ICX seems to be stabilizing with a floor at about .0006500
Get in while you still can at a discount price. Once it has fully stabilized, nothing but up.

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Lads it looks like the worst is over

Fuck, it’s almost back up to 7000.Will it dip back below? I kinda wanna by at 6600 or lower.

Let’s hope so. 24 hours ago was sacary. 4 hours ago made me sweat too. I did accumulate more during the bottoms of the dips though.

are you guys retarded? it's literally in a downtrend channel just sell when it gets to the high point and rebuy when it dips

perfect for swing trading and accumulating more

bought about 2.5 BTC worth at 6580. Did I do good lads? When is the main net launch and when its gonna be on Bithumb? Kind of feeling dumb not knowing answers to those questions before buying but it felt right lol

I have a buy order at 6300. I probably won’t get it, but that’s what I was doing earlier. I’m long term HODLing most of my ICX, but my portfolio grew by about 20% today by trading the swings. I usually wouldn’t recommend it, but it’s up to the anons what they want to do.

CMc is down for me, at work, don't trust block folio. How's the price bois?

Sounds decent. I want to buy at about that price.

.0006905 right now. Dipped to .0006200 earlier though.

Thanks friend

what about the South Korea banning crypto thing? was that not true?

Of course it’s not true. The justice minister, who is already being destroyed by everyone in Korea, is drafting a bill to ban cryptos. The other agencies in government have come out against it. The chance of this bill passing is absolutely zero. Keep in mind that they aren’t even anywhere close to voting for it. He’s simply drafting it. My guess is that he won’t even get that far after the shitstorm he caused yesterday. The raids yesterday were for tax fraud, not to shut the exchanges down for good.

Completely BS FUD. Korean government is getting rid of anonymous exchanges and making sure the exchanges pay taxes. So in response, some dumb journalist for CNBC writes an article about how Korea was banning all crypto. People being dumb idiots rushed for the exchanges to panic sell, causing a crash. Would have been a great time to buy when it fell down to like $7.


then i must buy...

Yeah, she basically wrote an article about how Bitcoin was crashing (it wasn’t) because of an upcoming ban, and then that article caused the market to actually crash for about an hour. Then once it did crash, a bunch of other MSM sites published articles about how crypto is crashing because of SK banning crypto. Plus the author was a literal Pajeet. Pic related is her.

That’s the spirit. You won’t regret it.


The worst is over, well done Icon Gang.

thank christ

im up to 350, will i make it?


Depends on what you mean by “make it”. Could buy you a decent car in a year.


thx man, whats your target here?

I said it yesterday, it will dip to low 7$ again and that’s it, by then most of the fud will be dispelled and panic sellers and weak hands will be finished selling low.
Now korean media is reporting on the government clarifying their position, google search can dispel fud even for the most uninformed Normie. It’s over, no more dips below mid 8$, look at the charts strong support in that area.

ICX won’t moon for the time being, it will remain in this area for a while since while the government sort of dispelled fud, its a fluid situation and this kind of news hit hard, stay put until the 20th when the new framework for crypto will be released and mainet on the 24 should take us above 20$ where we belong.

I’m aiming for $30 by March, $50 by Summer, and $80 by EOY.

100 eoy if everything goes smoothly.

I fine with it just being stable for the time being. I just don’t want it to dip below $8 again. Too stressful.

o shit i should have bought this instead of FUN

I'm trying to accumulate as much as I can before the end of the month, without selling for losses.

I’ve been buying this dip hard. I’ve come out of the dip with more than I came in.

Hey look, dumb Pajeet CNBC author is now saying the Justice Ministry is softening it’s stance.

They should’ve fired her tbqh


oh yeah. shouldn't be able to publish that nonsense with impunity. there were people on her twitter defending her too. fucking pathetic white knights

I only have 2700 ICX, how much do I need to retire?

That’s funny. I bought some at 6300 earlier. I’m holding your ICX, lad.

