What happened to thread?

BlockArray ICO is counting down, nearly finished.
>$8 million cap
>All its competitors trade between 250-1 billion.
>Easy 20-50x.

Other urls found in this thread:


can I still buy this shit?

magnalis ICO is better though
>100 million supply
>$3 million cap
Easiest 10x of all time

Yea you can!

I'm transferring from my kucoin wallet, anybody know how long it takes? Kucoin said there'd be a delay

>dev said they met with a company in atlanta today (Atlanta is transportation hub of America)
>possible Kucoin listing

How can I sell this coin? Never purchased an ICO b4. Can you help a fellow supporter/fag.

wait until it lists somewhere
send them to that exchange
sell them

It archived
I always hear stuff about ED but never used it, so look that aroun Jan 14

just sent money using metamask, shows pending but when i click on transaction it can not be found, did i just lose my money? haha

magnalis.network scam coin. some one posted the proof also , stay away from it

just wait
refresh your wallet address on etherscan and you'll see the transaction again

you type like a poor pajeet

ok, i see transaction went through, but where are my tokens?

This, where are the ARYs stored Once bought?

got my ARY, going to make it to the MOON!!!!

Is Kucoin taking forever to process their ETH transfer for anyone else?

managed to get 1 ether in, then another 2 like 10 minutes before it closed

pretty comfy, just need to keep the hype going before it hits ED

Me too, it says it'll have a small delay until the process begins. Don't worry, there should still be enough leftover by tomorrow at least so just get some tonight

Is the sale over?


Its over, it says on the telegram Fuarkkk i missed out

its over, telegram confirmed. finished 5 minutes ago

Who Tier 2 Arrayan here? Gonna be a comfy ride

what did you use to buy them. They should be tied to your wallet

Your ether wallet likely, that’s how most ICOs work

FUCk I was gonna buy tomorrow

I have 8000 of these bad boys....will i make it??

Got in, suck it to the nocoiners

Ezpz flip like lamden

Most ICOs nowadays work with ETH?
Is this why the flippening is considered

It'll be a dollar by the start of March

What is it now? .18 right?

how much was the lamden ico price?

Don't have an entire eth.

Never going to make it : (

only got 158 ARY

fuck me sister m8s

Missed it by literally seconds. Transaction failure. fml

should i sell as soon as it hits exchange??

Can't be. Using their token calculation, 0.8 ETH gets you 3784 tokens. 0.8ETH is worth $1101 on their website. That is 29 cents on the dot. Unless I just bought at a 10cent premium?

i got 60k of the token
i know literally nothing about this coin
i just wanted to get into an ICO that accepts americans since every single fucking one i looked at was not allowing us

so what happens now

yes, ETH went from ~300 to 1k because of people buying it for ICOs

kodak today announced their own ICO and it will be on eth which is why it's going up from 1.2 to 1.4+