What are the status symbols of the millennial and Gen X generations...

What are the status symbols of the millennial and Gen X generations? Our fathers fucked our moms with their Big Block V8 muscle cars, a presidential Rolex, and knowledge of wine. What can we buy with our crypto bucks to attract and fuck some Stacies?

Cunts like that should be stoned to death in the street. Nothing of value will have been lost.

you really wanna know user?
the actual answer not the one you want to hear?
dress fairly nicely, buy a decent car and get in shape.
All the money and shit in the world isn't going to fill that hole in your heart, you have to get over your social anxiety for that.
It's going to come down to forcing yourself to talk to girls.
You need to step out of the comfort zone, and talk to them.

>taking meme text and a stock photo seriously

underated post of all Veeky Forums, literally screencapping this for further reference

Unironically real estate.


Relax Mohammed.

The funny part is grills see enough memes like this and it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. 99% of attraction experienced by girls is dictated by social approval, i.e) if society says I should like a type of guy, I like him.

>3 kids
>4 baby mamas

I dont know. I have multiple propertys and the only thing I hear from millenials is 'lol, id rather just pay rent and not have to worry about anything breaking, i like muh freedoms to travel xD'

A lot of them dont even own cars

your over overanalyzing things

You're picking up a chick, not fitting in withe the cool crowd.

>-2 cars

>obviously ironically meta meming this type of meme

Their social media profiles and how much attention they have received.
Also the usual overpriced clothes, electronics, coffee, etc. Anything that shows they have money.


Sold one?

maybe a kid or two was aborted after escaping the pussy

Can't buy a personality bro


rootless cosompolitans

>it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy
The memes reflect reality. Women feel attracted to impulsive/violent men.