You're truly an idiot if you're buying alts here and you deserve to be a bag holder

you're truly an idiot if you're buying alts here and you deserve to be a bag holder.

Enter BTC and let it regain dominance, then rebuy your shitcoins.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes anons, buy BTC so I can sell.

I sold all my BTC yesterday, I hope that shitcoin dies

looking forward to your fomo buy on the way up.

enjoy your centralized shitcoin

idc as long as it makes me $$$$, just trying to show you the blatantly obvious market cycle we saw in July. Enjoy the slow bleeding on alts.

i sold all my altcoins because i was holding NEO, TRON, and XRP while BTC was pumping and didn't want to miss out on the moon mission

probably once the price levels out i'll put half my money into XRM because i think it's due for a pump soon

Others are going to follow the same exact ideology you just explained. All of the bloated $$ in the alt market is going to flow into BTC. You got out at a good time, wait for BTC dominance to get like 50-60% again before rebuying alts.

>buying BTC
Literally why would I do that? Doesn't offer high returns, doesn't do anything, and the store of value meme is retarded since if you 'stored your value at $20,000, you'd have lost half your money.

k, don't forget this post. those 10x alt coin returns don't happen just because you're holding them, and you're going to be holding them for awhile until they do see another moonshot.

>you'd have lost half your money
you'd have lost more if you stored them in alts

>please buy my heavy bags, i fomo'ed in at 19k

been in the game for years brother

what is this thread? what the fuck!? you're going to miss out on the alt season and feel pretty fucking lame hodling the same amount of btc when the rest of us will 10x our stack by April

kk lol, let me know how that goes.

btw, I took full advantage of alt season, and sold them 2 weeks ago to idiots that buy the top (you),

fucking faggot altcoiners

i did the same thing and dumped my heavy DBC and a few others and cashed out.
just made a bit more on alts yesterday but cashed back again because i suspected btc would start the climb up and it looks like OP is reaching the same conclusion, glad to see

He's right, alt season is over for now. It's Buttseason. Especially with all this Lightning Network hype growing.

just a matter of time before the chads realize it.


btc parabolic meme is OVER

Objectively wrong, ETH lost less, NEO gained, others traded somewhat sideways.


It hasn't even started did you even look at the picture?

BTC price predictions?

Fuck head, I was responding to the post that said you'd have lost more in alts during the last dip. And watch, even though Bitcoin will probably go up because the market is irrational, other coins will gain more.

50k at some point in 2018 is what most 'analysts' are thinking.

i sorry i see now :(

Seems overly conservative.

Most of the analysts working in my department are predicting $200,000+.

ok let me add "at least" in there.

My mom is a TA and she said 6 Gorillion.

Or you know just diversify and you have nothing to stress about ever.

guys my butcorn analyst's say moon soon, 100x long when

sure.. but I'd rebalance a BTC heavy portfolio right now and decrease alt positions if you do want to hold onto some..

There is no way in hell btc dominance gets to 50-60 again lmao. 40% will be pushing it

Ok, fair point, but regardless of how high dominance will go - same logic applies.

If lightning network becomes widely used then it will kill most alts aimed at fast cheap transactions.

It's mostly holding a channel right now. If the next 4h candle is bearish it's going down again.

Nope. I 2x my investment in alts despite buying fucking bitcoin at 19k and 17k.

Not necessarily.. P2P transactions most likely won't be using the Lightning Network.. When you're using Lightning Network, you pay to open a state-channel, you can then complete as many transactions as you'd like, then you close the channel and it get's recorded to the block chain. It's ideal for high-frequency activity and microtransactions. It will help clear the mempool for sure, but coins that are faster to transfer without a state channel will still serve a purpose.

Same logic does apply but I don't think it's such a clear cut choice. For example a lot of people were saying btc was gonna explode first week of Jan but alts did, being full alts would of made you way more even if btc goes on a big run soon alts won't reach pre Jan prices. Btc will certainly drag down alts a bit soon I bet but being all in on alts does have the potential for big gains as well

>sells altcoins
>goes into btc
>$100 transaction fee
>sell when it peaks
>$1000 transaction fee
>withdrawal from benis
>$7000 fee
>Sorry sirs, this withdrawal requires a benis gold account
>takes a crane to get it out

No reason to get back into bitcoin until Lightning network is fully completed.

ehh... they had the same exact 40% bounce after they crashed in July too.. then they proceeded to bleed out slowly..

By the time it's fully implemented it will already be priced in and you would have missed the boat, but ok to each their own.

Bank insider here. Talk to someone that works at a bank. They are terrified of BTC and its all they talk about in every meeting, every event, all day long. No one gives a fuck about alts.

Any day now you are going to see a full on explosion in BTC to $1,000,000 like it or not. The reason is this:. The only way to mitigate the financial disaster that BTC will cause, is to buy enough to be a dominant node on the lightening network. In order to do this you will need a massive amount of BTC.

This institutional money is skiddish. They don't want to do it, but soon they will realize they have no choice and when the buying starts you will see the biggest multi-trillion dollar run that has ever occurred as they scramble to outcompete each other. All banks around the world.

There is very little BTC actually in circulation. Much of it is lost, more than anyone really knows.

