Who else fucking loves this market?

Why is crypto so fucking great anons? Its literally 1000x times better than stocks or gambling. It can take down governments and banks. It can redistribute wealth unlike any instrument ever invented. If the market goes up, we make money. If the market goes down, we can buy up cheap coins and fuck around with other shit until the market comes back. I feel like these coins fill a void in my life that would otherwise be filled by drugs or other bad decisions but instead I can get out all my gambling urges without actually losing any money. It doesnt matter how retarded you are, all you have to do is but a few coins and come back in 5 years and all your shit has gone 100x. Will this gravy train ever end or am I going to make money in shitcoins until the day I die anons?

Now is a good time to get out now and let me buy your bags please sir

crypto unironically cured my depression, i see the light at the end of the tunnel now

So much this. Crypto is the best thing ever.

Because it's near completely unregulated and third world shitholers are allowed to participate.

Enjoy it while it lasts. The SEC will put their boot down in time.

Eventually the chinks and poojets will be banned and normies will cry to the government about how unfair it is that they bought high and sold low

It literally hasn’t done any of that shit OP

Why are coinfags so retarded?

Follow the light.

I really can't wait for the suicide posts from impressionable idiots like you when the market bombs and never recovers

So you're in for the money and not for the technology
Then how can you be so stupid dumb fag and not realise that there wont be 100 cryptocurrencies at the end?

if you cant see that crypto is replacing banks then you are retarded. crypto also takes all the power away from central planers and brings it back to the people. sorry you can't see what developing right in front of your face.

I dont get it? why would I want to sell lol.

This DESU.

Your a faggot man. Ive already cashed out 100x my original investment and wouldnt give a shit if all my coins went to zero.

Mhmm sure you have sweetie :^)

im in it for both user. im actually more interested in empowering people than making money tho, which crypto does just fine at. There will be hundreds of coins you fucking retard there has always been a fuck ton of coins since 2013 and there always will be.

lol your a fucking cuck dude. Everytime I buy a coin it goes 10x. Im up so much since october when I started, every single fucking shitcoin has gone 20x since then. Im sorry you didnt buy anything then cuck.

You having fun LARPing sweetie? :^)

It's like a slot machine that never runs out of quarters. The quarters just get larger and smaller.

>buying just a few months ago is unbelievable
This board is all newfags now. Acting like buying btc for $4,000 is early adopter status.

Mhmm be sure to finish your chicken tendies :^)

Yea what the fuck.. These people are fucking retarded. Plenty of people got rich on this board over the last 3 months. I mean for god sakes these newfags could look through the catalog and see how many people bought coins when they were pennies.

I've been in for a year and never stopped holding, but this slow bleed was the worst. The market is no longer what it used to be. It's now too big on normie money, blatant shitcoins are too high, BTC has never been shittier, regulations and government FUD is around, banks are literally making their own ledgers. It stopped being an investment, now it's a gamble whatever coin you hold.

Tfw been in since early 2016 and made outrageous gains on eth, XMR, xml, xrp.

Turned a 1k investment into 800k, just sit and do nothing but hold. Going down now looks bad because of the size of money but when I look back to % swings since I started its not anything.

My portfolio is 95% of my joy in life currently. Going to start moving some to fiat during the spring gains.

The only losers in this market are people who didn't get in early.

>in crypto for a year
>thinks he has any credibility