That'll be enough given 2-3 years.

fuck it feels good to see these posts again after the bloodbath yesterday. user i have 3.5k, realistically we probably need at least 10x our stack to retire on, but we will probably make quite a bit of money

that should hold you over by the eoy if you don’t live extravagantly



No where in that article says the ban wont be happening. Ministry of justice has the last saying.

Expect more news about this shit.

See . The author corrected herself without really correcting herself. Yes, the Justice Ministry wants to draft that bill, but none of the other ministries agree with it, plus it would never pass in Korea’s legislative body. Other MSM articles are coming out with corrected stories as well.

FUDder gtfo. We’re having the first happy thread in a while.

Why would anyone ever choose ICX over ADA? ICX is like a child's toy compared to ADA.

Can we eat this BTC wall? shit

its ok user

buy the dip

$100 by June

feels good to finally be in the green

ADA isn’t bad but ICX has more promise.

Come on no unrealistic shilling pls

That’s a lot of pink...


WE UP 20%

climb goddammit. This is the ICX I know.

>only 50 icx
feels bad man

it's okay man. you are in the game.

How? ADA is literally the brainchild of some of the most brilliant computer scientists in the field. ICX is just a bunch of tech bois from Seoul playing fintech entrepreneurs.

I drew some lines.

Why not own both friend? I own a lot more ADA, trying to increase my VEN and ICX stacks.

ICX has lots of corporate backing , and koreans will support it till they can't anymore. Great hold, even though the technology behind Cardano is better.

shill me on ada

Lol I have 2.15


We hit $10 for a second

I lost so much trying to daytrade it hurts. But we're going back up so thats good.

Brothers, what will 3200 ICX be worth Jan 11th, 2019?


We’re making a comeback. ICX gang finna pull up on ya block.

Shill yourself, cryptofriend:


pull up on yo block with the yappa
Bitch niggas running from the choppa

I'm a freestyle scientist
I got a bitch, she's a Anesthesiologist

Got me dumb high on that gas
Yo girl hit me up, but i gotta pass

ICX gang in this bitch
30 clip make yo ass snitch
Don't make me throw ya in a ditch

k i'm done

And better than 90% of the niggers rapping today

That wasn’t bad tbhfam

ty senpai

rhyming is fun

I C X, I C X ,I C X
My bitch love have lots of sex,
hit $100 i write big check,
I C X, I C X, I C X

learn to not fall for every little stupid FUD kid

be on the lookout for any dips between now and the 24th. ACCUMULATE


Beautiful dip, time to rebuy :^)

You faggots have been saying nothing but up for weeks. Fucking weeks. Enjoy holding your bags on your sinking Korean ship. No one is going to buy your shitcoin.

Listen, when a coin needs a fucking cheerleading squad on an anime imageboard to maintain marketmorale, it's probably time to dump your bags and move on.

has =/= needs

And it has been going up for weeks. Fucking weeks. Enjoy not holding bags on our rocket ship. No one is going to buy your FUD.

Listen, when a presidential candidate needs a fucking personal army on an anime messageboard to maintain his presidential candidacy race, its probably... oh, wait. it's a good idea, isn't it.

>thinks tards on the internet got Trump elected and not powerful Zionist Jews

Ok kiddo.


Nice meme.

It's crashing again. Sell now to buy the dip


If it reaches 6300 again, buy the dip. You won’t regret it.

Ridiculous. Politics is not a market, you don't FUD your candidate to vote for him at a lower pricce.

Euros are waking up and selling high. I don’t blame them. They also haven’t been unFUDded like Americans and Asians. Once they’re smooth, up for good.

Unfortunately most of the FUD has already been dispelled


You know it's true.

Yeah, I’ almost positive it won’t reach that low again, but if it does, son’t Be scared to buy.

what the fuck is this wall
nigger whale trying to hold it down

*don’t be

the bottom line isnt touching anything lol

It’s fine. Buying opportunity.

Euros woke up, sold high, read the corrected articles about Korea, and are buying back.

