Since we all do everything because of the urge to fuck pussy, why do we concentrate so hard on working like slaves instead of working hard to set a realistic price on pussy?
There literally are more than enough women to go around, not even including single mother trash or nigras. So why is pussy still the most expensive asset? Doesn't it indicate how shit at Veeky Forums we are and at placing a nominal value on the things we're actually working so hard for to begin with?
How have the vagenes of the world got away with this scam for so long?

Other urls found in this thread:

I bought around 28k BZC, how fucked am I?

what's the name of the app?

Its exactly what it sounds like lol

That is why instead of pussies, i fuck teen boys, they are cheaper and fucks better. (Their moans are awesome)

That's gay tho

Op you'll die a virgin

Thanks, will check it out in a bit

kek on >Halal, free and fun

I have kids, bitch lasag

Gay is taking a cuck up your ass, not putting it into someone else's ass.

>worrying about being called gay
C'mon, we are no longer in 1900's, we can fuck boys legally and the population can not be homophobic.

I have only fucked 1 girl, but i've fucked more than 30 boys in the last 5 years.
God, it is impossible to be virgin being bisexual.

But...that's gay

Whenever I see a hot/slutty girl the only thing I can think of is her being mean to me, spitting on me and making me lick her heels or feet.
I don't even fantasize about having sex with them, I want them to laugh at my small penis and reject me!

Women are too powerful! Even if I got rich and paid them, I don't think I'm worthy to have sex with them!

christ on a cracker, men were a mistake

Race mixing is degenerate. Gas yourself.

Hi Eliot


Hitler has lost.
Fuck everybody you want.
Bless the kikes.

One of the founders is a paki, the other is probably a heeb though

Don't generalize, you are part of humanity's chunk that cannot resist its primal urges.

Women are cum dumpsters to me and the group of friends i hang around with. It is an obvious fact that they have no other purpose. I hit the gym daily so that I can look in the mirror and feel pleasure. I love myself above anyone/anything else, by your standards, my strategy works since i get laid every week for free. Though you did not come here to search for answers, so you will not adopt my mentality, you came here to vent about how much of a cuckfag you are, hoping others out there will encourage you to continue being so by telling you how much of a bunch of cuckfags they are too.
So, sage.

>mfw I realize veganas are a bubble
How do I short?

Like this.
You are welcome.

Still a faggot

Dunno but a good 1st step might be to stop being thirsty and realising pussy actually does have a nominal value
The way we treat pussy these days is like it has infinitely increasing value over time. Which is the opposite of the truth.

Better a fag than virgin

>£1.5m worth of seed funding in a round supported by Hambro Perks, Y Combinator, and FJ Labs
According to

Also devs reply fast to issues (on iOS at least).

OP, am not Muslim though, what should I answer in "What's your sect?"

Just write Sunni, no one cares, these bitches go mad for white dick

boy in pic is cute but your still gay.

>All these mental gymnastics
You fuck men. You're a faggot. End of story.

>B-but the SJWs fought to make it legal so nyeeee

I am not gay, i am bisexual.
The feminists hate people who does not value their stinky vagina.

Dude if you want to be a mentally ill faggot then that's your problem. Stop trying to convince others. No one except for the mentally ill would want a dudes shit on their cock.

this man gets it.
by denying the hierarchie in this world you automatically become the lowest of the totem pole...

the beta is still better than all coping idiots on here (used to be one, too) because at least he tries to emulate the alphas behaviour...

if you wanna be sigma, fine by me... but adjust your mind first, else the "depression" you feel now will seem like a summer holiday in comparisson to the shitstorm to come into your life as a result...

