol. Zucker acts totally different though.

Dump incoming

but i dont think it will dip far unless bitcoin goes under 14k or over 14k.

well zuck actually is evil, we can't even imagine the horrible things he is going to do to humanity on behalf of his dark masters

i don't about skelly, i feel bad judging him like this on eyes alone. but the instincts are strong. if i had kids i would not leave them alone with a man that had eyes like that no matter how nice he seemed or how well i thought i knew him.

i hope you're right. maybe skelly is just a genius and genius eyes look wild sometimes. i don;t know. well he clearly is a genius anyways. maybe thats all that is

vitalik has always had that look. it's the look of a man always measuring up the problem at hand and looking for a way to overcome. the victory is reward enough, he doesn't need to show others around him that he's happy in his successes.
they have different kinds of autism. vitalik is the kind of robot that sees humans purely for what value they possess and will reprocess your entrails into fiber-optic cables if it improves the net utility of the universe. zuckerberg is more the kind that was thrust into an uncomfortable social spotlight and now has to fake it every day despite not knowing how to even discern humanity from a vase.

Vitalik just has autism. Zuckerberg is a reptilian wearing human skin.

yeah no. i was right
demon eyes

i don't know how anyone can look at him without crying or pissing themselves. if i saw him coming my way i would literally run for my life