Be me, studying poorfag from poland, where there's basically no other form of earning money other than wagecucking

>be me, studying poorfag from poland, where there's basically no other form of earning money other than wagecucking
>gain interest in crypto trading as a whole mid december
>first investment +-7 days ago, ~45 dollars
>all in req on a dip before hitting 1$, then all in dent on a pump, then all in dbc before huobi
>money 2.5x, pumped as fuck
>mfw market crashes

tell me what to do, user

>be me, studying poorfag from poland, where there's basically no other form of earning money other than wagecucking

No jak jestes pierdoloną sierotą to tak sobie tłumacz ;)

>no other form of earning money other than wagecucking

Typical polish thinking.

Here’s the secret. Everyone has a job. That won’t ever end.

maybe I could've worded it a little better, there is really limited choice for directions to be something more than average wagecuck taking credit after credit. Really limited. IT, banking and good idea for business are some that come to mind. Of course not everyone is a wagecuck, whatever. Maybe it is polish thinking. But I'm still bitter about possible end of getting at least somewhat rich on crypto in this shitpile country.

Kraj zajebisty ale ludzie (vel takie cipki jak Ty) go psują :) powodzenia w niebyciu piczką i przytuleniu tego tysiaka co zmieni Twe życie ;)

Make your own possibilities faggot, I’m also from eastern yuropoor and doing fine as a student.

holy fuck so you made it to a total of 112.50 USD! you almost made it, such a shame the market collapsed right now. you would have only needed nearly 9000 times as much money to have a million dollars! close one!

powodzenia za rok na marszu niepodległosci kolezko, kraj najzajebistszy

a co do Twojego pytania z postu - zrob to co na obrazku przegrancu zyciowy :)

112.05 USD is a lot in Poland is like week salary.

wypierdalaj stąd ty kurwo wykopowa, ty pedale pierdolony oskarku

wtf then i would probably be able to retire right now if i move to poland

Wszystkich słowian trzeba wybić. Ty ładnie pokazujesz dlaczego.

so you made $100? you can’t even afford the seatbelt in a lambo. kys you’ll never make it.


never said I'm not doing fine, man. being a poorfag is relative to most people coming here investing shit ton of money right at the start. it's just about possibilities and possible ending of them.

Is everyone in Poland this retarded?



Do what you want with the information. Personally wouldnt wait on Qash, wish or SYS. All about to have parabolic year.


Yes and? Don’t complain idiot, as said, i’m also from a shithole and i invested much. You’re at fault here, why don’t you have more money? why even bring up that you’re from poland, how does that even matter? Make better choices in your life

exactly what I've expected, thank you user
as I've said I'm very new to this. Is market really crashing or just a big correction?

Gratuluje sukcesu OP.

Traktuj to jak gre komputerową. Nie przywiązuj się emocjonalnie do krypto bo zaczniesz podejmować złe decyzje, by się "odbić" - to tylko prowadzi do spirali porażki.

he's shilling his bags

could have just said that I'm from shithole. doesn't really change anything too much, maybe disdain for my country made me point that out.

qsp and drgn have been shilled pretty often here

If you wanna make it, be a priest in Poland.

All of them have a Mercedes S

You’re victimizing yourself, your mentality is fucked like most eastern eurofags