AUDIO COIN - Holy fucking shit

This coin is literally followed by OG Bitcoin devs.

It has been around since 2015 which is like 20 years in the crypto universe.

Bjork's new album was released on this coin.

This coin already has mainstream media coverage:

Seriously, what the fuck are you waiting for? On YoBit and Cryptopia right now.

Other urls found in this thread:

Forgot to add, the market cap is only 30 M. A 30 M market cap coin that has already had an article released on the verge.

I went with this one yesterday with 0.5 BTC at 150 satoshi, it's over 220 satoshi now

This is actually based on Blockpool blockchain which is the best thing currently and there is that major music label deal under NDA

This should be an easy moon to $250M at least

Pajeets spotted, fuck off with your shitcoin curry munchers.

Blockpool stuff is impressive.

I remember hearing about this coin on The Verge when Bjork's latest album came out.

Interesting to see it's actually going to do some things now. Time to look into it

One of my better coins atm

I can only get so erect OP.

I hope my music sounds good on the moon.

Already made good profits with this.

Wonder how high this can go up, it's currently very undervalued compared to other shitcoins

Why AudioCoin is due for a breakout

AudioCoin is one of those under the radar projects that at first glance, you may miss the value of the project.

The team has been around since 2015 which is a lifetime in the Cryptouniverse. The purpose of the AudioCoin is for new ways of buying, transacting and consuming music content. You might ask, how is this any different from some of the other music coin projects out there? I'm glad you asked.

AudioCoin is moving away from its current Blockchain platform and integrating with the Blockpool Blockchain. If you didn't know, Blockpool has a slew projects under their belt of which actually offer real-world consumption and transaction based interactions. Aurovine is one of those projects where it took on a stagnant music industry that was prone to the giants of Apple, Spotify and Pandora. Using Aurovine as a conduit for Artists to publish their music as well as gift Artists and users with AudioCoins for consuming their content. In a way, this was a Daytrotter like system with actual rewards in place for rewarding you for the music you love.

So why is the move to Blockpool such a big deal? It's a big deal because Blockpool is based on none other than *drum roll please* --- ARK.

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few years, you know ARK is one of the most robust platforms in the Blockchain community. Not only does it scale beautifully but it is adding continually adding features that make their platform as robust as possible. From their blog:
> BLOCKPOOL have been focusing resources on ‘Delegated Proof of Stake’ and ‘Smart Contracts’
Which as we all know, has huge potential for growth as AudioCoin will move to a DPoS system for rewards and have a very bright future ahead of itself.

I cannot overstate how under the radar this project is right now with a reward system and platform that is about to take off. As always #DYOR.

wow bjork. she's really popular these days

Bought a few thousand coin, dont fuck with me op

wish i could fucking drop my money into it but cryptopia is closed to making new accounts rip anons help me


I keked but will throw a hunnid on it cause I need an audio crypto in my port

They just opened

I got you my man, just send some coin worth of the amount you want and I'll HODL it til you can withdraw somewhere :^)

Also on Bleutrade


Such an obvious PnD going on here. Same posts shilled on plebbit.

Don't fall for it user.


They're open now, hurry faggot

Price projection on this piece of shit?

had to make a new thread cuz the last one got shitted on?

I bought 2.82 LTC worth of these last night at 150 sat. Now it's like 250 and rising. Comfy.

This is not what pnd looks like user
check the market depth

Holy fucking shit stop shilling coins that have already mooned you fucking faggot

>not on any actual exchanges. Already mooned.

Whoops thought this was the Lamden thread hahaha

>$25 million market cap

ohh this has just started. A lot of FUD here, so Chinks are getting scared because their vaporware doesn't have any partnership

Bork is fucking awesome

It's up like 300% shitbag

I've never bought anything that was three digits up and made any profit.

brainlet question but why is blackpool only 14mil mc and this is 30mil. is blockpool a gem too?

I remember the bjork stalker that filmed his suicide.

Good times.

Is bjork asian?

More like BJRRAAAAAAAAP am I right?

No. She's a snow nigger

I would think so

It would be smart to invest in both ADC and Blockpool while at this cap


A shit coin based off a shitcoin. The CEO of this turd is unironically named Kevin Bacon. He even has this weird, self-worshippy website.

You can't make this shit up

Buy this coin later on with the quick profits you'll get this month from OPUS, a much smaller and more explosively growing coin right now


I would call OPUS just a concept, won't go far

ADC might be a better thing from what I've seen on Discord

Making banks with with one

Which exchange do I buy this on?

I agree that Opus has serious hurdles long-term, but fuck if I'm not gonna take the 3-5x here while I can

Will put $3000 into this, should be enough for a Volvo

Nice just bjork 100k

DYOR faggot

Copy and pasted from reddit

Cryptopia, Bleutrade, Yobit

I would recommend Cryptopia because it has much higher daily volume

ADC already 4 cents fuck

Should reach 7-8c by tomorrow