Shill me something that will x10 on this shitexchange

shill me something that will x10 on this shitexchange

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Linda coin my nigga


Literally retarded if you're not in on NOBL at this price

Hate to break it to you OP, but we've pretty much scoured Cryptopia at this point. You're probably gonna have to look elsewhere for your moon mission. Check ED or BitBTC or COSS.


LindaCoin is about to drop whitepaper and roadmap.



LUX before it breaks out


if you're not a chimp lux



Adshares (ADST) is a guranteed 10x at 10 million market cap rn get in early u wont see this posted on biz often so pay attention to this

2nd this. CAPP is next up

CAPP, look at the charts.

It's just starting to happen right now.

CEFS is you wish to be wealthy and receive glorious divedends which may or may not be redeemable in some other for for a plethora of beautiful sirens on a monthly basis.

CampusCoin (CMPCO)

Crypto for college students. Strong social media presence, and an active community.

Agreed. Has plenty of marketing potential.

It just got pnd'd and is now bleeding out.

Bit boost

TBF, the whole market is bleeding out. Look at Stellar (XLM) for a real PND.


CFC is being pumped right now, look at the volume

CREA. Under 20 mil marketcap. Just started to see an uptrend.

XCXT community took over the coin and has been killing it sub 5mm marketcap crazy staking/masterminds gains definitely a 10-20x