Now call me a cuck and go back to shilling chainlink.

pretty sure you're LARP'ing, but sounds good 2 me either way ; - )

>$5 for a coffee


Cryptocurrencies booming = ur a total idiot for not buying cryptos

Altcoins booming = ur a total idiot for buying altcoins


And then it will crash to $10 and they will all post pinky’s like this one

Nope. I work in risk assessment, following up on suspicious borrowers, not directly related to BTC. I'm not paying.

But I am telling you that it is all they fucking talk about. They are terrified of this shit. Btw, Canadian.

Paying = larping. Fucking phone fag

you don't buy something when it's booming. You buy it when it's cheap and sell it when it's booming dumb fuck

So I should sell cryptos?

>its all they talk about in every meeting, every event, all day long.

So what do you guys reckon will happen next week when the CME Futures contract ends on Friday? Tether up on Wednesday?

even if he was larping
If you dont expect this to actually happen you are fucking newbie retard

If it werent for all this VEN bs with china I would be all in btc

Ye, I'm not saying I disagree. However, VEN definitely seems like it will do well even if most other alts die off, so not a bad choice.

what i take from this is that i should do the opposite. that strategy has worked out really well so far.

If btc shoots up for 50k ven will shit the bed instantly

Unfortunately we can get a good old china fud with halting mining operations this time anytime and completely endorsing usecase of ven

>lightening network
Corecucks are getting desperate with larps like these

bro you are preaching to the vipers den.

ever since Veeky Forums got infiltrated by jews, this place has never wanted bitcoin/litecoin and to a lesser extent, monero, to succeed. because these are the store of value coins that they want. they need to shill valueless PoS coins in order to rob normies of their bitcoin. Veeky Forums already knows everything you just said. we are not out to help other people here. we are trying to become whales at the expense of clueless fuckers so we tell them to go all in on shitcoins and just hold while we collect their actual crypto.

the bitcoin/litecoin FUD is a bit obvious, but as for monero and other PoW coins biz just pretty much ignores them and hope they slide out of the catalog

I realize that, but I'm hoping there's at least some level headed people who will find value from this lol.

ive been trying to aware normies on the Jed Mccaleb, mt gox, xrp and xlm connection but nobody here seems to want to listen. i think the xlm threads either come from clueless redditors or actual pajeet and jew shills. they seem a bit off compared to the rest of biz

why would you not have both?

this thread is just bait

It's already got over 100 channels open on mainnet...

just a bunch of autists who can't think critically for themselves so they buy anything that gets shilled enough desu

Because I held even amounts of both when they crashed in July and hated myself for 3-4 months for not being able to fully ride the BTC wave from 5k-20k.

Deluded corecucks.... bitcoin dominance will drop month after month until it falls out of the #1 spot. Screencap this.

90% btc. 10% alts during this time. maybe a bit more alts when btc is on a healthy uptrend. right now, shit seems manipulated as fuck. personally, i dont give a fuck about any of this shit going on atm and 100% in btc now. there will always be opportunities to make more btc. but nobody here can actually no for sure how far down that MSM FUD can push this market down

before all the normies came in the goal was to always use alts in order to accumulate more btc.
now these normies fud btc and think alts are the key to success when they're missing the point of the game ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

>ive been trying to aware normies on the Jed Mccaleb, mt gox, xrp and xlm connection
there is no substance for this claims, one should be wary of it, but nothing so far implies that Mccaleb is scammer

you gotta dig in a bit deeper bro. connect the dots a bit. dont trust jews, especially biz jews

This is a good thing.

95% of alts around now are going to die in the next few years.

Use the late-adopters desperate search for 1000x gains on 'the next Bitcoin' to multiply your stack.

SHIT!!! THreads like this are always followed by a bitcoin crash. FUCK NO!! I WAS IN ETH!!

you sound logical.

"Exit your alts the king is back!"

Happened consistently so far.

The larping is out of hand in here. I've worked in banking (top10 institution in my country) for almost 25 years, my father as been in for over 40 years (top 5 globally). Nobody is worried about bitcoin taking over or some weird conspiracy you're spouting. It gets talked about, sure. But is there going to be some kind of acquisition race to acquire masses of bitcoin? No of course not lol. Cmon. Get real.

Any institution worth a shit will hire a dev team and make their own coin. And those coins would instantly dominate the market.

to further add perspective here, alts kind of HAVE to bleed from here on out in order to put the market in place for another bullrun, otherwise btc will face another drop to 7k-8k. the marketcap will keep dropping as long as the greed to get into ICOs and unfinished products continues until there are no weak hands aka normies left. the whales will not go back into BTC until they have milked these fools for every last satoshi they have

we see it, now get ready to buy some cheap alts once the BTC run starts topping.

in a month or 2 that is.

Get out of here you cuck. You could instead buy chainlink and go 10,000,000x by tomorrow because that one ohrickle problem it solves.

i dont get it. btc is bearish right now o why would you buy now. alts is not even a good hedge

Found the cuck who bought at 19k

the only hedge to btc is fiat. you either trust one one thing: fiat or btc.
alts can get you more of whichever one you trust, but the problem is that as long as btc is on a downtrend alts dont do well. you have to wait for btc to make new highs and then wait a couple weeks for it to consolidate for the new alt bullrun to begin.
whats happening now is not sustainable, and is the reason i forecast 8k btc soon. because i see the greed. not because meme lines

comfy doge

I don't invest in "coin" I invest in projects and teams. Btc is shit, that's the truth.