When to buy?

I want to buy some LINK but it looks like it's in a downtrend. Any educated guesses as to where it'll settle / what price I should try to scalp at?

its actually on an uptrend relative to the entire market.

Why would you want to buy a shitty nerdcoin of which the only much trumpeted partnerships are with: "zeppelin_os" and "Town Crier".

That's the worst piece of crap partnership list I have ever seen.


Yeah a better buy would be bitconnect.


link is the only coin having an uptrend atm.

Buy some now, average down if it dips.

This guy


I don't think Sergay has even bothered to update his Twitter since November.

But I guess being too tired from all the prostitution in Thailand will do that to you.

LINK is something far greater than what you just posted. If you want to join us, follow what we do. We buy when it’s high, we buy when it’s low. We literally don’t stop accumulating no matter what until it reaches $10.

I heard they have some anti semetic tokens or something. Probably going a LOT further down.

And eating big macs.

Doesn't matter bro he said he's retired anyway.

That's when the rumours the lead dev Jason Parsers was shadowforking the whole project started.

Blows my mind.

No matter how hard this is FUDed people still manage to see through the bullshit and buy.

pure autism isn't it? the whole thing is hilarious

Looks like we going for antisemitic tokens as the next meme. The phony mcap is funnier imo.

He also didnt update his twitter for 2 months between September and November. Isn't it safe to assume he takes 2 month breaks quite often? Take a look at his twitter history

Absolutely :)

Kys OP, buy it or not, LINK wont wait


who knows, but medium-term outlook is very good.
If the market as a whole stands up.

I agree SWIFT is small potatoes too this shit is going nowhere dump it

It's heading back to its true price, 15 cents. It says IN THE WHITEPAPER that for link to function it can't cost more than 15 cents, the fact we saw it reach 80 shows how much dumb money is in the market

I still manage to fire off a few tweets per day when I'm whoring in thailand this shit is unacceptable dump this shit its a scam

Disagree. Link has far more support from people going "all-in" than from larger traders. It has a good short to medium outlook.

There is no rush to buy link OP, it wont moon, its currently in a classic head and shoulders and should find a nice stable resting point ~3000 sats. Thats the buy zone for a long/medium term chainlink hold, the altcoin hype is dying down and everything will start bleeding soon back into BTC/ETH.