I have no interest in talking to girls anymore

I have no interest in talking to girls anymore
I am just looking at blockfolio
I dont have time to talk to my GF or go on dates any more
What's going on with me! I'm too obsessed with making money!

Now I know how the rapper feel
Chase a cheque.... never chase a bitch

go mgtow you cuck. who needs a gf??

Yeah but i still want to keep a girl but she noticed that I'm not giving her much attention. What's funny is that she's more clingly when I ignore her more.

Idk I felt the same but I still flirted with a coworker today, so we went to the gym together and now have a drink date. Even though I said the same shit you said like weeks ago.

It's easier to attract/keep girls interested when you're not as interested in them... don't you agree?

Like i put in minimal effort and my gf is craving my cock everyday

You do know women are trained in this. When she's done with you, you'll be buying her purses and shoes all day long. You're like a project to her. Her being clingy is just a tactic she has come up with cuz apparently it's your weakness because you're talking about her on a vietnamese pokemon board.

>I dont have time to talk to my GF or go on dates any more

I'm just observing phenomena my friend

That's what people say, I guess.

I know, you're probably a bit younger than me so I'm gonna give you a bit of advice friend.

I always thought it was the things that I did that showed a girls affection towards me, but it's not. If a girl wants you, she wants you. If you told her you're earning a lot of money now, it's not cuz of the way you're acting, it's because of she wanting you because of the money. She's just acting like it's you so you think about her a lot. She has discovered that you want her to think that she likes you a lot, so she's just using this.

It doesn't matter how you act or what you do from this point. She wants you anyways.

Keep making your money, and if you're not willing to make time for her, she probably isn't the one for you. The whole ignoring girls meme is true for flings, but not keepers. A keeper respects the hustle and tries to make the money with you

I wish someone told me this when i was younger. Relationships are about resource extraction. Be glad you have resources.

Keep it this way. Make her drool over you all fucking day, as soon as you give in she will fuck you over.

It's a mix between resources, looks and social power. Some of those overlap. And yeah, I agree, I wish someone told me it was this simple when I was younger as well.

Fucking feminism man, we're a generation of men raised by single women.

you might be gay
>pic related

gonna also be real here and say the "resource extraction" system of relationships is much more common with women raised to be submissive and repressed (aka most Western white women and East Asians). Women who are truly in touch with themselves and have a modicum of self-esteem don't give a fuck about your money

Well yes, I was conflating looks and social power with "resources". At least we found the golden ticket.


Get a girl that's into crypto as much as you, it's pretty fun. Then you will have things to talk about, such as what coins to buy or how their portfolio is doing. Current girl has gotten me on some moon missions early (antshares when it was $5 for example).

Good advice

No, I haven't disclosed my crypto gains to anyone.

maybe reddit cares about your story op i know you just came from there

go back to your soyjack thread faggot and delete this shitty blog thread about how you don't care enough to talk to your gf you just obsess about her mentally all day and post threads on an indonesian basket weaving forum

Yeah, they just care about looks and social power. Which is lust, not love. Love is taking care of children together.

Submissive women are resonable, "modern" women are not.

Well try to find a different reason why she's trying to adjust to your perfect mate.

Did you say something like you're "doing well"? Women can smell this from the other side of the world.

i don't think girls like those exist unless they are traps

money over bitches

Nothing I've just been distant as of late

Maybe she just genuinely misses me,, meh

how to find senpai

In my experience, attraction is attraction. It's no different from how we need our women to look good, too. If what you're saying and how you carry yourself resonates, you look better to her regardless.

My gf been with me since poorfag (still the case btw), she's from the hood, and rejects a lot of typical Western ideals of how to present as a woman. Yet she takes ludicrously good care of me, is emotionally intelligent, has her own goals (and crypto portfolio), and is LOYAL af. Plus she lets me fuck other girls. I think there's truth to your words, but I don't agree we should jade OP to all women. He's just gotta love himself enough to not settle with a typical hypergamous one

girls are annoying demanding & they just want to lockdown your dick & all your crypto gains. they're also ugly & stink. i'll stick to lifting weights and making $$$

they exist, can confirm. my girl told me about Telcoin

Also about this:

I always wanted a girl that was into vidya or anything I was interested in. There comes a point where we must realize that the female brain thinks WAY differently than ours. For instance, they don't want as much sex as us and because they don't think about sex 24/7, they don't evolve secret sexual fetishes like men do. I know that's hard to believe but it's true. So if you really think like: I GAVE HER THE BEST ORGASM OF HER LIFE etc. Think again, sex doesn't keep hanging in the back of her brain like it does with us.

That's why you don't have to be insecure about anything while having sex. Most women don't even have deep sexual fantasies where they are obsessed about. They just get into "sex" mode, and when they're done, they just return to normal mode. Us men are constantly in sex mode (if you can understand this). They just don't have so much testosterone.

With low-test also comes different interests and other goals. So no, you're not gonna find a girl that's REALLY into crypto or vidya, just pretending to, so you like her.

this is coming from a 30 year old btw who deals with women 25 - 35. 18 year old sluts are different & just want to have fun. so to the young guys that aren't bitter like me, go enjoy.