>there are only 2 genders, PC/SJ are traps for men to give up their penises and balls (most of the times, metaphorically with more exceptions every day... fucking weak faggots)
>men dominate, women get dominated... anything else quite literally crashes the world as we know it... as we see right now...
>you not being able to score paints a negative picture of you, not the ones who score... and in the long run, it doesn't matter, you brainwashed dickless loser
>reacting emotionally to this is womens business, not mens
>PUAs and the likes are literally pussy slaves, no matter how much they want to be alpha
>what alphas wont tell you: first concentrate on everything else in your life but pussy, and the pussy shall come, big time. it takes longer the more ugly and unsuccessful you are... obviously...

what if he's Muslim you dumb cunt.

>implying muslim is a race
also the girl in OPs pic doesnt look pakistani, she defo north african

>Since we all do everything because of the urge to fuck pussy
You're black aren't you?

She's paki you retard
t. Paki

whoa aredpilled what coins should i buy sir to the moon mastre race heil hitler

>reacting emotionally to this is womens business, not mens

I don't know friend you sound pretty emotional about all this

Then he has to go back

Go back where
Where am I from? How does location apply to Veeky Forums? Isn't crypto borderless?

Back to whatever desert hellhole you came from. Unless you're bosnian, in which case apologize to a serb and accept christ

Didn't respond to my arguments, fucking faggot

Pussy is like 50$. What you actually want is to be admired and loved.

Shit like this is why 1/5 of Veeky Forums will die alone

>why do we concentrate so hard on working like slaves instead of working hard to set a realistic price on pussy?

The price on pussy has been realistic since Eve sucked on Adam's dick and looked at him with seed demaning eyes. The price for pussy is always realistic and follows the exact same rules as every other economic asset. It goes up when women are in short supply and comes down when women are in oversupply. In a stable normal population the price for healthy fertile pussy is that equal to 6 basic meals and 24 hours of basic safe shelter. Pay less for less healthy or fertile woman and more for above avarage fertile looking women. It is the same price anywhere in the world and off all times.

lel how many men alive today have fought in a war or ruled the world? such dumbassery man

idgaf about all this shit but it hurts seeing other guys writing this shit to try to make themselves feel better about their low value in the eyes of society

I don't give a shit what religion she believes in, she clearly isn't White. That's all that matters.

Who gives a shit about being white

I’m having aryan twin boys in a few months but haven’t made it yet to spend all of my time conditioning them rather than wagecucking

Feels bad man

Jesus the amount of mental gymnastics you polfags have to endure to differentiate people from layers of white , that picture is pure retardation honestly they all look fucking white i understand the logic behind hating a nigger because they do nothing but live from welfare but this i cant even ...

>wanting to be white
who would even want to be a cuck race at this point?

The problem is even if you walk away because it's not worth the price there will always be some beta cuck willing to give it all for some poon. Hence the price will always stay high.

user, that's exactly the point of my post. How do we help those exact thirsty beta orbiters to realise the value of what they're chasing is not as high as they've been led to believe?
Because in effect, they're pushing up the price for everyone else.

>Trusting women
Never do that

Women don’t value betas, they value alphas. This is why women will sleep with good looking gardeners even when married to billionaires. Women always price their asset correctly.


I wondered the same thing, made it as a joke.

Why the hell do they sign up for s Muslim dating app then chase white dudes?
Makes no sense

You don’t understand women. White > everything else, and white men signing up for that app are pe-selected to mate with those girls.

We need to crash the pussy market. Start shorting it.

Fucking this. I've told John a hundred times to leave my wife alone.

>this entire picture
by that standard I am Norid even though I hail from fucking slovenia and know for a fact I have no close ancestors anywhere in northern or even middle europe europe whatsoever

literally kill yourself if you believe any of this lmfao

i dont even have an urge to fuck pussy anymore... Im 23 and I simply do not care at all

Here it is. The gay agenda. Every larping faggot shitposting about women are trying to push you into gayhood. Never believe a single thing these freaks say. Their goal is to make you gay and then negg you.



