ITT we guess what cryptocurrencies someone invests in by the type of phone they have. I own a Huawei Mate 9

ITT we guess what cryptocurrencies someone invests in by the type of phone they have. I own a Huawei Mate 9

Other urls found in this thread:

no phone

Oneplus 5t


flip phone


i have a galaxy s

Oneplus 3
Guess what I'm invested in

Xiaomi Redmi note 3




iphone 7


windows phone

eth, ven, icx, fun

Was your list for me or for why you have?


1 litecoin


Xlm, xmr

xiaomi redmi 3

razer. still love it as a burner

>havjng anything other then an iphone 7

Why do you need a burner sir?

>how much does that cost a month....?

i just buy minute cards when i need it, includes texts

LG G Flex

IPhone are the equivalent of buying ATH and selling ATL.
They also succumb to shilling very easily.
I didn't know you could buy minute cards for any phone. Thought that only applied to disposable ones.

How is that the peak? I think an 8 plus is a decent upgrade

its my prediction of your holdings


>huawei p10 lite

all in on ripple

I'm in XLM, FUN, NEO, BAT, a little DENT as well.


Coss or VEN
OPT before you sold it

Note 3 here. I predict you're in all chinkcoins like NEO, VEN, WTC since it's a Chinaphone.

something similar. and by "burner", i kinda meant "my phone number i use when i dont want to give out my real phone number", like craigslist or problematic clients who want to be involved unnecessarily every step of the way when all i need to do is quick asbestos survey

I'm in these You're probably
10% ETH

samsung galaxy a5

No that you brought up asbestos..
I live in military Barracks made from probably around the 50s or 60s time frame. Almost all the buildings around me have been shut down and renovated because of asbestos except mine.. Do you think they shut them down because it was airborne or just to replace the building materials? I'm leaving in 2 weeks so I don't care anymore, but part of me thinks I've been infected with whatever cancerous issues asbestos causes the past 2 1/2 years while being here.

Oh also I have had sleep and breathing issues the past year but idk if it's from not working out as much as I used to or the state of the building. I live in a small room with not so great ventilation.

multiple reasons for shutting it down. assuming asbestos related, could be because they can only shut down X amount of barracks at a time while abatement crews do their thang (gotta sleep somewhere). could be because its bad condition (flakes, gets airborne, harmless if in good condition). at least you know your barracks 100% had asbestos, i did a couple residences and the grocery store place thing (name? forgot, not enlisted) at nellis a few years ago, its everywhere on base.

asbestos related illnesses take thirty years to develop, unless you were mining the shit, in which case it takes five.

I know they were being renovated for asbestos because in front of the buildings they had signs that said exactly that, but I dont have any further details. It appears that they are doing 1 or 2 buildings at a time and moving personnel accordingly so they can accommodate them, so what you said makes sense.

Grocery store thing could either be a PX if Marines, NEX if Navy ombut I forgot why army and airforce use.

I guess it's good it would take a while to develop. Hopefully I don't have mesothelioma in a few years haha.

its fine, its normal. AHERA (the reg) was developed to manage asbestos (find it, put up signs that say dont fuckin touch it) over time. as funding comes in over literal decades, they abate it. designed for managing schools, since it would have cost more money to remove than the country had at the time they banned it.

Makes sense. I've been researching this stuff the past month or so out of paranoia. Thanks for that piece of mind.

iPhone SE

Galaxy S7

Although the LG G4 was the greatest phone of all time, except for the bootloop issue

honor 3c

Google pixel 2

Iphone 4 or 5 I think, I don't remember

Oneplus One

0 ETH. Top 4 are NEO, OMG, WTC, VEN so you got a couple right.

lg v20

Elephone S8


You're a DBC bag holder, you have to be that much of a brainlet to buy an iPhone SE

Nexus 6 first generation

samsung galaxy s3

Lg v30

KEK coin

Samsung s8
I sell phones as a shit job while I go to school and the se is the worst phone you could possibly own.

Moto Z unlocked.

xiaomi mi5s

OnePlus 5


iphone x