Anyone heard of UFR coin?

I have been seeing a lot of hype around UFR recently. It seems that it is based around some really good technology, but I am at work right now so it is hard to research. Upfiring also seems to have a fairly good administration working with it. I've heard from a few people that it is definitely about to take off in the next week or so.

Let me know if you know anything I don't!

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Still a ton of room to grow here. Still has only been added on 2 minor exchanges and could really blow up if it hits bigger ones. Still relatively low marketcap as well.

You fucking idiot, this is a scam coin promoted by a PND group. Get yourselves away from this shit as soon as possible before you lose 30% of your portfolio and cry about it tomorrow.

Literal fucking idiots. If you're looking into an actual good low market cap coin, look into PayFair.

Shill detected get the fuck out of here you pajeect scammer.

Yes yes, FUD UFR, it only makes us stronger.

UFR is only available right now on Cryptopia and Etherdelta so get in before it goes to bigger explosion and blows up! Upfiring moon mission commence countdown.

Why the FUD? Am I missing something? UFR looks legit to me...

Not a pnd group for various reasons. Buy UFR, it's /ourcoin/. Just look at its chart and use case if you don't believe it's gud

Twice in my life I've been frustrated with torrents:

1 - I wanted to download a pretty niche set of podcasts. I could find the torrent, but literally getting about 1kb/s down.

2 - thought it would be fun to set up a little seedbox and seed stuff I was into (like above). Poorfag student at the time and couldn't justify it.

UFR solves both of these in one go by incentivising seeding so everything there's a demand for will be there. Even smaller things will be sustained.

I'm loving the pump too but more excited for this to replace torrents once and for all.

Why not both? I have positions in UFR and PFR. I made a lot off both so far.
Not sure how much room either have to grow (no one does), but they are both solid gainers to date

Everyone says everything is a scam. U arent cool dude, ur just a college freshmen. In fact, that really makes PayFair sound like a scam lol.

You guys trying to FUD to get a lower price is super cute. The price has already corrected since the last bull run. Soon as craptopia opens up registration normies will eat this up and it will 3x. Buy UFR now it's not too late for you anons.

I really like UFR, marketcap is still tiny and only available on small exchanges. Great growth potential.

What other exchanges carry UFR? Cryptopia registration is down currently...

They posted on reddit that a new exchange is coming within a week. Gonna hodl my UFR till then and see how high this puppy can go

Etherdelta is open I think

The shithole that is etherdelta, only more reason the coin will moon after landing on an actually good exchange.

Pajeets locked out of Cryptopia is my guess

probably kucoin, right?

Lol trying to get his 20 points a day to stay in his discord coin promoting group. UFR is this groups shill coin of the month haha. Threads like this are pathetic and so fucking obvious. Anyone can see this from the sudden onslaught of ufr shill on biz.

I'm holding UFR but normies don't use cryptopia amigo.

Hopefully Kucoin accepts it sometime soon, every shitcoin put on their is like a guaranteed moon mission lately.


In all seriousness brothers UFR could make us all money if we get some adoption in multiple exchanges (ones that actually allow registration) and social trends continue.

check out the social growth from UFR. I believe once facebook likes (mom and pops) starts trending up, you will start to see the price increase more. as with most of these alt-coins it really comes down to results and more often than not, fomo.

UFR is definitely being talked about on biz and reddit/twitter growth is increasing. as more awareness is brought onto upfiring, more buyers will come in, and fomo will catch on.

I bought in a week ago, and will continue to hold until i see that social trend really start to spike. the calm before the fomo my brothers.

good luck

I'm on board with UFR.

- Low market cap
- Solves a problem: torrents dying all the time, shitty public trackers
- Does not have 134235 competitors using blockchain

- Mostly unknown team (but understandable seeing it's torrents)

Note that Cryptopia has just reopened registrations so you can actually buy UFR again:

This entire thread is just shills.

UFR is great. Kim Dotcom and ThePirateBay joining UFR too. Both Kim Dotcom and Peter Sunde confirmed teaming up with UFR on Twitter!!!

buy now or stay poor !