
- Demo testnet updated tomorrow
- Brand new promo video released

I'm doing you a favour by letting you know about this coin. Get in before the big moon mission.

How to buy PFR on EtherDelta:

this one is one fucking comfy hold. in with a trust node

>only 4k PFR
hopefully I can buy more later if I have gains on other stuff

How many is a trust node?

10k, and youll get a cut of every single trade on the platform in whatever currency the trade is bought with. instant automated diversification

you've been doing us a favor by shilling this coin for weeks?

this is a super risky investment

What about an escrow node?

No risk No glory.

Reminds me of the minereum scam

Those cost $250 worth of tokens and require you to act as an escrow. Those will payout too. The escrow node is pegged to fiat and the amount of pfr needed will change as the price increases.

In with 15k at 7 cents holding until $2.5 and then evaluating a sell unless the passive income is insane

seems to good to be true. proceed with caution

If you say it enough will it come true user? You post this every fucking thread do you spend all day here waiting for a thread to pop up? This is basically a meme by now

Already sold. A risky potential scam investment with a demo that has been made by an infant developer. Price will probably go up because crypto but this project seems sketchy.

Proceed with caution


I made a thread about PFR yesterday and some fucking user was saying it had been in the red for 2 weeks so he sold


Kek I was there for that I was the user that called him a fucking brainlet

tfw PFR is my only coin keeping up with VEN

Where's the video?

What's the difference between a master node and a trust node?

You have to be a retard to completely sell off a fairly low cap token with months of obvious development and activity behind it, a strong use case and the incentive to buy 10k trust nodes for passive income.

All crypto has risk. Big profit is about risk/reward. It absolutely astounds me that people would completely sell this off at this stage when there's such obvious profit to be made.

How is it any different/better than request network?
>inb4 muh low market cap

It's coming out tomorrow

From the telegram:

Do not forget that tomorrow will be the next update of the demo version of the platform. Also we have a promo video ready, and tomorrow you will see it.