
respectfully bumping this thread.

>on biz

I’m not done accumulating tho.

Can you please post this image in the discord?


Good coin, comes with a free keylogger.

Does this shit have any chance of hitting 1$? Or 0.1$?

You guys have made some solid progress over the last month. Congrats.


I'm not sure. I am just an artist that was commissioned $400 to make this advert and post it here. Seems like a cool project though.


Green ID and dubs, nice

Buy this coin to support your local POS whale guys!

Turtle coin is PoW not PoS

TRTL hits the right spot!

I joined ur fag discord grp

only to realize it's a PnD shill scum shitclub

see screenshot

i swear they're all tards.

wow. i think this is the most hq image i have ever seen on biz

Oh dear he does not know anyone with a 4K monitor?
Surely you have a graphics card?


why do you think it's a PnD?

because you guys are horrible at shilling/advertising your shitty coin.

If you don't think it's a PnD, you're getting fucked over. Keep on being the slave pajeet you are.


>you're getting fucked over
what if I literally just mined my TRTLS and it didn't even make a dent in my electricity bill?

then your machine crashes and burns for no reason. it would hate you in the afterlife for killing it in such a dishonorable way.

take your meds east coast faggot

go for it
make sure to crash this pathetic coin

keep pumping and dumping a shitcoin u inbred trans

i don't even know what a "pajeet" is. I'm at work right now and the contract say to make and post this then bump the thread 10 times. How am i a slave if someone from the Turtle Community paid me 400 USD to make this?

Jesus christ this scam is non stop posted. Its just as bad as UFR/BazingaCoin/Bot scams.

DO NOT buy this scam coin unless you like losing all your money.

A) The wallet has a keylogger embedded in it
B) 80% of the coins supply is owned by 4 people
C) They made it a privacy coin so they could quietly dump it on you over time
D) They handed out free TRTLs so pajeets would shill for them. That's why this shit gets spammed non stop by streetshitters every day here.

Pic related, its the creator talking about shilling the fucking thing to biz

basically, if u buy this shit with all these red flags. u fkn dumb brah

at least join their discord first and see the shit they do

Proof of keylogger?

too late, they know

The keylogger thing is bullshit but the rest is likely true.

The blue whales hold maybe 30% combined of the supply. Using numbers from a week ago, its had like 20% of its supply in volume trading every day since then so who knows anymore.

how much is this shit worth atm i mined like 2mil weeks ago and forgot

4.5 billion current supply.

Mkid alone holds 850-950 million (AS he admitted).

So that's 1 person with around 20% and he's not even one of the main devs.

don't forget their mascot, TurtleMarine. fkn fag shills this shit like clockwork prolly has just as much or more.

desu, I think they just coordinate PnDs in their itty bitty circlejerking sessions.

its sad cuz they shill it on biz, and poor souls believe them, so they move btc to their scam exchange (which the devs own, according to biz), and then their money never leaves...

fucking inhuman

he said he has 700 mill which he has spent 15btc for. The devs have stated they have no where near as much as him they have a couple hundred mill each maybe so like 1.2 mill total for the 3 biggest whales putting it at 30%.

I've moved thousands in and out of trade ogre, also turtle marine is banned from the discord he's literally the only person outcast from the community for trying to organize shill campaigns and pnds

But it's not like at all.

Turtle marine you need to give it a break. It's just a friendly chat. Please stop being autistic, it's getting sad man

uhuh ofc, you, an obvy active member of the turtle club would have no problems. why would the feast on their own? you're part of the Ponzi

yeah, the guy seems like he got "ousted" all right. That's why he's sucking so much turtle dick, right? Cuz he got banned? That's what people who get banned do, right?

You do know none of that is true right?
And yeah lol the entire concept or the coin was to be spread via word of mouth and memes with 0 budget.

Fuck you are stupid.

What can I tell you man, go on the discord and check he got banned hard and he went nuts. Theres screen shots and everything he has a problem.

Lol do you actually believe that. This is pre-mined then shilled so that the dev and his friends can make bank and abandon it.

point me to where, in writing, it says that. that the devs weren't planning on spending on marketing because they had this philosophy that their scamcoin should only be spread by word of mouth

Because this is what it says on their official website. you fuckin liar

What premine, there was a biz thread the day of the genesis block, I remember seeing threads in dec and early jan I just thought it was a scamcoin then so I didnt start mining till it was a tad later.

Again also not true, please stop getting rumors from children.

Tradeogre is a brand new exchange and existed before turtle. The coin was listed on it without the devs consent he has non stop cautioned everyone to be careful with using on it. At points outright telling people "please please be careful"

This FUD is so bad. Also mined it too because it was broadly shared on Veeky Forums but it seems there's salty children who didn't catch the ride

Did you even read the site? The there's an entire entry about how he was drinking with a friend who bet him he couldn't make a successful coin with little to no budget.

I'm on mobile right now but Christ reading is easy.

So the entire aim was to use a pajeet army with the promise of 500 free TRTLs?

Nice. It is completely true. You can see messages from mkid himself saying he owns 850 mil of the total supply. That's ONE GUY. The lead dev owns at least 500 mil. Cod owns at least 500 mil. out of the 4.5 bill TRTLs at least 4 bill of them are owned by 6 people or so.

Why the fuck are you trying to lie to people? To shill your shitcoin?

right here from that same site./ market partners != marketing partners.

Lol, if you got in early you could have mined millions in a day just like with DOGE.

Sorry you missed the threads buddy.

The lead dev has stated he doesnt own anywhere near as much as mkid (who invested 15 btc into trtl) since he constantly gives them away ect ect.

Please go home turtle marine. You seem very upset my guy.


It has a chance of hitting 0.1 yes. Community behind it is strong.

