This coin will be hitting exchanges today. Tokens are released in a couple hours

This coin will be hitting exchanges today. Tokens are released in a couple hours.

Easy 2x if you buy as soon as it hits exchanges.


>Telcoin is a new cryptocurrency based on the Ethereum blockchain that will be distributed by your
national telecom operator and made available to everyone, anytime, anywhere. This is the core of
our business, and mobile network operators will be at the center of our strategy.

I can't say I know everything, but I think there is a strong chance that Telcoin will be the first coin to really make crypto accessible to the mainstream.

Get in before the normies do.

Other urls found in this thread:

what exchanges? worth a shot in this bloodbath

>This coin will be hitting exchanges today. Tokens are released in a couple hours.


I read it wont hit ED for another month


What exchanges?

It's illegal for token distributors to disclose exchange information before tokens are released.

No-one knows when they will hit exchange, but many tokens hit the exchanges the same time they are distributed

most likely ED for sure tho right?

oh boy another shitty erc20 token with no partnerships that is totally - for real this time - going to change how people do stuff! except not, because nobody is going to go to the trouble to set up accounts for this garbage, when they can already get what they need for fiat

I don't get it. What's the purpose of this coin? All carriers support virtual money transfer already without blockchain. What exactly are they trying to achieve here? I think the project is pointless.

If you're right, the token goes 2x-5x

if you're wrong, it could go 100x

boxmining showed that is a scam


it's like, instead of signing up for Coinbase, attaching a debit card/SEPA account, you can just have a wallet through your mobile operator

this whole fucking market is so retarded that you are probably right

+ they have better than average marketing== 10x at very least

So where do I get their announcement about exchanges? Are they going to post it somewhere?
We're talking here about the first 2-3 minutes tops.

What's the address/tick number/name for the token?

>a wallet through your mobile operator
sounds fucking dreadful, i wouldn't trust my telco with any sum of money

Their Telegram is probably the best bet.

Number 1 rule of customer service is: Just because you wouldn't want something, doesn't mean everyone else wont

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@

you could say that about literally anything though
i just dont see people lining up to associate their magic internet money with an industry that isn't exactly loved by consumers

Ok then fine, don't buy.