I can't reveal my identity as I have a serious personal relationship with an unnamed individual in the LINK core team...

I can't reveal my identity as I have a serious personal relationship with an unnamed individual in the LINK core team. We've been friends since school & share everything with each other including nude photos and sometimes even sleeping in the same bed. I don't care if you believe me or not.

If you have an ounce of smarts, sell all your LINK now. Here is what I've got from conversations with a member of the LINK core team:

> The oracle problem doesn’t actually exist. It’s just a meme invented by the team to get people to think it’s the next ETH.
>Big banks don’t care at all about decentralization, the more centralized the better for them (more control over the network).
> The LINK team is actually creating a centralized oracle for banks. They will probably hire the entire LINK team making the project obsolete. Tokens will be literally useless.
> There will be a massive LINK dump just when the mainnet releases (devs cashing out).
> Putting these pieces of information together the best conclusion I can come to is that LINK is literally a scamcoin designed to make bank to the LINK team and to capture the attention of big financial institutions, securing them a comfy job in the corporate world.

Again, I don't give a shit if you believe me or not. I'm keeping my anonymity because I want to keep a 18 year friendship. I've taken my money and dumped ALL my LINKS. I don't know how long it'll take, but eventually the core team are going to have to admit that the token was just a big big scam. You will regret having money in LINK after this.

you're a pretty shit friend

god dam fuck off pajeet with ur shit pasta fud

Food for shure retrd

Please no memes, this is serious information for linkies. They need to know before it's over.

FUCK, it's real

>doesn't want to see a scam continue
>shit friend
>hurr durr

How many people does OP need to pajee-betray i mean. Woops haha back to your designated shitting street pajeet

Why do you have to lie so much user? Maybe this is why you are so lonely. You will eventually drive everyone you love away. You need to change, you need to stop lying user.

Please, you need to listen to me, it's not too late to sell all your links.
This is what will happen to you if you hold link, pic related.

Hahahaha dude you got way too much time in your hands.. still a weak fud ..

Shit I can see that you are genuine. I just market sold all my LINKs thanks OP.

Sold 320k LINK, buying XRB now

is my shitty larp post actually becoming a meme
hahaha wow

I share the bed with Sergey too sometimes OP. Every time I wake up to adjust the spooning position a bit, he is usually eating a big mac in his sleep. It's so fucking cute. Sometimes I can't help myself and I clean up his face with a napkin and take a good, deep sniff of the napkin after. "Your scent is mine now. We are interlinked," I whisper into his ear, and he gives a sleepy smile and hugs his companionlink pillow tighter as he lets out a little cumfart.

Fuck I love being a stinky linky.


i hate you so much i'd shoot you on sight.

Though the night is long and desolate, I do not walk alone.

Buying high and selling low I see

Wait who on the Chainlink team is gay? Come on Veeky Forums use your autism to find this out!

Dude, I was randomly browsing the chainlink slack a few weeks ago and saw the weirdest thing. Sergey and Rory were having a barbecue. Just a barbecue, nothing else. They were eating sausages. And the chatroom was full of people who were tipping left and right. And suddenly someone donated 200 tokens ($20.99) and says 'show pussy pls'. A minute later he donated 500 tokens ($44.99) and says 'show pussy'. 30 seconds later 1000 tokens ($79.99) and 'pussy'. Then, finally, Sergey stood up and flashed his pussy for a second. Then they banned him. What the fuck?
