Best Privacy Coin

What is the ultimate privacy coin?

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ZenCash. Just horrible goddamn branding and marketing.

Christ, Verge really is a shitcoin.
Why does is it allowed to call itself a privacy coin when the FBI runs a shit ton of TOR nodes?


not yet, my man

What if these are all NSA honeypots?

COLX should be pretty high in the list.
Now consider it's only like $0.01 and it hasnt even begun to go mainstream...


Lux Coin

TBO Colossus (COLX) might be the worst project name/ticker in crypto.

Phore is also fugly

They just hired professionals to help with that like crypto media hub, graphic designer, and videographer

I still need to accumulate, but since this coin is over $1 nu/biz/ will ignore it. Any thoughts on Cloak? Fully private + acceptable tx times + staking. Looks like a
>solid project
>solid team

I remember it from years ago - are the devs still active?

I get a 404 when I try to read the whitepaper on their site



COLX is fine. ColossusCoinTX is just painful to read

SumoKoin. They're also releasing an updated roadmap soon.

Ripple aka xrp

Gas yourself

Prime-XI is ultimate private poor fag pajeet coin only 1 mil cap can you imagine

Turtlecoin! Every start mining now for great profits in the future! This is the next bitcoin, imagine if you owned 10 million bitcoin! With this coin you can!!! Mine now!

Holy fuck the amount of shitcoins here in this thread

Yeah, It would appear so. They recently open sourced “Enigma” the transactiom system.

Yeah, I’m getting 404s too, they did recently redo the site so maybe something is fucked.
I did find this mirror, but I can’t confirm if it’s the latest version of it.

This. Drop mic.

what about sumo, saga, zen??????

Got a bridge to Ark now too. That allows connection and contract execution on Ark & ETH platform, and swaps with BTC & LTC.

>9.7 billion circulating supply

it's so funny how for the longest time Veeky Forums ripped on IOTA for having a 2.7 billion supply, and now there are coins with more than 3 times more and people don't blink.

9.7 circulating is a LOT of fucking coins.

Spectrecoin (XSPEC) is best

Fast, cheap, 20 mil supply
Also cool encrypted chat in wallet

hilarious how they put a green checkmark next to 'privacy optional' as if thats a good thing. disingenuous shitcoin

Monero is king
Verge is easily the worst one

DAGs aren't crypto currency.

Yup, this will knock them all dead.

Bitcoin Private

Monero isn't really user


So you’re saying this is a $1 coin? Noice

can these coins literally hide money? like lets say im about to get a divorce or im about to die and want to will them to my children with no inheritance tax

Aw I like xvg long hold

Agreed. I want to see privacy by default, as the only option.

With XMR yes, absolutely. Normies think it's going to be drug markets that pumps this shit but it's going to be corrupt businessmen and millionaire crypto neets ducking taxes.

yep. monero will be the rich person coin

Turtlecoin is best privacy coin. Sooner we all realize this the sooner we can move on.

BTCP will be


This chart is pretty bad

>Built on Bitcoin Codebase
that's a funny way of saying Bitcoin Fork, and it's not a feature lol

>Privacy optional
not a good feature

>Platform profit sharing
none of the coins have this, so why even have it on this chart?

not a good feature


yeah honestly i see a huge market for this in guys just trying to avoid giving money to their soon to be ex's but how hard will it be make that USD--> XMR transaction untraceable?

What do you think are the most important features?

for zcash and all it fork, it possible


I can envision bars and restaurants that let you buy $1000 of XMR in addition to your meal.

Mah nigga

zcl + btcp, ma niggas. buy the dip. it is delicious.

Monero after Kovri will be the number #1 privacy coin. The darkweb already uses Monero as their currency. Think about it you brainlets.

TokenPay going to take over soon


Bitcoin Cash

Yes, unironically. Why do you think dream market accepts it, and not XMR?

That doesn't make it a privacy coin, user. Although BCH does have plans to add privacy features and if they pull that off other privacy coins are going to take a hit.


Lux. Like privacy Eth.

why ETN not on these charts?


XMR has too large of a marketcap. It's not worth the effort.
XZC and NAV have much more room to grow.