Why is it tanking?

Why is it tanking?

Other urls found in this thread:


No actual partnership,
Let me guess you bought ath?

They are in negotiations to join an alliance, there is no partnership with China Mobile or China Mobile Alliance. This is a post where Waltonchain wants to join the alliance and has reached out to them.

Big news, but it isn't what everyone seems to think it is. It's misleading.

Because the reality that there is no China Mobile deal is becoming apparent.

People realize that they got scammed. WTC was nearly forced to bring out any news. The topic and the wording was great for an initial hype. Crypto world loves stuff like that announcement.

No partnership. That's the reason.

VEN fags out in force to FUD the king, the partnership is 100% confirmed. WTC is the real deal, it will pass Venshit's market cap by March when Walton hits its upcoming milestones.

- Mainnet launch
- Child chain launch
- Masternodes and staking
- Rebranding
- More partnerships

China mobile article they released wasn't an actual partnership but retards that can't read thought it was.

Lots of FUD. Its still on the way up

>the partnership is 100% confirmed

Great! You'll be able to link a source for it then. It's odd that nobody else has done so when they have been asked but I'm sure you'll come through.

>the partnership is 100% confirmed

Give us a single link. Even the document WTC tweeted just shows in the first 3 lines that they have nothing.

Don't come up with the stuff. "working together" = partnership.

Lmao there's seriously no partnership???
Who lied, was it them or biz?

uhh few 100k people on crypto telegroup signal groups (pnd groups) were told to buy into it. Guess what happens after it pumps?

Veeky Forums and reddit lied to create hype. The wording was perfect hype the story, but read the document on your own and you will see pretty fast.


Im probably gonna hang myself in a week, im so fucked around these cryptos i just changed my ven to this on 36$ and im now down soo much i wanna really seriously punch my face so bad i get broken bones im so fucking pissed off if i ever get good profit from these cryptoshit ill smash my computer and wihtdraw all my cash never touch internet again

>Waltonchain is pleased to announce that we will be working with China Mobile IoT Alliance on a global initiative to incorporate Waltonchain IoT in 2018!
lmfao as far as I'm concerned that's lying to your own hodlers
they deserve to get so much shit for this

Wabi truly has the superior team:
>"From the outset I want to be clear about partnerships. The term is frequently abused in the crypto space and we will never fall into obscure usage of the term. For example, we will not masquerade a MOU/agreement with a local development zone in a 4th tier city as a National level partnership and post the national anthem on our twitter" -Alexander Busarov Wabi CEO. (Vechain BTFO kek)

Just wait it will go back up. It was already up for the week.


If you feel the FOMO, it's already too late.

what you need to do is cut your losses and sell, then when things are looking better and its gone back up, buy back in

Simple rule you’ve probably heard 1000 times aroun here but still don’t follow. Do not buy at all time high, no matter what, what did you think wasn’t gna happen

nah, I've been swinging it, earning a couple of bucks, and then it just tanked.

I start to think that WaBi and maybe even Devery will be the real shit.

This whole VEN / WTC cult wars is getting annoying.

Walton has always been bad at getting their message across and fudders are using it against them once again, some to accumulate and some because they hate walton.

Denial phase is starting to kick in.

Be careful on Devery. I was planning on investing in their ICO but even crypto nigger Ian Balina passed on it.

>OP cannot comprehend thing that goes up 3x in short timeframe will go down by at least 30% afterwards
>pic related

Because biz. We all asked if its too late to buy in at ath but "get in while you can! 2bil market cap! $50 eod"

the absolute state of this shitshow
for a quick detour hop in the sub and watch levels of delusional rationalizations previously unknown to man

god fucking dammit i hate you cunts i fucking sold my ven stack for this shitcoin. fuck you stupid cunts
