Being paid to marry

an Israeli woman wants to pay me to marry for a visa. she’s hot so my priority is getting laid not the money. what are the legal implications of this?

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>implying you'll get laid

Enjoy your kid.

What's your price?

Nigga you gonna get paid and be at a courthouse. aint no fucking happening.

I hope she gets deported and you get thrown in prison.

jews dont need a visa into most countries.

I know people who've both paid for visas and sold them. Perfectly legit. 10k+

she hasn’t said yet. I imagine a few thousand dollars

This guy is correct. If you think getting married means getting laid. Well. You’re wrong kiddo

Dont do it for money. Do it for her body

You basically need to live with her and be prepared to prove you're in a real relationship for the next 2 years. You're most likely to fuck up during the actual process of applying for a green card right at the beginning honestly.

Israeli girls make good wives
Congratulations OP i hope you two are very happy together

and yeah if you're not doing this for money you're deluded.

Arabs marry for citizenships all the time.

It's safe but it's a lot of trouble.

You're gonna have to live with her the entire duration of the process. She can extort you any way sure pleases because you're doing something illegal. Your gonna have to memorize everything about her line what's the color of her toothbrush and shit because immigration will definitely ask you questions like this.

Good luck.

You gotta out jew the jew user.
Take the money, get laid and tell her to fuck off.

>money and pussy
>by just being a US citizen

How do I get in on this? I'm a US citizen

Espionage charges.

Be very specific with her that you wan't the pussy.

>A few thousand dollars for a multi-year commitment

Lol why do you think she's paying you? Hint: so she doesn't have to bang your gross Veeky Forums posting ass

yeah, and get fuck over by her mossad cousins or some shit.

military service in jewstan is mandatory. i wouldnt risk it.

I married a Chinese visa holder for $40k. You have to stay married for 2 years, don't do it for a few thousand.

>a racetraitor racemixing with a goy
>good wife

Where did you find a girl to do this with?

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@

Are there websites for this sort of thing? Is it legal?

negotiate for more money and NO sex (avoid pregnancy, legal bs) -> go to sydney -> go to ginza club

I don’t see how it’s illegal to get married to whoever you want. Just make sure they actually pay the money and also there’s nothing that formally says this money is for this marriage and you’re probably good

It is illegal hit hardly provable. No idea about a website, I met her at s local Buddhist temple I was eating lunch at.

Dude please. She will give OP just enough poon to get her through the process. It will be the most expensive tip-wetting he will ever know. Once she has the green light he will be friend zoned until he is used up.

Wifetoken, when? I'm a highly elligible bachelor but I'd be all in. Any girl that is a non-white american roastie has to be better! These days all women are pigs

wife token is not a half bad idea

you could set up russian or thai bride platform but with tokens. you would bid on wives, catch them like ethermon. pay for their plastic surgery before importing them etc. could work.

Just demand daily blowjobs instead of money.

In the timeline we are currently in this doesn't even seem too unlikely

>If you think getting married means getting laid. Well. You’re wrong kiddo
Yeah the exact opposite is true

are you retarded
get a hooker if you this desperate
divorce has to many consequences for you

im sure some enterprising russians are on this as we speak

With Jews you lose OP. Don't fuck with them in any way, I'm warning you if you involve yourself with her you will regret it for the rest of your life, just stay away and move on.

I know of heaps of people that did it for 100k+ they don't have sex though or even talk lol

I'd do it. Love Israeli girls.

Want to pick up a Colombian qt as well desu. Venezuelan for max gainz.