Why havn't you bought this low marketcap gem yet? This is easily a top 10 coin in a few months

Why havn't you bought this low marketcap gem yet? This is easily a top 10 coin in a few months.

Here is the demo video that just wasreleased which will explain itself a lot better.


Just a matter of time before this blows up imo. I'd imagine since people won't want to sell PFR and lose their node income, will probably be decently crash-resistant as well


1) Low market cap, but huge potential. Basically trying to be a decentralized localbitcoin but for all cryptos

2) Consistent updates by community manager John

3) Not a "hype" team, just consistent improvement

4) Potential for passive income with Trust Nodes (10k+ PFR)

5) Binance has a decent stack

Purchase here.


How to use EtherDelta.


Join us on Telegram! Active Dev and great community!



I'm already all in, gonna be a comfy two months up ahead.

man i wish i had more money to get some more. Sitting at 12k right now

comfiest 50k stack. gonna yield me half a millY

All in OP thanks for finding me this gem!

10k pfr node reporting IN

i wonder if any autists out there actually buy this trash that gets shilled on here

Cause I bought HAT instead

hey retard, this is one of the only good low mcap coins that's getting shilled right now. you're probably one of those faggots who only buys shit that's already mooned.

Meh, bought my 10k for trust node alongside my 10K VEN strength node I'm so gunna make it

just bought a trust node, going to hopefully quit my job in a year

it is shit and you are a dumb cunt if you spent money on it. stay poor


This is one of the very few coins with a legitimate use case shilled on here, the team is actually delivering and for once the token has genuine utility. You're an idiot if you don't invest in this. Keep spreading your FUD, loser.

lol this is not even worth the gas to transfer it. It's a shit team probably lead by Joost. The new Confido is right here.

I've noticed the more the price increases the worse the quality of FUD is fucking lol

This coin is a fucking gem.

>using the old logo

I like both logos.

this is literally about to explode ty OP

lol this is shilled by the same pajeets that spammed the board with ufr.
this piece of poo is mentioned around for a while now and still at 20mmcap, meanwhile ethorse comes out of nowhere and it's at the same mcap after 3 days.
buy this if you wanna hold bags.

Once this 50k pfr wall is broken this is going to explode.

kek im in horse and this. both are great buys. i went all in on pfr and actually lost 0 dollars during the big dip cause PFR mooned during it

LoL I started at 0.4 BTC in november. Veeky Forums shilling have made me 3 whole BTC's


Basically the Amazon of Crypto

Damn I’m so lucky to find this at such a low marketcap, I’m throwing In 50%

Tried buying on etherdelta... transaction failed and my etherum and payfair dissapeared into thin air

Reminds me of the minereum scam

I wonder what kind of idiots fall for these shills

The ones that will be a lot more successful than you, wagie.

If this makes me an idiot I don’t want to be smart

What app is that

Delta, its like a less terrible version of blockfolio

Does it update any faster lol?



Does a trust node cost 10k PFR or do you simply have to own 10k PFR to host one? I can't even afford one anyway, only have ~$2k worth of ETH to spend but I'm curious nonetheless.

Own 10k PFR

Are escrow nodes the same idea?

Not sure about that one but probably
