
When do I see gains? Fuck this coin


>When do I see gains? Fuck this coin
Literally hit ATH today.

June... FUCKING JUNE. Are you fucking kidding right now? We're not getting main net until FUCKING Q3. I actually thought this coin would 10x soon. This shit is going nowhere fast lmao. Actually gonna sell while I am still ahead fuck this.

Not gonna lie, former Vechain 40 man dev team member here. This is fucking hilarious watching VEN crash and burn. But in all serious the more research i do the more shady shit i find.

June is Q2 u brainlet fuck

>January,February, March
>April, May, June
>July, August, September
>October, November, December

>It confirms that they are both working with DNV and connected to their customers and already have users for their blockchain and confirms that the person who first talked about the PBOC partnership is an actual insider

>June is in Q3
I can't tell if you're trolling or retarded

stop the fud. mainnet launches in april you fuckwit stop letting this nigga get to you

It is at the very end of Q2 might as well be Q3 with that long of a wait you fucking idiot

The public chain explicitly launches in June. They may be running it privately in April for corporate and potentially the PBOC but the wallet isn't coming until June.

then why am i down so much? I bought in after you faggots fomoed me 2 days ago when it hit 4.8 usd

VeChain batting over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?

because you're an idiot

Sell you weakhanded faggot.

You're up in BTC
Unless you bought with ETH, then kek

I am as brainlet, definitely true, but Im not going to consider selling till at least June.

The biggest thing to come out of this isn't the launch date. It's the fact that it basically means that the insider is an actual insider because he was talking about all of this.

Do you understand it?


take a guess what I bought in

Alright what the fuck. Do I sell now while I’m ahead? Bought at 14k sats. I know these impatient fucks are going to sell as soon as they find out the mainnet doesn’t launch until June.

I doubt that is happening. The instant they know that the PBOC is basically confirmed it's going to explode upwards.

Disclaimer: I'm holding until 2020 and beyond, I don't fucking care if you buy, sell, if everyone sell, if the price does a fucking spiral.
That being said, I highly recommend you not to sell now. Wait at least until the rebranding, these guys have demonstrate that they are pretty good at marketing, probably they will make a big announcement that day.

apparently not. Volume just spiked. Making another run at ATH in sats

I have a thunder node am I going to make it? When? I have done my research but this coin can never moon because then I would be rich and I can never be rich

I'm genuinely happy for you, user. You will make it.

LMAO, have made way more in a week just sitting in ether than dealing with shitcoins like this

He sold.

Pump it.



Are you another ETH bro? Watching ETH pump rn is making me sick to my stomach.

Everyday the same bozos wake up in China and get to work across all forums shilling this commieCuckCoin so they can sell their share of coins because this is going nowhere. Pick any new coin on binance or kucoin for X 2 gains in a day then what you make with this in a week and best main shill can say is 2020.

mebbe i just no read good but i don't see pboc confirmed true here


what's your point? I bought eth for 10 bucks and sold it for 400 in june. If I just fell for the hodl meme I'd have low 6 figures right now instead of 7 figures

to be honest I enjoy watching Vechain crash and burn. They've got a team of 40 people and a woman, but haven't come up with a working product yet.

Absolute destruction to my VEN right now with ETH pushing to 1400. Not really sure If I should just sell and ride the ETH wave then buy back in.

Every time I do something like this, I get fucking burned so I'm not going to attempt it.

this kek

Im just praying to fucking god this pump stops soon. Hopefully we will recover in a week or so.




oh my god its still dropping. Im going to be fucking sick. My entire portfolio is down 25% in like 2 hours. Im going to bed before I jump off my apartment balcony.

>mfw my portfolio is somehow still 10% up today