Is it easy to program?

Hey everyone. Like a lot of people probably did, I quit my job to become a cryptoinvestor in December. I am looking to subsidize my current profits from trading by picking up programming. I see a lot of video games and computer people coding websites and games and figured I would give it a try.

Does anyone else code to get by during downturns ? I need some fiat to buy groceries with and pay rent - cna't cash out cause i need to hodl

Nobody will pay you to write python scripts.

Learn JavaScript

No, it takes lots of hard work and dedication to become decent. So unless you really are interested in it and eagerly want to learn, forget about it.

C++ bydlocoder in german company reporting in.

if you aint got talent or multiple years of experience, a kid will outclass you and do it for a fraction of the cost... do you have any?

you can get experience by doing volunteer work
are you willing to give up a lot of time (= money)?

Can't I just make websites theN?

I've seen a lot of the people making websites and most of them just use templates and look like morons anyway. Plenty of women are 'web designers' and i know theres no way they're figuring that stuff out.

hello dear sir

please to be doing the needful and learned the javascript langauge make many rupees

thank you sur

without a degree in CS, no one will hire some self taught nigger that writes shitty code. You got to do what everyone else has done and go the hard way if you actually want to pursure it.

>a degree in CS
who the fuck goes to college they have coding boot camps

You gotta learn javascript for that, unless you gonna make wordpress garbage. And javascript equals programming.

Btw ignore the faggot who said you need a CS degree. No you do not. Work on projects you are passionate about and show them to your future employer.

I go to college for CS because I don't want to start wagecucking at the age of 18 when I can live off student loan money and trade crypto's instead. Bootcamps seem stupid as shit.

Some bootcamps are better than others. However a degree will always look better(unless you have been programming for 5 years without one)

I mean five years of experience just takes five seconds to type on my resume

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If you don't have at least one year of real coding experience they are going to know you are full of shit.

might help get your foot in the door but once they start asking you programming questions you're pretty much done user

If a pajeet can do it, anyone can

At least you aren't pajeetcoder.

have fun making $4 an hour

I've watched plenty of BBT ill be fine

>tfw have to fix dogshit pajeet code

You're a fucking moron if you think this. I've worked with many programmers that have no educational background whatsoever.

Build a portfolio, retard.

I need to work on my baiting skills

What's the minimum I.Q to actually do well in coding? Mine is only 110 (actually tested) it seems like for most STEM things if you're not at least 125+ I.Q you won't make it. Could someone with a 110 I.Q get atleast a 3.0 GPA as a CS major?

where did Mark Zuckerberg got his CS degree? oh wait he didnt

MATE please don't become a web fag like me. worst decision of my life, its so boring and gay fuck i hate it so much.

>I quit my job