Anything is possible but please don’t count on a $1 any time soon.

lol their own discord group has proof of mass ownership of the coins.

and the fag devs contradict themselves saying 0 budget, but we're going to get market partners and get listed on an exchang for more exposure


It's funny, whenever you prove the fud wrong the FUDDER just dissapears because he knows he's lying and got called out.

Every time.


Yea the dev paid for trade satoshi out of pocket.

Proved wrong? You literally just wrote "please go home". You didn't prove anything wrong.

As stated, this coin is an absolute scam and no one is stupid enough to fall for it.

A) Pre-mined
B) Unaudited code and likely contains various backdoors
C) Privacy coin to hide dumping
D) "free trtls if you shill!"

I've literally provided screenshots of the CREATOR organising his shill campaigns.

If anyone loses their money in this then it's their own fault really.

There was no ico to raise funds there was no donations for it, he just paid for it.

Sure, 0 budget is an exaggeration but the point was to say that most coins have way too much put in advertising, the point is to do this with minimal wasted money and no extravagant promises


Sure. It's gathering a ton of pajeets together to spam biz with a fucking joke coin. It's worse than fucking bazingacoin.

>pay pajeets 500 TRTLs
>tell them to shill so their 500 TRTLs are worth something
>dump your own 500 mill TRTLs

Backtracking on your comments already? You pajeets are fucking obvious.

Ok again yes you have been proved wrong.

Veeky Forums has an archive, feel free to search for the turtle threads in early December when it was announced.

It's on GitHub code is completely open source and uses the XMR miner

Minimal budget was part of it's mission.

Go home.

Nope no one's backtracking homie, this is too easy. Get some better fake fud my guy

No one gets paid to shill. Why would you bother shilling for 500 coins when theres a faucet to get similar ammounts?

So you've moved on now to say the shilling is just part of the "minimal budget" (a.k.a pajeet) marketing campaign?

That seems like a good approach, unironically.

If the value increases enough they’ll have an incentive to keep developing it.

If it, it will die the death of a shitcoin. Giving a bunch of people free virtual money so they shill for you seems like a win win.

It’s like a very very early stage startup giving people stock options. You have no idea if the contract is worth the cost of the ink. One of mine options 100x, one 0x. It happens.

Because thats the whole point. If you get free coins then you go and shill it to make them worth something. Shill your worthless token because then once they're worth $5 you can live like a king and use a toilet.

no one gets paid to shill, there is 0 reward for shilling we constantly tell people to not shill its said like 5 times a day.

>incentive to keep developing it

There has never been an intention to develop it. Just keep the price rising steadily and slowly offload their bags so they're rich and can retire.

Do you never wonder - WHY IS A JOKE COIN A PRIVACY COIN?

SO you're saying that pajeet indians have no reason to try make their free faucet TRTLs worth $5?

Nah, privacy coins are cool hip thing in 2018.

Look man you seem very upset. I'm Pappa John's pizza in the discord if you ever need me my guy.

Good luck

Yet the screenshots show the dev actually asking people to shill it. .. .

i unironically believe this is one of the safest bets in the current shit bear market

and why does a privacy coin need "market partners" this dude is saying it's not "marketing" but "market" to serve customers?

like think about it. You have a privacy coin to keep things private. exactly what kind of market partners would you need? Dark web Deep web? This isn't something that's acceptable in mainstream business.

the whole thing is a hypocrisy

Because it’s a marketing angle?

Just shilling yet another BTC fork or ERC20 doesn’t give them a lot of room to differentiate themselves. There are other privacy coins but it’s not quite as saturated as the rest of the market.

That said you could be absolutely right! I just don’t see conclusive evidence. I do believe it started as a “lol let’s make a coin”, but when things catch on there is absolutely an incentive to commit. You think people who drive a coin to 100x aren’t going to want 1000x?

Some will be happy with 100x and move, some will be all the more excited to keep pushing.

It being open source helps a lot.

Yeah and? Posting threads trying to get people to join in with little to no promise or incentive is totally cool by me.

Stop being upset

Because the privacy aspect is LITERALLY so you can't see its a massive fucking pre-mine dump scam. There is no other god damn reason for it.

Market partners could literally be markets ie exchanges especially since that phrase is followed by a commitment to be on one exchange by Q2 something they're way ahead on.

Except privacy there's always the privacy reason you say it like privacy has no reason to exist other than to dump coins.

It's YOU. J/T :D I recognize

It was never premined.

You repeating this over and over with some weird mental model of privacy coins doesn't make this any more true

>with some weird mental model
somebody just post one of his FUD screenshots where he forgot to crop out his bookmarks for two pharmacies where he gets his meds to keep his brainproblems in check

Yes because a coin designed as a meme coin definitely needs privacy. God forbid someone tracks your TRTL flows.

Fucking hell you could literally not have more of an obvious scam and these pajeets are literally managing to fool people.

Pretty hardcore FUD, guess there's FUD for everything.

Been in the discord for a month or so and mining the whole time, doesn't really get more legit than this for a fun community coin.

Why wouldn't I want privacy for privacy sake? Why does it matter if it's a big coin or a little coin? It doesnt.

Idk why you are fudding a wholesome community that really hasn't promised anything

Its much better to visit digibyte.io

Because you non-stop spam your scammy fucking coin on here to try to get people to invest who will lose their hard earned money just so you can earn $5 to buy a toilet.

agreed! this is going to the moon. everybody on board for easy 100x.

Turtle is king

Turtle is the comfiest coin in this sea of red

>Yes because a coin designed as a meme coin definitely needs privacy
Bitcoin was a meme coin back when it had little to no value
>why would I need magic internet money when I can pay with real money?

Anyone mining turtle with a cloud service?