How high will this shit go?

How high will this shit go?

1k minimum if were talking about btcp then anywhere from 10k because the fomo when they think the new bitcoin is going to rise and they see a 100% return in 1 day they will sky rocket the coin to top 3

You mean how low? Shits tanking

All the market is down you dindu

This shit is the new req

to $0.5

Dump it so you can get into the feature fotm coins

$800 before fork, then bitcoin private's will be worth $1500 maybe more

my target is 0.03800000

refueling for the jupiter-shot. scoop below 180 while you can, sir.

just refueling for the next jupitershot, user. scoop below 180 while you can.

im more interested in why the total mc went up? where did the 1million coins come from? sketch as fuck

They've been around. Rhett told everyone a while ago. Just no one listened.

3mil was listed on btcp's website and coinmarketcap had the listing wrong (afaik they still haven't fixed it from 1.8 to 3mil). there's always been 3mil supply. the one thing that pisses me off (holding 300zcl, atm) is the timing of the tweet (basically near the top of the run). other than that, i'm sitting tight and comfy, scooping as much as i can below 180-190usd, basically

was a bug that got fixed :^)


you should be more intrested on why it took you 5 days to figure this out. 5 days is a year in cryptoworld pick up the effort normie scum

by the way why is zclassic hidden on the rankings?

not invested in this shitcoin just interested to see what happens with it

rank 75 which is prob why you cant find it. should be atleast 20 pre fork

well you must really be normie scum if you cant see the safest 2-3x investment in the current market. bum.

calll me an idiot all you want .. this will save the bitcoin legacy

LOL im worth millions son. been in crypto for 8 month which as youd say is an eternity. get on my level


will bittrex support the fork? i don't want to take my coins off the exchange

I remember it being in the 90s and 100s, but I can't find it anymore.


well then you should know the potential. no need to lie little boy crypto isnt cut out for normie scum like you

I hope it eventually goes to the levels bitcoin is at today. I think that is possible for a concept like BTCP. Not sure how high the price will rise before the fork

That's weird. Its on my screen at rank 73