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I'm like 90% in LTC and starting to get cold feet.

im 100% in dogecoin and have been since day 1

i dropped 100k$ into EOS and ADA because of the weiss rankings

i have no god damn clue what the coins do

I mined 30M dogecoin and sold it a long time ago for BTC

at the peak it would have been worth like 400k
i'm guessing that just holding would have been 10x gains more than holding BTC

i bought XRB at ATH and refused to sell even as it dropped below $20
i just want to end it all

Kek I dropped 400k in Ada and sold for like 30k profit

Holding bags of xrb and want to kms

spent $1000 worth of crypto on adult diapers for myself

Bless me father for I have sinned. I report every single obvious Redditors making shit bait threads with no purpose other than to keep spamming their Fagjaks. Then I have impure thoughts, wishing that these overwhelming hordes of faggots be raped to death by packs of wild niggers since it's clear they won't just go back to where they belong.

damn user how big of a stack are you playing with

I've only got a measely 900k-1.1M depending on market fluctuations

I got 80% of it in what i consider stable holds though (ETH, XLM, NEO & WTC)

The fact that you felt the need to make something like that up just to get attention on an anonymous board is even sadder than if you actually did what you claim you did.

I sold the absolute bottom of the last btc dip because I was afraid the meme graph was real this one time

Nujak originated from here you fucking nob cheese
>muh plebbit

Found the person with shit taste
Try cushies.

Sold 400 bitcoin at 340~ to pay for my father's surgery. Bastard died last year.

Bless me Father, for I have sinned.
I FUD BlockArray all the time to accumulate when I know it's a stupidly good project.
And the FUD is working so well that other random bizlets are doing the FUDing for me now.

Father, use my ref-link.

>backed by mark cuban

You fucking fag, stop using this picture

I already made gains on UFR, but I'm still shilling because I want more. But, Ithink this shilling backfired because I fell for others shilling and lost on CanYa and ARY.

Bought icx and fun near ath right before the crash, both down ~50%

You SOLD ARY? hahahahahahahahaha
Probably sold it to me fucking retard

I'm tempted to sell my bitcoin and go all in on sia.

I got canya'd, down 65%
Not gonna sell for a loss, but i hate to see other shit coins mooning in my own eyes

Im holding for 1.4 million dollar in syscoin. I feel extremely greedy for holding but 1.4 million is not enough for me yet to live the life I want. I never had a lot of money and entered crypto two years ago, now I think this money is not much/enough. What is wrong with me -_-.

I do not believe in the technology. The only reason I'm still in crypto (100% Ethereum) is so that if it goes high enough I can use it to get out of the military. I am a nuclear officer in the Navy and I hate almost every second of my life.

>What is wrong with me -_-.
Larpington's disease, it's very common here.

If you ever get to the point I'm at right now, you realise that no amount of money will feel like it's enough.

>naval nuclear officer
Do you know a Bolander?

Sure do. Small world.

Excuse me, I'm late. Thanks for taking over, youngling, you can go in the back now and wait for me.

Now then.. Coinfess.

I bought 1 million DOVU for around 280 ethereum


I neither have a clue what it does but I now have almost 2% of them all

>Family approached me to get bitcoins because I am good with computers
>Spent Grandfathers life savings on BTC when it was just over $17 000 among other investments

I haves lost 6 pounds from stress already

Where have you been father? Are you molesting young children again?

Oh my.. Why would you assume something like that, child?


Father... Bought 1 BTC for 8$ and lost it making stupid bets, it was all fun and games but now it's terrifying thinking about playing with thousands of dollars


He's right though

I quit my job even though i am not a millionaire.