LAST Warning. Trx is headed interstellar

Kys if you didn’t accumulate during the dip. Last call before we head to mars. Hopefully our lambos can fit

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ill accumulate at $.01

Nice one wojak

Yea I didn’t sell at the top cause I got burned earlier trying to swing Tron so I just held. But if I did I could have bought back in and just about quadrupled my stack.

Buying at 100 sats where it belongs.

meme lines show it's gonna moon today/tomorrow. You might as well throw $50 as it unless you're a poorfag

It's literally gotta get through 7500 bitcoins worth of sell wall just to match the ath, good luck

thanks just bought 100k

$.41 by tomorrow. Screen cap this shit bitches

it really looks like it's about to go interstellar if TA is anything to go by

Will start accumulating at 50 sats. Enjoy your bags faggots you deserve this

Spent 45 GAS on getting 15 TRX. This msut be the shitiest coin of all.

would be awesome. strongly doubt it, user.

If it hits .20 I will be enthralled

I hope this shit moons soon because im sitting on 8k


It literally can't.

What's up with all the TA bullshit nowadays?

12.5k hodl

This board has never seen less TAs than after the massive influx.

Literally nobody is meming lines anymore :(

kek at desperate baghodlers

protip, no one going to buy your shit

it's going under .8c by tomorrow

that last shitty attempt from whales to bump it was a joke, can't even hit 1000 sats

I'm not getting chinked by this coin, forget it.

Sell walls move, my friend. A lot of them are managed by smart bots that watch the price and shift the walls where it looks most likely to sell.

Holding 80,000 in bags. Thank god I paid a penny for this shit.

Well the walls are amazing and I'm sure something is up.
Here's hoping to hit $10 somewhen this year.

Quick question: When the coin burn happens, do they burn some reserve Tron or does everyone lose a proportional amount?

pardesi pardesi

Holding 30,000 for 0.03usd. Bags arent that heavy for me. TRX is a normie coin i believe it will moon soon


Literally mooning

Yes user. They will destroy the coins in your wallet. Because this is how this works. Genius. You're going places. Keep it up.

>Doesn’t do own research
>Doesn’t understand crypto
>Still making gains

The fucking state of Veeky Forums

Don't listen to these stupid heads in here. A coin burn is where they take coins from those with smaller wallet amounts and give them to those with bigger wallet amounts. Basically they are rewarding people like me that hold over 10,000,000 TRX tokens for being a good supporter and you're like the guy that goes to 7-11 and overpays for a cup of coffee.

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@


Gook scam coin, it's literally a token, justin and some lines of shitty java code not ready for anything leave alone production.

Will TRX moon after burn?

It's mooning right now. Look at the fucking volume! FOMO in motherfucker

I'm hodling 12.5k at a loss

you should cash out while you still have enough to buy some rope, or a box of shotgun shells

Some genuinely delusional foreigners in here.

nope. but it will at least do a 2x til end of q1

Not it isnt

Selling my free 500TRX for 50 LINK during tron's first moon, was the best trade I ever made.

wow ur so rich

If only Justin could stop these bots! Then TRX would go right to $10k!!!

Tron is a fail vaporwave meme of a coin.
Dogecoin is superior buy doge.

"foreigners". Let me guess, you're a from Murica?


Enlighten me about Tron please.


Hodling 200 of those shits just in case. Not expecting anything tho.

What would happen if binance bans bot accounts and confiscate their funds?

The shittiest of shitcoin. Even Verge is better than this shit.

lol the market would crash, they have so much money on these bots it's not even funny

Underrated truthbomb.

Fucking imbecile. This isn't an MMO where you have to play with your own hands.
These exchanges have API's that are designed for trading bots. Stock and FOREX do as well. They're the vast majority of an exchange's income. Your post just shows how utterly ignorant you are.

Which is people trying to sell at when they put in aka the top and when they realize they cant, they will all sell at market price and drive this into the fucking ground

The absolute fucking state

Ding! Ding! Ding! Tronfags thinking this will moon again are deluded. I’ve been watching twitter to see how the target audience is handling this and more and more people are getting tired of Justin’s bullshit hyping on twitter. Some are catching on that the token is useless and that these partnerships he’s been announcing don’t mean shit see pic related.

