Are you having a hard time to decide if LINK is a meme or not? Google what a 'fingerbox' is...

Are you having a hard time to decide if LINK is a meme or not? Google what a 'fingerbox' is. You'll see how far can an inside joke go.
It's been funny for a while but I think there's many newfags lately and unlike some fingerbox embarrassment people stand to lose their money here so please bear in mind that it is, after all, an inside joke made to fuck with newfags. Do not pay with your money for the entertainment of biztards

Other urls found in this thread:

Google Donald Trump

To any newfags that might actually be scared by this: Link is legit, don't fall for this shit,

Of course there is no definite way for us to prove who is speaking the truth so as a retort I'd like to ask people to ask themselves this: What is more likely, biz sharing legit info or trolling people into buying a literal shitcoin?


This is not good OP. I just dropped everything into Link. I can still make money by getting reddit to FOMO in right? I thought Link was going to solve the oracle problem.

start reading books and develop some critical thinking abilities. If you cannot make judgements yourself, you deserve to lose money. Albeit, even a decision based on good judgement may yield some losses, so you have to keep yourself in the loop of development and adjust your strategy to changes.

You don't have to listen to me. Everyone here including myself is free to make up shit, just be critical of what you're reading and ask yourselves why would people waste the time to type out what they said


There's no way the dozens of smart Anons I've spoken with could all be trolling. There are a lot of intelligent people who believe this project will be nothing short of revolutionary.

Thus, you need to elaborate more on how this is a scam if you are to be believed.


>no definite way for us to prove who is speaking the truth
oh my god this shit is too fucking funny

People FUD link all the time but I think it has the potential to be in the top 10 on cmc. It's just a matter of whether the team can execute or not. They really need to up their marketing game if this is to moon hard.

what he said.

I never claimed that it is a scam. It's an actual project and the team looks like it's doing their best. However, do notice how often can you see linkies who don't want to waste time and just say 'read the whitepaper'. If you do actually read it, you'll see for yourself that the team themselves see a glaring problem with this whole system. It can never be absolutely secure that the data which went through Chainlink hasn't been tampered with. Yes, they have minimised the risk but I don't feel this is good enough for banks. The SmartContract team does speak about possible solutions but they themselves admit in the whitepaper that there are problems which are yet to be tackled.

Apart from the 'read the whitepaper' fags you also have the elaborate insider info and theorycrafting going on. I admit it all looks believable but this is exactly the reason I brought up fingerboxes. Seriously look up and read about fingerboxes and their history, it almost looks believable that they were really produced in the 60s but it's all made up by someone

biz is balls deep on link due to the presale links being spammed on the board a month before ico

it is literally /ourcoin/. I'm sure there are biz millionaires made from link

Thanks for that OP, I appreciate the elaboration and will look into this myself

t. 10k linkie

Also, I have the whitepaper open, could you reference a page number or section header? TY


I was just about to post pic related, search for any keywords on this paragraph. They admit that there's no way for a smart contract to be 100% secure in having received the correct data.
Now do you still wonder why the team is silent? I think they're still trying to figure this shit out

I thought, that the whole point was to get multiple data sources, and thus if they all match the data can be assumed to be reliable.

Interesting to think about what to do, if different sources give diverging data / but would that not depend on the type of contract and the parameters set out by its initiators? Just thinking out loud here.

He's just a larping nigger. He's going off of his "feelings" as bad as the $100 link retards on this board. If he had a real reason he should argue it, but he doesn't it's just concern fud. I'm sure he's smarter than ari juels and the team at cornell town crier, which by itself would probably be enough for any contract, let alone a network of nodes coming to a consensus about it the data, with AI deciding which results to flag for futher evaluation or throw out (yes there's a reason ai and machine learning are almost always in the same reports as blockchain in banks research papers). Forget about it. He's a faggot who doesn't know what he's talking about.

What do you consider good investments?

The project can be a neat way to connect data with smart contracts sure, but it's not the groundbreaking revolution that people here claim it to be. If you spent a minute in thought instead of blurting your comment impulsively, you'll see that I'm trying to get the newfags to be more critical, even if I'm a larping faggot I'll be doing the same thing

Would you buy whatever I tell you, or are you trying to gauge me based on my picks?

Jesus Christ, you're a fucking retard. Fingerbox was a meme that confused newfags. Link is a solid project with a lot of memery around it. Go fuck yourself

Don't listen to him, what he is saying is technically true, but it won't be a problem. Don't sell a single LINK.

Just wondering, what's your background?

I'll be leaving work soon so I can't post from the same ID

I'm actually 80% in link, holding more than 20k, I am indeed a larping faggot who did this for fun but in all honesty for anyone reading this thread, please be more critical when listening to anonymous treebark collectors on a local intranet imageboard at an antarctic research station

Again rather than explaining why you think would-be smart contract writers will never trust oracles data, you blather on about something else.
Obviously they aren't inventing fire you fucking cuck faggot; smart contracts are basically ultimately just if-then statements, but the ability to do that immutably and trustlessly is new and is revolutionary even if brainlets like you can't wrap their heads around it, and chainlink (which isn't the only but is the best placed and furthest ahead and, people smarter than me say, is the best solution technically) lets people harness tat ability in a real way. You're an idiot.

Everyone just ignore this fucking loser. He probably has a portfolio under 250k

This was meant for you

Wageslave with artistic ambitions which sounds stupid as fuck now that I wrote it

You can't be serious OP. The world runs on dandelions and Sergey just build a car that runs on dandelion oil (API).