30 hours

30 hours.

Other urls found in this thread:


whats in 30 hours user? 400 adshare marine here.

end of ICO pajeet, fill your bags and get ready for mooning.

dump coming

bump for moon?

You're gonna regret memeing instead of buying

Moon mission phase 1

Can someone tell me if this coin is a scam or not?

Scam how? It's in ICO, it ends in 30 hours. DYOR you idiot

Although there has been a lot of scam shit on biz since the new year

this is the earliest i've ever strapped in for a moon mission

who else feelin /EARLY/

Real early. Make sure you just HODL. I've considered not using my computer for the next few days to avoid selling if it moons slightly, etc

/EARLY/ because I was literally the first one mentioning it here.

But this is already at Cryptopia:

Why to wait 30hrs?

Yeah thats when the ICO ends. It's available on cryptopia now since people literally don't know how to use a mew wallet

I've just dropkicked my computer off a building and am phone posting, I'm going to be hodling until they invent a time machine which will allow me to go back and catch my computer and retreive my stash yeeeeeet

thanks user

good user posting this without mentioning ico name

Unironically, check it out though. They have a demo coming


buy now or be pink wojaking for all eternity

>Team is literally made of 3 people
Have fun getting scammed

Coin is out since august and the ICO ends in 30min ? Explain yourself

They’ve done other successful projects

Founders are rich AF even before the ICO, hired more than 10 developers and designers, just not listed as team members