>Claims to be an authority
>Calls them bots like a normie instead of algos like someone who actually program trades professionally

Fucking kek.

only dropped 30 sats since you posted this. Id call that progress for you TRONIES. Why dont you stop embarrassing yourselves and hold your losses with dignity till the next batch of stupid money floods in. Id stop bringing attention to your bags. You are only bringing more attention to the pump and dump nature of TRON. Yours truly, guy who held TRON since 20 sats and sold when the party ended at 1630 sats. Ouch where you guys at now 740. Aye. Greedy idiots.

keep clam guys

>inb4 normies realize they bought into bullshit because they thought it would go up

lol its like they're slowly unraveling the mystery of this fucked up decision they made

Just give up, stop the losses. Put the money into KIN if you want another cheap coin with normie appeal, or into a promising new coin like TAU, or into a sure thing like ICX or VEN. Either way, stop embarrassing yourself.

why did normies buy TRON of all things? wtf even happened

hype threads and shilling made them just FOMO

It's the biggest Chinese crypto you dumb faggot and it's just getting started. If China only allows 1 crypto then it'll be trx. If Chinese can only use TRX then most will use TRX to avoid penalties. Can you see where this is going

Yeah, the trash

normies got shilled it on twitter. im dropping all my bags the second it moons no normiecoin has a future

Isn't this coin proven to be a scam? With the whitepaper being almost entirely plagiarized? Why is anyone still buying it?

It was a fan translation from the original whitepaper in chinese.

LMAO. So a "fan translation" just happened to be very similar to other whitepapers, you know, by chance?

Too much wishful thinking, user. Read this and sell your trx:

It is not S%_)*
It has use already in industry... refer to social section of Tron on!!!!

i remember saying all these things before selling at 1630. enjoy the bags. the story is getting mighty old. you might need to think up some new selling points instead of repeating the ones that sold you my bags.

>These exchanges have API's that are designed for trading bots. Stock and FOREX do as well. They're the vast majority of an exchange's income. Your post just shows how utterly ignorant you are.

GM Plz ban

this thread is the reason why all normies must die

lol that is poorfag status

Same friend.
A-are we gonna make it?

Thanks for buying my bags

You actually bought some of mine unknowingly faggot haha. Nice try being a edgy little nigger though.
t. Bought in at .0018 cents

So the creator of tron, who speaks english, didn't even review one of the most important piece of his project ?
Sounds like a scam to me

I want to dump these bags so badly, but knowing my luck it's gonna moon as soon as I do that

He went to U Penn too, which I think would’ve required him to write a paper in English at some point too. kek Normies are catching on since he isn’t making them rich.

actually is is very prooven, that this coin is in fact no scam

>t. Some edgelord faggot with "DUDE 420" in his username.

Who and why are all these faggots popping out like they are experts lmao?

>he's a narcist

why would you even screenshot this retard's tweet? you must be just as retarded. saging this faggotry

Any coin that focuses too much in advertising from the beginning is automatically considered a scam by anyone with half a brain.

There is almost no product whatsoever, only promises and a lot of shilling.

But it is still very likely that this will moon, since normies are dumb and will buy whatever shitcoin looks the shiniest.

Just go look at the hashtag for any crypto, all of them are experts. It’s infuriating, but hilarious at the same time because most of the time their advice is complete shit.

When I first looked at the whitepaper I knew something was fishy

NO serious scientist/engineer writes a paper in word and you shouldn't expect a working product from anyone else, especially from someone who attended a marketing school

I still looked at the chinese one to be sure, but it was exactly the same

I like to find normies with really uniformed opinions that share them in an funny way here because it’s funny.

They are literally fag/women-tier attention whores.
Like, am I the only one here who (other than going on Veeky Forums) doesnt go around yapping about how good and smart I am with crypto?
Social media users need to be Zyklon'd.

I am sitting on 20k of this shit since 317 sats, I could sell now, but unless it drops to 400 I got no reason to sell. I put my sell orders in 2500 coin increments from 1000 to 2500, hoping for a good run, but this coin has already made me some cash so I am all good with it.

the volume is from the ceo dumping his tron lmao. People are so dumb

$50? The poorest of poorfags

I honestly can't wait to cash out of this shit coin.

I got 500 for free from binance. That's how dogshit this coin is. This is a shit oin. A SHITCOIN

What volume , the volume is down 30 percent from yesterday lol

>coins that do airdrops are shit by default
Oh ok.



My bags are so heavy.

Cannot wait to dump this shitcoin