>Plus she lets me fuck other girls.

That's borderline swinger/cuck shit.

Sorry, I shouldn't judge. I know people who've never made it official yet they have kids and a house together.

I need crypto qt s-senpai

>I dont have time to talk to my GF or go on dates any more
Exactly this! My gf doesn't understand. My fitness, money gains, and getting my career started are waaay more important that her shit.

I honestly feel like theres not enough time in the fucking day

girls have fucking COOTIES
get out now

I agree man, I'm 28 and I'm pretty much mgtow atm.

this might be a bit of a hard pill to swallow. not sure what color it is:

Black/Latina women from the hood who (most important part) are in touch with their indigenous culture. Armenian women (in touch with Motherland) in second

I dont understand what hes trying to say, can someone explain to me?

Jesus lol, it's so obvious to see that this girl just has you where she wants you. You really think she's gonna let you fuck other women after a year or so? She wants to lock that dick down as soon as possible.

I know this, cuz I had a girl exactly like this.

haha it's easy to judge an open relationship, I ain't mad at you if you got your own preferences.

Cucking only happens if the one getting cucked is being made to think they're the only one, or is aware but acts like they're okay with it to stay in the relationship (while not being given the same freedom)

>So no, you're not gonna find a girl that's REALLY into crypto or vidya, just pretending to, so you like her.
Man I play for honor for hours with this one girl who lives way the fuck far away.

P&D group were everyone profits. Even during the dip.
Discord dot gg /QaXkMFs

haha homie, I been with women like that, too. the difference is we were *casually* dating, and it was the lead-up to them hoping it would be official. this an actual open relationship with really clear boundaries. I been with my girl over a year, and we already have monogamous periods when we agree on it. I just didn't settle till I found a woman down to live that lifestyle with me

Yes they do, just hop on Steem and make an account and there are tons of women with interests in crypto there. The only people who are registered on Steem have huge investments or interest in crypto to begin with.

Wake up, women want attention. If she can get attention without giving sex, it's a worthy investment for her.

Look at everyone in this thread that is under the spell of a woman. They have brainwashed themselves to believe that the woman they're in touch with is the perfect woman.

You think this is a coincidence? Pussy is powerfull. Marketing teams know this. The government knows this. Once you can control your urges, you can make an objective decision. Don't make life-changing decisions based on lust.


If you been burned one too many times, I get it, I been there, but all the more reason to focus on yourself till you love yourself so much that you won't settle for less.

t. virgin till 25, no gf till 27

please start cryptodate I just wanna meet a lady as obsessed as I am

I see where you're going, basically men's strong desire also leads to strong desires in their interests as well? I do see women with true passion sometimes but they are quite hard to find. Most women are very lukewarm in their own passions/hobbies but that's simply because society has conditioned them to take the easy way out. Think of how different women would be if they couldn't use a pussy pass for anything anymore because it no longer holds value. They would become more passionate in other things. Who is to blame for giving it value? Men. But in order for men to have passion, we need to crave and have desire.

>Don't make life-changing decisions based on lust.

THIS much I agree with

Don't listen to this guy, his brain is on hormonal denial.

t. had 3 long relationshits, sex with 37 women.

I wasted half my life with women so you don't have to.

I love myself but I also love women. So I'm going to become one and jack off to myself in the mirror.

Look into Viola AI

yeah dude. if we put that craving and desire towards stuff that fulfills us outside of pussy, it'll help shift the culture, and lead to much more fulfilling relationships IMO. A lot more women than you think want that shift

Basically testosterone vs estrogen.

And don't see me as the bad guy here, I'm just trying to share as much as I can for what I know about women. I know how your brain is functioning right now, and I also STILL make the same mistakes. It's just easier to see it in someone else than experiencing it first-hand.

Just yesterday I met a girl on a dating-site and she was a single mother and my buddy was going like: Dude, your brain is on hormones again. I had to bitchslap myself 20 times before I realized I was going derp again. Like I said, pussy is powerfull.

Thanks bro.

I'm very sorry you see your life with women has played out like that. Can only imagine the pain and disillusionment. I hope you find someone who makes those wasted years worth it to get to her

My telegram is @sabajin if you wanna vent. I'm not trolling, either

This is retarded, you act in one way if you're successful and you act in another if you're a loser, if she likes you is because she sees value in you, she will assume that you either have money or can have the means to get it. Women can smell money and success, you don't need to show them shit.

Thanks mate

haha I don't see you as a bad guy my dude. single moms are fun in my experience, but sorry to hear if you almost found yourself wrapped up in a potentially exploitative scenario

That's what "pick up artists" try to fake, but if you're a fake, they're trained on that.

Well I did it once before. Each experience is a warning for the future. I don't think me warning you guys is gonna change anything either. You gotta go through it yourself, but don't tell you weren't warned.

I think there's a lot of experiences you think I don't share with you, when in reality I do, it's just my perspective. And I've found myself much happier as a result of it. I hope you feel happy with whichever perspective you choose

I don't get happy anymore. Just neutral. Being happy is for kids and women.