Do you have a plan?

What is your plan biztards for this crash?

Im thinking about selling everything to fiat, wait a little, and but back more, when crash ends. Is this good idea when I am like 20% down in last 24 hours? Or should I just hodl? I want to maximize my gains bros, and I assume that you guys too, so lets share some good recovery plans to survive this storm.

Hold for fucks sake man.

Nobody in his right mind will tell you how you steal his possible gains. Go kill yourself normie

Veeky Forums is filled with weakhanded fags I swear I lost 100k in January and keep in my I work for 600€/month still comfy af

i'm already on the darkweb building my stack of coke, molly, and dabs.
i'll build my stack of fiat to the fucking mooooooon

If maybe few people will use your idea of possible gains, are you fucked in the ass that much by sharing your idea fag?

keep in mind*

If you sell now don't buy in again before the next crash in 2019.

It's too late for that. Should have cashed out 1-2 weeks ago :(

Just Bunker down and hodl.

Me and my buddy are going to buy a van a start a small moving/delivery bussiness.

All in fiat and wait for normies to get burned and buy back in when there is uptrend.


all my alts are red af, zero fucks given. easy come easy desu

They will catch on later. Shilling is for poor fags

its not even a crash
go look at chars over the last couple months. It was just a couple weeks ago on Jan 17th BTC hit 9.2k and by Jan 20th, three days later, it was back at 13k

shit bounces up and down by 25-30% weekly. It's a bear market right now but this is by no means the end or even a major crash.

Just hold, you're likely not intelligent or skilled enough to time the market correctly. You'll sell it all trying to "buy back more later" and instead, the minute after you sell things will start climbing back up, but you'll wait, thinking "ah it'll fall again" but it won't immediately, it'll keep going back up, then panic will start to set in when you have no holdings, so you'll pay more than you sold for (BUY HIGH, SELL LOW) and then next year you'll be one of those faggots posting shit like, "i dont believe anyone on biz is actually rich", "i'll never make it", "I started with $3k but I'm only at $7k, I don't believe you guys who claim you started with $3k but are worth $500k" and it'll be your own fucking fault for falling for this FUD instead of just holding

Thanks man. Ill just buy more.

okay, you keep on holding. btw, I have some doge coins left, interested? $ 0.08 for you coiner, special price

OK everybody.
It's called an investment.
That means you put your money into something and wait for it t go up, then take it out.
Just do the same thing you did last year and sit on your hands.
You weren't here last year?
Well then.
Post tits or GTFO.

We're about to hit sub-$9, and you still don't have a plan?

>Use ETH as hedge
>Short BTC
>Cash out to fiat

There's your options. Plain and simple. I'm opting for the first two.

worked well for me so far
>QTUM at $9
>ETH at $220
>COSS at $0.06
>0x at $0.10
>KNC at $0.70
>LINK at $0.12

I just hold everything through it all, I don't give a fuck. Ya, I could try to exit/enter market constantly shifting everything into Tether or fiat and trying to swing trade the movements all day, but I know I'm probably not good enough to do it successfully over long periods of time, I'd end up making mistakes. Trying to time the market is almost always wrong for 99.999% of people



Im all in in alts from the beginning.

I sold my xmr when it hit 370 and I've been feeling smug ever since

Probably should have thought out a strategy for when BTC eventually shit the bed.

BTC is $8800 on GDAX now. $7k is an absolute certainty now. This is when the panic starts.

The plan is not to have a plan. You either go down with the ship or get rich off this if/when it rebounds.

If you believe in cryptocurrency and aren't a newfag, literally just stop worrying about it. Don't check Veeky Forums more than once a day. Don't check Blockfolio at all. Wait until March to assess your gains/losses if you really want to pull out of the market.

You will induce more stress and anxiety and probably lose more by trying to arbitrage in this bear market. Just embrace it and don't worry. Be the Chad you want to be.

If you didn't already cash out between $14-19k just hold. You'd be selling at a massive loss most likely. I'm down 30% from my ATH but I'm not touching shit because I'm still up 3x from my initial investment. This is a long game - the market will recover. If you can survive this shit you can survive anything. This also strengthens your will for the inevitable stock market crash that we're sorely overdue for.

I have 0 shares in BTC, all in into alts. I started early so im also like 3x at the moment but I was just wondering if I can do something to minimize my loses from ATH during this dip.

Anyway, Ill just hold, and maybe accumulate more.

Just going to put it all into poker and either boom or bust, most likely bust as the only players nowadays are autists that play each hand down to a science.



to post pink wojaks on Veeky Forums

its going to zero dumbass. enjoy your perma bags

Would've been a good idea if you sold in mid January at 15k Bitcoin, instead you'll be selling the bottom and if you're lucky enough it might rebound the second you sell and get rekt for the spring bull run

yeah buy high sell low

do it