It's not 2003 anymore Mystery

Not pua negging, the fetish. You know, the one where gays find others to transfer hiv/aids/herpes to?

the truth of the matter is that most human achievements because of our need as males to outperform each other and prove we're worthy of transmitting our genes
even the autistic genius working on his own for decades follows this biological impulse, it's just twisted and hidden behind so many layers of abstraction it never accomplishes this goal
the realistic price of pussy is 0 and infinity; even if we find out ways to grow baby in wombs or conquer mortality, we won't outgrow our gene programming; and if we interface with computers or what have you to the point we do outgrow biological imperatives, then we won't be human anymore
there's only one way to win this game: be a great man, conquer yourself a wife, plant a few kids into her and let your biology tell you "ok old man, no need for you anymore". seeing as we don't get mauled to death by a bear at 40 anymore, this leaves you a good 50-60 years completely free of pussy influence

By outlawing prostitution and cornering the market.

> stinky vagina
> puts penis in other peoples rectums

>Since we all do everything because of the urge to fuck pussy

Haha, I'm twelve btw

Got anymore pic related user? Or a sauce?

I tapped twice to this picture already


white people arent white enough. literally hitlet

>Since we all do everything because of the urge to fuck pussy
your premise is false, therefore i disregarded everything after that and stopped reading there

>Having kids
>No pussy influence

You're an idiot. If anything, kids = more pussy influence because you have to care for those fuck trophies.

This. How more people don't see this is beyond me

nice X bro, I too love posting my Xtra long screenshots for all the poorfags to see

Excellent taste

>divide and conquer

Is that simple

Thanks just bought 100,000K

Most white people are some type of middle easterner or Mexican anyway.

Beta faggots go on tinder/bumble/whatever and swipe on them, give them shit ton of compliments at every chance in hopes they’ll even touch them once
4/10 Chicks see they get like 100x guys swiping on them within a hour,4/10 thinks they’re a 10/10, “WOW! I must be a damn goddess! Kneel before me lesser men! I only date the top 20% of men! I have no need to settle for someone more realistic!”

That’s how pussy gets over valued like it is.
Kek, nice.
Based, they get it.

Faggot what are you talking about?

As long as you're not a cringe lord, its pretty easy to get pussy. AKA, it's not that expensive at all.

-ugly girls will easily put out if you show them some love
-you can easily buy pussy for $20-200

So you'd change one white whale for another?


That's all I got
Gotta say this cunt is a pretty good paki specimen
Just remember, she has a kid (2 yr old son), so if you ever think she's good enough to put the pussy on a pedestal in spite of her looks, some dude pumped her and still left her regardless of her qt. And doesn't even give a fuck about the son according to her profile.

This. Roosh mentioned the same thing recently. What bothers me is that we'll never stop Pajeets from giving these whores even unwanted attention as they have no impulse control. So the cycle will go on unless we come up with better systems.

kike spotted

BTW her profile says shes from Watford in the UK so you can hunt her down if that's your thing.

>shitskins fighting over shades of shit

Listen retard. Men have a biological drive to fuck hot chicks. That's never going away. If you don't have it, that means your brain doesn't work properly.

So you can either be a betacuck and spend money on women or actually learn how to fucking interact with people and fuck girls after an hour of meeting them. Turn the tables. Don't be the chaser.

kek she's been premined

im proud of you user

fuck that boipussi, these fags are just jealous because even guys wont fuck them

>implying we straight men consider fags men
Haha. The AIDS will hit you hard enough, I don't need to.

Aw, who hurt you sweetie?

whatever, a dog wouldnt fuck you


Pussy is like a washing machine.
Everyone wants a Maytag Neptune in stainless steel.
most settle for the Roper that's on sale at Lowes.
They all start to leak after about 15 years.

Sexuality is 100% tied to gender. That's why all gay people are actually closet trannies. Gayness doesn't exist.
This explains why gays tend to be feminine

I have already fucked and had children though. Unlike you, gay nigger faggot.

This is the sort of mentality that = you to a beta male. I treat women like shit, for some reason they want me more when j do that. You should try it