I got added as friend to crypto granny who got burned by bitconnect

I got added as friend to crypto granny who got burned by bitconnect
>about to ask her to submit AMA on Veeky Forums with her btc wallet info
>can we do this user ?
>can we restore justice ?

Fuckoff plebbit

t. Cryptogranny

bump user
>this is important to me and public
>we can be on cnn top tomorrow

nigger why tf would i donate crypto to some old cunt that'll be dead next year? just a waste of my money

nope, not your private army

dubs confirms it
>Veeky Forums is dead

good scam pic ill give this a solid 6/10

"Granny" is actually pajeet himself.

Did she bring kneepads

how new are you? we always say this

you have to be retarded to invest in bitconnect. let them be trimmed

>but user used to deliver
>what happened user

>mummified roastie wanting gibs cause 'muh vagina'
fuck off.

Dubs of truth.

>baby boomer, probably born mid 60s

She can fuck off. You think its a cute grandma but its a pot smoking baby boomer cunt

so as your growing up in the 80's grandma you fucking degenerate


I already donate her money with my taxes anyways.

Yes she and all the other idiots deserved it.

She is hot for a granny desu.

if she posts tits maybe

>itt the new cancer invasive breed of Veeky Forums displaying absolute new low

No, this isn't Reddit fag

or ?she? needs to be naked with sharpie in pooper on live stream

My grandma was born in 1934

Seriously - do you need lube to fuck a granny, she is pretty hot

Too hot for a grandma.

How many BCC would she pay me to fuck her?

As long as she posts her tits with a timestamp

Fuck off

poor cryptogranny
where can I send TRTL

Oldfag here. Answer is no, grannies juice up just fine

dad stop drinking, come home and pay alimony again, mom is not mad anymore
please dad

I'm 22

Oh if she show those vintage chest beefers.


>grannies juice up just fine
WHat's the oldest you've fucked?



please answer this>

I would donate

OP here
>seriously thinking of inviting her here now
>shit is literally going to be supernova


Answer this question, nigger.

Soon as she gets here I report her for begging.

She's too old. She doesn't need money

fuck off OP no-one gives a fuck about this granny

Pajeet is going to post his own link. Jesus Christ you guys are retarded. This is one of the most obvious Pajeet scams in hours.


We gonna gang bang her or something?