Help!.. overshilled

Following the highly valued advice of Veeky Forums's financial advisors now I have invested in 20 different coins recently:
XLM, TRX, Appx, UFR, PFR, REQ, Link, Nebl, Fun, Lux, Pac, Crea, XBY, VRC, Ven

last time I checked all them are falling..
so seriously..
Which one is keep and which should I dump?

(not, I don't have huge amount in any of them.. 30-200 bucks max,)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop buying shit coins ven,xlm are all you need.

Keep a base of ltc or eth.

At least drop trx and ufr, next time check before buying complete shit

If you come here to take "advice" instead of lurking, watching names, and then making your own research, liquidate your assets and go back to wageslaving. Crypto will murder you.

Sell UFR, lux, pac, crea, vrc, trx, appx, pfr, nebl.

25% Long term moon shot (6m-1y)
25% short-term moon shot including daytrading (1w-6m)

That's it and thas all OP

Read their whitepaper, pick 2 or 3 of them (biz would say all in on one but fuck that).

When you're spread that thin with such low amounts any moons will be negated by minor losses from the rest of them.

I'm in 4 coins and still feel overdiversified.

This is the best strategy

Please keep attention to write LINK with capital letters.


Don`t worry about FUN its a hold for February.

Don't follow Biz, it's only for p&d'ers

Keep REQ, XLM and VEN. Dump everything else, diversify into BTC ETH NEO ZEC XRB. Steady gains all year.


just fucking hold retard


Dump the rest.

XLM is a top priority hold, the rest should probably be in ETH

Definitely best to DYOR, Veeky Forums should be at most a place to verify or disprove conclusions you've already drawn

Cross off UFR from that dump list if you arnt retarded op

OP here
Most of my money is in XLM (and in Neo, which is why my protfolio is still not yet in minus). the other 15 or so small coin on 3 different exchanges are mostly shit as it seems.. and I really decided to get rid of most of them

Keep PFR until they launch the platform in Febuary or you'll kick yourself in less than a months time

BCH is the safest 5x for this year. Actual innovation and big userbase. Billionaire backers.

Literally any coin that has backing from Multiple billionaires and billion $ companies would get shilled 24/7 on here but not BCH lol.
Shows how many redditors are here falling for the FUD

Keep these, dump the rest when they return to profit or lose 40%, whichever comes first.


Why do you not have BTC and ETH ? These can be bought on swing trades and exchanged into Fiat on a lot of exchanges?

no one wants to buy your bcash bags, roger

Making this thread isn't going to solve the fundamental problem, obviously. You're just going to get a bunch of different answers and be back where you started. The problem is you need to work on coming to your own conclusions and doing your own analyses and evaluations. Try making a thread asking for help on that.

Dump UFR, Nebl, LUX, CREA, VRC, VEN,...

Go back to solid ones like ETH, XRP, TRX, ADA ...

>Actual innovation and big userbase

Holy shit, comedy gold.

They're all falling because of ETH you dumbass. Just hold through the fucking dip and stop being so weak.


what are you, retarded? its only been down since like yesterday LMAO

Bought it yesterday :)

The question is not what but when. You either try to time the market with shitcoins or hodl something solid (relatively, for crypto) like eth. It looks like you're trying to hodl shitcoins which is retarded beyond belief.

>picks 2 multiobilliondollar shitcoims with no purpose on the list to hold
>tells him to dump UFR which has a real world purpose and demand
>UFR's market cap far less than 1/100 of those two shit coins...
>either trolling or delusional normie new to crypto

Keep xlm