FunFair Buy Signal

A number of groups have said in Discord that the buy signal will be sent out tomorrow at 12:01 pm EST.

Do with it what you will...

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Good, Ive been hodling these FUNbags for a while now

id hold her bags hehehehiihii buy link

This shit is already going back up. It just is going to have a hard time breaking that 63 ETH sell wall. Anyone who hasn't bought in should do so soon.

How much do you want to bet that wall "Magically" disappears before Feb 6th?

What's everyone's peak price predictions? I think it'll hit 40 cents then everyone will start selling and the new floor will be 15-20 cents.

It will happen but I don't think it's going to do that today. Hope I'm wrong though. They would be retarded to sell that much this low.

Thats not what I meant. The wall is only there right now to keep the price from going too high. It will just be taken down by the group that put it up, so the price can continue past the ATH.

MFW I accumulated all in with my ICX gains on the dip yesterday.

well they just put more up it's now at 132 ETH

This is like one of the best signs you should go all in. Someone is accumulating before the pump next week.

I already have. I bought in a while ago.

Nice try you pajeet. Fun is shitcoin. Buy Bazinga if you want lambo on moon.

I can't decide if should sell 25% of my VEN right now to buy FUN... is it worth the risk?

There's really no risk, this is the safest way to make money in crypto, buy the rumor sell the news. We know the news is Feb. 6-8.

>really no risk
sure m9

Thanks just bought 10 million more

This isn't a rumor though, it's news since it's been known for awhile now? Ill give it a go.

damn boxxy looks like THAT?

This is not a regular pump & dump. This is going to be a pump & stabilize at a new ATH. Similar to RCN in Dec. Expect 2500-3500 avg SAT (BTC) price per coin post 2/8.

You're right, there will always be risk - but it is a lot more reliable short term gains bet than other coins you might think of throwing money at. The things coming up for FUN this feb give it a lot more value. Check out the coinmarketcal for it.

In for 40k today

I don't know if I should ever sell fun. I have 50k and was planning in selling at $1 bit after reading how they plan to let you stake your fun in a pool new casinos can use and in return you get paid portions of the Casino revenue I might never sell.

If this even gets moderately adopted it could be one of the most profitable coins to hold in crypto.

Do you have a link explaining that?